path: root/lib/Reaction/InterfaceModel
diff options
authormatthewt <matthewt@03d0b0b2-0e1a-0410-a411-fdb2f4bd65d7>2008-03-11 04:37:14 +0000
committermatthewt <matthewt@03d0b0b2-0e1a-0410-a411-fdb2f4bd65d7>2008-03-11 04:37:14 +0000
commit841351770e59124bf86902c07d9534383a57a991 (patch)
treed0c82c97067b54d8942a37e1191de8ccfbdc056d /lib/Reaction/InterfaceModel
parent881dd5577887267d76437631ccd0f456d56f9d99 (diff)
I have no idea what the reflector changes in the last commit were supposed to be, but they didn't work
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Reaction/InterfaceModel')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Reaction/InterfaceModel/Reflector/DBIC.pm b/lib/Reaction/InterfaceModel/Reflector/DBIC.pm
index 62f93a0..2c34cdf 100644
--- a/lib/Reaction/InterfaceModel/Reflector/DBIC.pm
+++ b/lib/Reaction/InterfaceModel/Reflector/DBIC.pm
@@ -17,15 +17,134 @@ class DBIC, which {
has make_classes_immutable => (isa => "Bool", is => "rw", required => 1, default => sub{ 1 });
- implements create_classes => as {
+ #user defined actions and prototypes
+ has object_actions => (isa => "HashRef", is => "rw", lazy_build => 1);
+ has collection_actions => (isa => "HashRef", is => "rw", lazy_build => 1);
+ #which actions to create by default
+ has default_object_actions => (isa => "ArrayRef", is => "rw", lazy_build => 1);
+ has default_collection_actions => (isa => "ArrayRef", is => "rw", lazy_build => 1);
+ #builtin actions and prototypes
+ has builtin_object_actions => (isa => "HashRef", is => "rw", lazy_build => 1);
+ has builtin_collection_actions => (isa => "HashRef", is => "rw", lazy_build => 1);
+ implements _build_object_actions => as { {} };
+ implements _build_collection_actions => as { {} };
+ implements _build_default_object_actions => as { [ qw/Update Delete/ ] };
+ implements _build_default_collection_actions => as { [ qw/Create DeleteAll/ ] };
+ implements _build_builtin_object_actions => as {
+ {
+ Update => { name => 'Update', base => Update },
+ Delete => { name => 'Delete', base => Delete, attributes => [] },
+ };
+ };
+ implements _build_builtin_collection_actions => as {
+ {
+ Create => {name => 'Create', base => Create },
+ DeleteAll => {name => 'DeleteAll', base => DeleteAll, attributes => [] }
+ };
+ };
+ implements _all_object_actions => as {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->merge_hashes
+ ($self->builtin_object_actions, $self->object_actions);
+ };
+ implements _all_collection_actions => as {
my $self = shift;
- my $packages = $self->packages;
+ return $self->merge_hashes
+ ($self->builtin_collection_actions, $self->collection_actions);
+ };
+ implements dm_name_from_class_name => as {
+ my($self, $class) = @_;
+ confess("wrong arguments") unless $class;
+ $class =~ s/::/_/g;
+ $class = "_" . lc($class) . "_store";
+ return $class;
+ };
+ implements dm_name_from_source_name => as {
+ my($self, $source) = @_;
+ confess("wrong arguments") unless $source;
+ $source =~ s/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/${1}_${2}/g ;
+ $source = "_" . lc($source) . "_store";
+ return $source;
+ };
- while(my($name, $properties) = each %$packages){
- my $base = $properties->{base} || 'Reaction::Object';
- my $meta = $self->_load_or_create($name, $base);
+ implements class_name_from_source_name => as {
+ my ($self, $model_class, $source_name) = @_;
+ confess("wrong arguments") unless $model_class && $source_name;
+ return join "::", $model_class, $source_name;
+ };
+ implements class_name_for_collection_of => as {
+ my ($self, $object_class) = @_;
+ confess("wrong arguments") unless $object_class;
+ return "${object_class}::Collection";
+ };
+ implements merge_hashes => as {
+ my($self, $left, $right) = @_;
+ return Catalyst::Utils::merge_hashes($left, $right);
+ };
+ implements parse_reflect_rules => as {
+ my ($self, $rules, $haystack) = @_;
+ confess('$rules must be an array reference') unless ref $rules eq 'ARRAY';
+ confess('$haystack must be an array reference') unless ref $haystack eq 'ARRAY';
+ my $needles = {};
+ my (@exclude, @include, $global_opts);
+ if(@$rules == 2 && $rules->[0] eq '-exclude'){
+ push(@exclude, (ref $rules->[1] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$rules->[1]} : $rules->[1]));
+ } else {
+ for my $rule ( @$rules ){
+ if (ref $rule eq 'ARRAY' && $rule->[0] eq '-exclude'){
+ push(@exclude, (ref $rule->[1] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$rule->[1]} : $rule->[1]));
+ } elsif( ref $rule eq 'HASH' ){
+ $global_opts = ref $global_opts eq 'HASH' ?
+ $self->merge_hashes($global_opts, $rule) : $rule;
+ } else {
+ push(@include, $rule);
+ }
+ }
+ my $check_exclude = sub{
+ for my $rule (@exclude){
+ return 1 if(ref $rule eq 'Regexp' ? $_[0] =~ /$rule/ : $_[0] eq $rule);
+ }
+ return;
+ };
+ @$haystack = grep { !$check_exclude->($_) } @$haystack;
+ $self->merge_reflect_rules(\@include, $needles, $haystack, $global_opts);
+ return $needles;
+ };
+ implements merge_reflect_rules => as {
+ my ($self, $rules, $needles, $haystack, $local_opts) = @_;
+ for my $rule ( @$rules ){
+ if(!ref $rule && ( grep {$rule eq $_} @$haystack ) ){
+ $needles->{$rule} = defined $needles->{$rule} ?
+ $self->merge_hashes($needles->{$rule}, $local_opts) : $local_opts;
+ } elsif( ref $rule eq 'Regexp' ){
+ for my $match ( grep { /$rule/ } @$haystack ){
+ $needles->{$match} = defined $needles->{$match} ?
+ $self->merge_hashes($needles->{$match}, $local_opts) : $local_opts;
+ }
+ } elsif( ref $rule eq 'ARRAY' ){
+ my $opts;
+ $opts = pop(@$rule) if @$rule > 1 and ref $rule->[$#$rule] eq 'HASH';
+ $opts = $self->merge_hashes($local_opts, $opts) if defined $local_opts;
+ $self->merge_reflect_rules($rule, $needles, $haystack, $opts);
+ }
+ }
implements reflect_schema => as {
@@ -42,7 +161,7 @@ class DBIC, which {
unless($model && $schema);
Class::MOP::load_class( $base );
Class::MOP::load_class( $schema );
+ my $meta = $self->_load_or_create($model, $base);
# sources => undef, #default to qr/./
# sources => [], #default to nothing