path: root/lib/Reaction/UI/Controller/Role/Action/DeleteAll.pm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Reaction/UI/Controller/Role/Action/DeleteAll.pm')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Reaction/UI/Controller/Role/Action/DeleteAll.pm b/lib/Reaction/UI/Controller/Role/Action/DeleteAll.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..797a835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Reaction/UI/Controller/Role/Action/DeleteAll.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+package Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::DeleteAll;
+use Moose::Role -traits => 'MethodAttributes';
+use Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action;
+requires qw/get_collection make_context_closure setup_viewport/;
+sub delete_all :Action :Args(0) {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ my $target = $c->stash->{collection} || $self->get_collection($c);
+ my %vp_args = ( model => $target->action_for('DeleteAll') );
+ if( $self->can('on_delete_all_apply_callback') ){
+ my $apply = sub { $self->on_delete_all_apply_callback( @_) };
+ $vp_args{on_apply_callback} = $self->make_context_closure( $apply );
+ }
+ if( $self->can('on_delete_all_close_callback') ){
+ my $close = sub { $self->on_delete_all_close_callback( @_) };
+ $vp_args{on_close_callback} = $self->make_context_closure( $close );
+ }
+ $self->setup_viewport( $c, \%vp_args );
+around _build_action_viewport_map => sub {
+ my $orig = shift;
+ my $map = shift->$orig( @_ );
+ $map->{delete_all} = 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action';
+ return $map;
+=head1 NAME
+Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::DeleteAll - Delete All action
+Provides a C<delete_all> action, which sets up an L<Action Viewport|Reaction::UI::Viewport::Action>
+by calling C<action_for> on either the object located in the C<collection> slot
+of the C<stash> or on the object returned by the method C<get_collection>.
+=head1 SYNOPSYS
+ package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
+ use base 'Reaction::Controller';
+ use Reaction::Class;
+ with(
+ 'Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::GetCollection',
+ 'Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Simple',
+ 'Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::DeleteAll'
+ );
+ __PACKAGE__->config( action => {
+ delete_all => { Chained => 'base' },
+ } );
+ sub base :Chained('/base') :CaptureArgs(0) {
+ ...
+ }
+ sub on_delete_all_apply_callback{ #optional callback
+ my($self, $c, $vp, $result) = @_;
+ ...
+ }
+ sub on_delete_all_close_callback{ #optional callback
+ my($self, $c, $vp) = @_;
+ ...
+ }
+This role also consumes the following roles:
+=item L<Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Simple>
+The following methods must be provided by the consuming class:
+=item C<get_collection>
+=item C<make_context_closure>
+=head1 ACTIONS
+=head2 delete_all
+Chain endpoint with no args, sets up the viewport with the appropriate action.
+If the methods C<on_delete_all_apply_callback> and C<on_delete_all_close_callback> are
+present in the consuming class, they will be used as callbacks in the viewport.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 _build_action_viewport_map
+Extends to set the C<delete_all> key in the map to L<Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=item L<Reaction::UI::Controller>
+=item L<Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::GetCollection>
+=item L<Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Simple>
+=item L<Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::List>
+=item L<Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::View>
+=item L<Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Object>
+=item L<Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Create>
+=item L<Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Update>
+=item L<Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Delete>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+See L<Reaction::Class> for authors.
+=head1 LICENSE
+See L<Reaction::Class> for the license.