This library implements some of the more useful parts of the Test:: and TAP::
namespaces from Perl. Currently, we have:

- a class for writing tests (TestMore, similar to Test::More)
- a TAP generator (tap.TestBuilder, similar to Test::Builder)
- a TAP parser (tap.Parser, similar to TAP::Parser)
- a standalone test harness (harness.TestHarness, similar to Test::Harness)
- a harness which integrates into sbt

More features to come as requested!

This library is on the Maven Central Repository, as the artifact

To use this library with your project, just add these two lines to your

  libraryDependencies += "com.iinteractive" % "scala-test-more_2.10" % "0.03" % "test"

  testFrameworks += new TestFramework("com.iinteractive.test.sbt.Framework")

Further documentation can be found at http://doy.github.com/scala-test-more/.