path: root/lib
diff options
authorJesse Luehrs <>2010-06-12 18:14:59 -0500
committerJesse Luehrs <>2010-06-12 18:14:59 -0500
commitc40ff0964a7c2c19fbad0da5324caf15c247d458 (patch)
treeee67c300191a5c162024263cfd953e16c2ceaeb0 /lib
parent494955c5df4c5a6310117cbc99f3389ee8a66ebd (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Pod/Weaver/Section/ b/lib/Pod/Weaver/Section/
index f3f63e6..469a396 100644
--- a/lib/Pod/Weaver/Section/
+++ b/lib/Pod/Weaver/Section/
@@ -6,6 +6,27 @@ with 'Pod::Weaver::Role::Section';
use Text::Template 'fill_in_file';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # weaver.ini
+ [Template / SUPPORT]
+ template = ~/.dzil/pod_templates/support.section
+ main_module_only = 1
+This plugin generates a pod section based on the contents of a template file.
+The template is parsed using L<Text::Template>, and is then interpreted as pod.
+When parsing the template, any options specified in the plugin configuration
+which aren't configuration options for this plugin will be provided as
+variables for the template. Also, if this is being run as part of a
+L<Dist::Zilla> build process, the values of all of the attributes on the
+C<zilla> object will be available as variables, and the additional variable
+C<$main_module_name> will be defined as the module name for the C<main_module>
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
subtype 'PWST::File',
@@ -18,6 +39,12 @@ coerce 'PWST::File',
no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+=attr template
+The file to be run through Text::Template and added as a pod section. Required.
has template => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'PWST::File',
@@ -25,12 +52,26 @@ has template => (
coerce => 1,
+=attr header
+The section header. Defaults to the plugin name.
has header => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
default => sub { shift->plugin_name },
+=attr main_module_only
+If L<Pod::Weaver> is being run through L<Dist::Zilla>, this option determines
+whether to add the section to each module in the distribution, or to just the
+distribution's main module. Defaults to false.
has main_module_only => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Bool',
@@ -139,4 +180,12 @@ sub weave_section {
no Moose;
+=head1 SEE ALSO