path: root/lib/Reaction/UI/ViewPort/GridView.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Reaction/UI/ViewPort/GridView.pm')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Reaction/UI/ViewPort/GridView.pm b/lib/Reaction/UI/ViewPort/GridView.pm
index 542af62..5691ff1 100644
--- a/lib/Reaction/UI/ViewPort/GridView.pm
+++ b/lib/Reaction/UI/ViewPort/GridView.pm
@@ -2,8 +2,14 @@ package Reaction::UI::ViewPort::GridView;
use Reaction::Class;
-use aliased 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::GridView::Row';
-use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection';
+use aliased 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::DisplayField::Text';
+use aliased 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::DisplayField::Number';
+use aliased 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::DisplayField::Boolean';
+use aliased 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::DisplayField::String';
+use aliased 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::DisplayField::DateTime';
+use aliased 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::DisplayField::RelatedObject';
+use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection' => 'IM_Collection';
class GridView is 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort', which {
@@ -12,38 +18,23 @@ class GridView is 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort', which {
has rows => ( isa => 'ArrayRef', is => 'ro', lazy_build => 1);
has row_args => ( isa => 'HashRef', is => 'ro');
- has collection => (isa => Collection, is => 'ro', required => 1);
- has current_collection => (isa => Collection, is => 'rw', lazy_build => 1);
- implements build_rows => as{
- my $self = shift;
+ has collection => (isa => IM_Collection, is => 'ro', required => 1);
+ has current_collection => (isa => IM_Collection, is => 'rw', lazy_build => 1);
- my (@rows, $i);
- for my $object ( $self->current_collection->members ){
- my $row = Row->new
- (
- ctx => $self->ctx,
- object => $object,
- location => join('-', $self->location, 'row', ++$i),
- column_order => $self->column_order, #XXX clean from ViewPort
- exclude_fields => $self->exclude_columns || [],
- $self->has_row_args ? %{ $self->row_args } : (),
- );
- push(@rows, $row);
- }
- return \@rows;
- };
+ has ordered_columns => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef', lazy_build => 1);
- implements build_column_names => as {
+ implements build_ordered_columns => as {
my ($self) = @_;
my %excluded = map { $_ => undef }
@{ $self->has_exclude_columns ? $self->exclude_columns : [] };
#XXX this abuse of '_im_class' needs to be fixed ASAP
my $object_class = $self->collection->_im_class;
- my @fields = $object_class->meta->compute_all_applicable_attributes;
+ my @fields = $object_class->meta->parameter_attributes;
+ #obviously only get fields with readers.
+ @fields = grep { $_->get_read_method } @fields;
#eliminate excluded fields & treat names that start with an underscore as private
@fields = grep {$_->name !~ /^_/ && !exists $excluded{$_->name} } @fields;
#eliminate fields marked as collections, or fields that are arrayrefs
@fields = grep {
!($_->has_type_constraint &&
@@ -54,14 +45,172 @@ class GridView is 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort', which {
) } @fields;
#order the columns all nice and pretty, and only get fields with readers, duh
- return $self->sort_by_spec
- ( $self->column_order, [ map { (($_->get_read_method) || ()) } @fields] );
+ my $ordered = $self->sort_by_spec
+ ( $self->column_order, [ map { (($_->name) || ()) } @fields] );
+ return $ordered;
implements build_current_collection => as {
+ implements build_column_names => as {
+ my $self = shift;
+ [ map{ join(' ', map{ ucfirst } split('_', $_)) } @{$self->ordered_columns} ];
+ }
+ implements build_rows => as {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my @columns = @{ $self->ordered_columns };
+ my (@rows, $i);
+ my $builders = {};
+ for my $obj ( $self->current_collection->members ) {
+ $i++;
+ my @cells;
+ for my $col (@columns) {
+ my $attr = $obj->meta->find_attribute_by_name($col);
+ my $build_meth = $builders->{$col} ||= $self->build_fields_for($attr);
+ my $loc = join('-', $self->location, 'row', $i, 'field', $attr->name);
+ my $args = {Field => { $attr->name => {location => $loc} } };
+ my $cell = $self->$build_meth($obj, $attr, $args);
+ push(@cells, $cell) if $cell;
+ }
+ push(@rows,\@cells)
+ }
+ return \@rows;
+ };
+ implements build_fields_for => as {
+ my ($self, $attr) = @_;
+ my $attr_name = $attr->name;
+ my $builder = "build_fields_for_name_${attr_name}";
+ return $builder if $self->can($builder);
+ if ($attr->has_type_constraint) {
+ my $constraint = $attr->type_constraint;
+ my $base_name = $constraint->name;
+ my $tried_isa = 0;
+ CONSTRAINT: while (defined($constraint)) {
+ my $name = $constraint->name;
+ if (eval { $name->can('meta') } && !$tried_isa++) {
+ foreach my $class ($name->meta->class_precedence_list) {
+ my $mangled_name = $class;
+ $mangled_name =~ s/:+/_/g;
+ my $builder = "build_fields_for_type_${mangled_name}";
+ return $builder if $self->can($builder);
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($name)) {
+ unless (defined($base_name)) {
+ $base_name = "(anon subtype of ${name})";
+ }
+ my $mangled_name = $name;
+ $mangled_name =~ s/:+/_/g;
+ my $builder = "build_fields_for_type_${mangled_name}";
+ return $builder if $self->can($builder);
+ }
+ $constraint = $constraint->parent;
+ }
+ if (!defined($constraint)) {
+ confess "Can't build field ${attr_name} of type ${base_name} without $builder method or build_fields_for_type_<type> method for type or any supertype";
+ }
+ } else {
+ confess "Can't build field ${attr} without $builder method or type constraint";
+ }
+ };
+ implements build_simple_field => as {
+ my ($self, $class, $obj, $attr, $args) = @_;
+ my $attr_name = $attr->name;
+ my %extra;
+ if (my $config = $args->{Field}{$attr_name}) {
+ %extra = %$config;
+ }
+ return $class->new(
+ object => $obj,
+ attribute => $attr,
+ name => $attr->name,
+ ctx => $self->ctx,
+ %extra
+ );
+ };
+ implements build_fields_for_type_Num => as {
+ my ($self, $obj, $attr, $args) = @_;
+ $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} = 'value/number'
+ unless( exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name} &&
+ exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} &&
+ defined $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout}
+ );
+ return $self->build_simple_field(Number, $obj, $attr, $args);
+ };
+ implements build_fields_for_type_Int => as {
+ my ($self, $obj, $attr, $args) = @_;
+ $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} = 'value/number'
+ unless( exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name} &&
+ exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} &&
+ defined $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout}
+ );
+ return $self->build_simple_field(Number, $obj, $attr, $args);
+ };
+ implements build_fields_for_type_Bool => as {
+ my ($self, $obj, $attr, $args) = @_;
+ $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} = 'value/boolean'
+ unless( exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name} &&
+ exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} &&
+ defined $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout}
+ );
+ return $self->build_simple_field(Boolean, $obj, $attr, $args);
+ };
+ implements build_fields_for_type_Password => as { return };
+ implements build_fields_for_type_Str => as {
+ my ($self, $obj, $attr, $args) = @_;
+ $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} = 'value/string'
+ unless( exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name} &&
+ exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} &&
+ defined $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout}
+ );
+ return $self->build_simple_field(String, $obj, $attr, $args);
+ };
+ implements build_fields_for_type_SimpleStr => as {
+ my ($self, $obj, $attr, $args) = @_;
+ $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} = 'value/string'
+ unless( exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name} &&
+ exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} &&
+ defined $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout}
+ );
+ return $self->build_simple_field(String, $obj, $attr, $args);
+ };
+ implements build_fields_for_type_DateTime => as {
+ my ($self, $obj, $attr, $args) = @_;
+ $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} = 'value/date_time'
+ unless( exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name} &&
+ exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} &&
+ defined $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout}
+ );
+ return $self->build_simple_field(DateTime, $obj, $attr, $args);
+ };
+ implements build_fields_for_type_Enum => as {
+ my ($self, $obj, $attr, $args) = @_;
+ $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} = 'value/string'
+ unless( exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name} &&
+ exists $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout} &&
+ defined $args->{Field}{$attr->name}{layout}
+ );
+ return $self->build_simple_field(String, $obj, $attr, $args);
+ };