path: root/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive
diff options
authorJesse Luehrs <doy@tozt.net>2013-03-06 15:32:26 -0600
committerJesse Luehrs <doy@tozt.net>2013-03-06 15:32:26 -0600
commit7efb2caf7d8832a7d3a9d2ac55862e43267a3eb2 (patch)
tree49fcb4d31bec67bcb67c1262abc25c5e5ecb1e51 /src/main/scala/com/iinteractive
parent66bcf3627a38ef58dabaf90b7e597569b91ea3e8 (diff)
move the directory structure too
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/scala/com/iinteractive')
23 files changed, 2042 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/ExternalTest.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/ExternalTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7855aa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/ExternalTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test
+import scala.concurrent.Await
+import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
+import scala.concurrent.Future
+import scala.concurrent.Future._
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+/** Runs an external process which emits TAP, and parses it as a test.
+ *
+ * This test class can be used if you have existing tests that you would like
+ * to be able to include in a test suite using this framework. You just need
+ * to write a test class for each external test that looks like this:
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * class MyTest1 extends ExternalTest("perl", "t/basic.t")
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * This will run your external process, and use its TAP stream as its output.
+ * This will allow it to, for instance, be a part of the test suite that runs
+ * via `sbt test`. As with any other test class, its stdout and stderr will
+ * be sent to `Console.out` and `Console.err`, where they can be overridden
+ * as needed.
+ */
+class ExternalTest (cmdLine: String*) extends Test {
+ protected def runTests (raw: Boolean): Int = {
+ val processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(cmdLine: _*)
+ // Ensure that if stdout and stderr are both pointing to the same place (a
+ // terminal or file or something) that they remain synchronized. This is
+ // only possible if the endpoint they are streaming to is the same place
+ // underneath, with no extra processing in between. (This is safe because
+ // stdout is typically line-buffered, and we only ever output a line at a
+ // time when writing TAP, so in theory, buffering of the underlying file
+ // descriptor shouldn't make a difference here)
+ if (Console.out eq System.out) {
+ processBuilder.redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.INHERIT)
+ }
+ if (Console.err eq System.err) {
+ processBuilder.redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.INHERIT)
+ }
+ val process = processBuilder.start
+ val streams = Seq(
+ Console.out -> process.getInputStream,
+ Console.err -> process.getErrorStream
+ )
+ val listeners = streams.map { case (out, in) =>
+ Future {
+ val buf = new Array[Byte](1024)
+ @tailrec
+ def read {
+ val bytes = in.read(buf)
+ if (bytes >= 0) {
+ out.print(new String(buf.take(bytes)))
+ read
+ }
+ }
+ read
+ true
+ }
+ }
+ val exitCode = process.waitFor
+ Await.ready(Future.sequence(listeners), Duration.Inf)
+ exitCode
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/Test.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/Test.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2161de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/Test.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test
+/** Base trait for test classes in this framework. Any tests that should be
+ * autodiscovered by `sbt test` should extend this trait, and implement
+ * [[runTests]].
+ */
+trait Test {
+ /** Runs the test. The TAP stream will be written to Console.out and
+ * Console.err, so you can swap these out as required in order to parse it.
+ *
+ * @return The exit code that the test produced. Success is indicated by 0,
+ * failure to run the correct number of tests by 255, and any other
+ * failure by the number of tests that failed. This should be used
+ * by reporters which run a single test, which can call
+ * `sys.exit(exitCode)`
+ */
+ def run: Int =
+ runTests(false)
+ /** Runs the test just like [[run]], but in a way that makes sense when test
+ * results are being summarized rather than directly displayed.
+ *
+ * Summarizing test reporters tend to repeatedly update the same line on
+ * the terminal, so this method makes calls to
+ * [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.TestBuilder#diag diag]] (which sends
+ * messages to stderr, where they are typically displayed as-is) prefix the
+ * message with a newline, to ensure that the output starts on its own
+ * line.
+ */
+ def runInHarness: Int =
+ runTests(true)
+ protected def runTests (terminalInUse: Boolean): Int
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/TestMore.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/TestMore.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb5210b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/TestMore.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test
+import scala.util.matching.Regex
+import com.iinteractive.test.tap.TestBuilder
+/** This class is an implementation of the excellent
+ * [[https://metacpan.org/module/Test::More Test::More]] testing library for
+ * Perl. It provides a simple assertion-based testing API, which produces
+ * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_Anything_Protocol TAP]], which can be
+ * parsed by any TAP consumer. This library includes several TAP-consuming
+ * harnesses to use with tests using this class, including one that supports
+ * testing via `sbt test`.
+ *
+ * ==Basics==
+ *
+ * The most basic test looks like this:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * class MyTest extends TestMore {
+ * ok(true)
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * This runs a test containing a single assertion. This will generate a TAP
+ * stream that looks like this:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * ok 1
+ * 1..1
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * which can be parsed by one of the test harnesses provided by this library.
+ *
+ * ==Running tests==
+ *
+ * The simplest way to run tests is through sbt. You can register this
+ * framework with sbt by adding this line to your `build.sbt` file:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * testFrameworks += new TestFramework("com.iinteractive.test.sbt.Framework")
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * Then, any classes in your test directory which extend `TestMore` will be
+ * automatically detected and run.
+ *
+ * ==Assertions==
+ *
+ * This class contains many more assertion methods than just `ok`. Here is a
+ * more extensive example (borrowed from Test::More's documentation):
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * class MyTest extends TestMore {
+ * ok(got == expected, testName)
+ *
+ * is(got, expected, testName)
+ * isnt(got, expected, testName)
+ *
+ * diag("here's what went wrong")
+ *
+ * like(got, """expected""".r, testName)
+ * unlike(got, """expected""".r, testName)
+ *
+ * skip(howMany, why) {
+ * ok(foo(), testName)
+ * is(foo(42), 23, testName)
+ * }
+ *
+ * todo(why) {
+ * ok(foo(), testName)
+ * is(foo(42), 23, testName)
+ * }
+ *
+ * pass(testName)
+ * fail(testName)
+ *
+ * BAIL_OUT(why)
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * The difference between the simple `ok` method and the more specific
+ * methods like `is` and `like` is in how failures are reported. If you write
+ * this:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * ok(1 == 2)
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * the output will look like this:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * not ok 1
+ * # Failed test at MyTest.scala line 4.
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * On the other hand, a more specific assertion such as:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * is(1, 2)
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * will produce more useful output:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * not ok 1
+ * # Failed test at MyTest.scala line 4.
+ * # got: 1
+ * # expected: 2
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * In addition to assertions, there are also several methods which take a
+ * block of code to run, to modify the assertions contained in that block.
+ *
+ * The `todo` method runs tests which are expected to fail. If they do fail,
+ * the failure is reported to the test harness as a normal succeeding test,
+ * and nothing happens. If they succeed, they are still reported as a
+ * succeeding test, but a message is displayed to the user indicating that
+ * the todo indication can be removed.
+ *
+ * The `skip` method takes a block which should not be run at all. This is
+ * similar to `todo`, except that it is useful for tests which could cause
+ * problems if they were to actually run. Since the tests are never run, it's
+ * not possible to count how many tests there should be, so this must be
+ * specified as a parameter.
+ *
+ * The `subtest` method runs a block of assertions as though they were an
+ * entirely separate test, and then reports the result of that test as a
+ * single assertion in the test that called `subtest`.
+ *
+ * ==Test plans==
+ *
+ * Normally, you can run any number of assertions within your class body, and
+ * the framework will assume that if no exceptions were thrown, all of the
+ * assertions that were meant to be run were actually run. Sometimes,
+ * however, that may not be a safe assumption, especially with heavily
+ * callback-driven code. In this case, you can specify exactly how many tests
+ * you intend to run, and the number of tests actually run will be checked
+ * against this at the end. To declare this, give a number to the `TestMore`
+ * constructor:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * class MyTest extends TestMore(5) {
+ * ???
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * In addition, if the entire test should be skipped, you can give a plan of
+ * `SkipAll()`:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * class MyTest extends TestMore(SkipAll()) {
+ * ???
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * ==Extensions==
+ *
+ * These assertion methods are written with the intention of being
+ * composable. You can write your own test methods which call `is` or `ok` on
+ * more specific bits of data. The one issue here is that, as shown above,
+ * test failure messages refer to the file and line where the `is` or `ok`
+ * call was made. If you want this to instead point at the line where your
+ * assertion helper method was called, you can use the `hideTestMethod`
+ * method like this:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * trait MyTestHelpers { this: TestMore =>
+ * def notok (cond: Boolean) = hideTestMethod {
+ * ok(!cond)
+ * }
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * This way, the test failure will be reported from the line where `notok`
+ * was called, not from the call to `ok` in the `notok` method.
+ */
+class TestMore (plan: Plan = NoPlan) extends Test with DelayedInit {
+ def delayedInit (body: => Unit) {
+ testBody = { terminalInUse =>
+ todo = None
+ builder = new TestBuilder(plan, terminalInUse)
+ plan match {
+ case SkipAll(_) => ()
+ case _ => body
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected def runTests (terminalInUse: Boolean): Int = {
+ if (testBody == null) {
+ delayedInit { }
+ }
+ testBody(terminalInUse)
+ builder.doneTesting
+ builder.exitCode
+ }
+ /** Assert that a condition is true.
+ *
+ * @example `ok(response.isSuccess)`
+ */
+ def ok (cond: Boolean): Boolean =
+ test(cond)
+ /** Assert that a condition is true, and describe the assertion.
+ *
+ * @example `ok(response.isSuccess, "the response succeeded")`
+ */
+ def ok (cond: Boolean, desc: String): Boolean =
+ testWithDesc(cond, desc)
+ /** Assert that two objects are equal (using `==`).
+ *
+ * @example `is(response.status, 200)`
+ */
+ def is[T] (got: T, expected: T): Boolean =
+ test(got == expected, isMessage(got, expected))
+ /** Assert that two objects are equal (using `==`), and describe the
+ * assertion.
+ *
+ * @example `is(response.status, 200, "we got a 200 OK response")`
+ */
+ def is[T] (got: T, expected: T, desc: String): Boolean =
+ testWithDesc(got == expected, desc, isMessage(got, expected))
+ /** Assert that two objects are not equal (using `!=`).
+ *
+ * @example `isnt(response.body, "")`
+ */
+ def isnt[T] (got: T, expected: T): Boolean =
+ test(got != expected, isntMessage(got))
+ /** Assert that two objects are not equal (using `!=`), and describe the
+ * assertion.
+ *
+ * @example `isnt(response.body, "", "we got a response body")`
+ */
+ def isnt[T] (got: T, expected: T, desc: String): Boolean =
+ testWithDesc(got != expected, desc, isntMessage(got))
+ /** Assert that a string matches a regular expression.
+ *
+ * @example `like(response.header("Content-Type"), """text/x?html""".r)`
+ */
+ def like (got: String, rx: Regex): Boolean =
+ test(rx.findFirstIn(got).nonEmpty, likeMessage(got, rx))
+ /** Assert that a string matches a regular expression, and describe the
+ * assertion.
+ *
+ * @example `like(response.header("Content-Type"), """text/x?html""".r, "we got an html content type")`
+ */
+ def like (got: String, rx: Regex, desc: String): Boolean =
+ testWithDesc(rx.findFirstIn(got).nonEmpty, desc, likeMessage(got, rx))
+ /** Assert that a string doesn't match a regular expression.
+ *
+ * @example `unlike(response.header("Authorization"), """^Digest.*""".r)`
+ */
+ def unlike (got: String, rx: Regex): Boolean =
+ test(rx.findFirstIn(got).isEmpty, unlikeMessage(got, rx))
+ /** Assert that a string doesn't match a regular expression.
+ *
+ * @example `unlike(response.header("Authorization"), """^Digest.*""".r, "we don't support digest authentication")`
+ */
+ def unlike (got: String, rx: Regex, desc: String): Boolean =
+ testWithDesc(rx.findFirstIn(got).isEmpty, desc, unlikeMessage(got, rx))
+ /** An assertion that always succeeds.
+ *
+ * @example `pass()`
+ */
+ def pass: Boolean =
+ ok(true)
+ /** An assertion that always succeeds, with a reason.
+ *
+ * @example `pass("this line of code should be executed")`
+ */
+ def pass (desc: String): Boolean =
+ ok(true, desc)
+ /** An assertion that always fails.
+ *
+ * @example `fail()`
+ */
+ def fail: Boolean =
+ ok(false)
+ /** An assertion that always fails, with a reason.
+ *
+ * @example `fail("we should never get here")`
+ */
+ def fail (desc: String): Boolean =
+ ok(false, desc)
+ /** Output a comment to `Console.err`. This is intended to be visible to
+ * users even when running the test under a summarizing harness.
+ *
+ * @example `diag("Testing with Scala " + util.Properties.versionString)`
+ */
+ def diag (message: String) {
+ builder.diag(message)
+ }
+ /** Output a comment to `Console.out`. This is intended to only be visible
+ * when viewing the raw TAP stream.
+ *
+ * @example `note("Starting the response tests")`
+ */
+ def note (message: String) {
+ builder.note(message)
+ }
+ /** Halt execution of the entire test suite.
+ *
+ * @example `BAIL_OUT("can't connect to the database!")`
+ */
+ def BAIL_OUT (desc: String) {
+ builder.bailOut(desc)
+ }
+ /** Mark a block of tests as expected to fail. If the tests which run in the
+ * todo block fail, they will not be treated as test failures, and if they
+ * succeed, the user will be notified.
+ *
+ * @example `todo("waiting on fixes elsewhere") { ??? }`
+ */
+ def todo (reason: String)(body: => Unit) {
+ val oldTodo = todo
+ try {
+ todo = Some(reason)
+ body
+ }
+ finally {
+ todo = oldTodo
+ }
+ }
+ /** Mark a block of tests that should not be run at all. They are treated as
+ * always passing.
+ *
+ * @example `skip(3, "too dangerous to run for now") { ??? }`
+ */
+ def skip (count: Int, reason: String)(body: => Unit) {
+ for (i <- 1 to count) {
+ builder.skip(reason)
+ }
+ }
+ /** Declare a logical group of assertions, to be run as a single test. This
+ * is effectively an entirely separate test, which is run, and the result
+ * of that test is reported as a single assertion in the test that contains
+ * it. The subtest can specify its own plan in the same way that the
+ * overall test is allowed to. The name will be used as the description for
+ * the single assertion that the overall test sees.
+ *
+ * @example `subtest("response tests") { ??? }`
+ */
+ def subtest (
+ name: String,
+ plan: Plan = NoPlan
+ )(body: => Unit): Boolean = {
+ val oldBuilder = builder
+ val success = try {
+ builder = oldBuilder.cloneForSubtest(plan)
+ body
+ builder.doneTesting
+ }
+ finally {
+ builder = oldBuilder
+ }
+ ok(success, name)
+ }
+ /** A helper method which should be used to wrap test utility methods.
+ * Normally, when tests fail, a message is printed giving the file and line
+ * number of the call to the test method. If you write your own test
+ * methods, they will typically use the existing methods to generate
+ * assertions, and so the file and line numbers will likely be much less
+ * useful. Wrapping the body of your method in this method will ensure that
+ * the file and line number that is reported is the line where your helper
+ * method is called instead.
+ *
+ * @example `def testFixtures = hideTestMethod { ??? }`
+ */
+ def hideTestMethod[T] (body: => T): T = {
+ // this just adds a method call with a known name to the stack trace, so
+ // that we can detect it later
+ body
+ }
+ private def isMessage[T] (got: T, expected: T): String =
+ " got: '" + got + "'\n" +
+ " expected: '" + expected + "'\n"
+ private def isntMessage[T] (got: T): String =
+ " got: '" + got + "'\n" +
+ " expected: anything else\n"
+ private def likeMessage (got: String, rx: Regex): String =
+ " '" + got + "'\n" +
+ " doesn't match '" + rx + "'\n"
+ private def unlikeMessage (got: String, rx: Regex): String =
+ " '" + got + "'\n" +
+ " matches '" + rx + "'\n"
+ private def testWithDesc (
+ cond: Boolean,
+ desc: String
+ ): Boolean = {
+ todo match {
+ case Some(t) => builder.todo(t, cond, "- " + desc)
+ case None => builder.ok(cond, "- " + desc)
+ }
+ if (!cond) {
+ failed(Some(desc), None)
+ }
+ cond
+ }
+ private def testWithDesc (
+ cond: Boolean,
+ desc: String,
+ reason: => String
+ ): Boolean = {
+ todo match {
+ case Some(t) => builder.todo(t, cond, "- " + desc)
+ case None => builder.ok(cond, "- " + desc)
+ }
+ if (!cond) {
+ failed(Some(desc), Some(reason))
+ }
+ cond
+ }
+ private def test (cond: Boolean): Boolean = {
+ todo match {
+ case Some(t) => builder.todo(t, cond)
+ case None => builder.ok(cond)
+ }
+ if (!cond) {
+ failed(None, None)
+ }
+ cond
+ }
+ private def test (cond: Boolean, reason: => String): Boolean = {
+ todo match {
+ case Some(t) => builder.todo(t, cond)
+ case None => builder.ok(cond)
+ }
+ if (!cond) {
+ failed(None, Some(reason))
+ }
+ cond
+ }
+ private def failed (desc: Option[String], reason: Option[String]) {
+ val stack = Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace.drop(1).filter { frame =>
+ !ignoreFrame(frame)
+ }
+ val idx = stack.lastIndexWhere { frame =>
+ frame.getClassName == "com.iinteractive.test.TestMore" &&
+ frame.getMethodName == "hideTestMethod"
+ }
+ val caller = idx match {
+ case -1 => stack.headOption
+ // one level to jump out of hideTestMethod and one level to jump out of
+ // the method that called hideTestMethod
+ case i => stack.drop(i + 2).headOption
+ }
+ val (file, line) = caller match {
+ case Some(frame) => (frame.getFileName, frame.getLineNumber)
+ case None => ("<unknown file>", "<unknown line>")
+ }
+ val message = " " + (todo match {
+ case Some(_) => "Failed (TODO) test"
+ case None => "Failed test"
+ }) + (desc match {
+ case Some(m) => " '" + m + "'\n "
+ case None => " "
+ })
+ val trace = "at " + file + " line " + line + "."
+ val explanation = message + trace + reason.map("\n" + _).getOrElse("")
+ if (todo.isDefined) {
+ builder.note(explanation)
+ }
+ else {
+ builder.diag(explanation)
+ }
+ }
+ protected def ignoreFrame (frame: StackTraceElement): Boolean = {
+ val className = frame.getClassName
+ val methodName = frame.getMethodName
+ // ignore everything in this class, except the hideTestMethod call which we
+ // use as a stack trace marker
+ (className == "com.iinteractive.test.TestMore" &&
+ methodName != "hideTestMethod") ||
+ // when you call a method in a class when the method is defined in a
+ // trait, it calls a stub which calls the real definition in the trait.
+ // the trait is represented under the hood as a class with the same name
+ // as the trait, except with $class appended. this is a gross reliance on
+ // implementation details that could change at any moment, but i don't
+ // really see any better options.
+ """\$class$""".r.findFirstIn(className).nonEmpty
+ }
+ private var todo: Option[String] = _
+ private var builder: TestBuilder = _
+ private var testBody: Boolean => Unit = _
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/MultiTestReporter.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/MultiTestReporter.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56f32fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/MultiTestReporter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.harness
+/** Classes that implement `MultiTestReporter` are capable of running a group
+ * of test classes, given their names. This typically involves some sort of
+ * summarization.
+ *
+ * @see [[com.iinteractive.test.harness.Reporter Reporter]].
+ */
+trait MultiTestReporter {
+ /** Runs the test classes identifed by the list of fully qualified class
+ * names `testNames`.
+ *
+ * @return The exit code for the harness to use. Will be 0 on success.
+ */
+ def run (testNames: Seq[String]): Int
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/Reporter.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/Reporter.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a47444b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/Reporter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.harness
+/** Classes that implement `Reporter` are capable of running a test class,
+ * given its name.
+ *
+ * @see [[com.iinteractive.test.harness.MultiTestReporter MultiTestReporter]].
+ */
+trait Reporter {
+ /** Runs the test class identifed by the fully qualified class name
+ * `testName`.
+ *
+ * @return The exit code for the harness to use. Will be 0 on success.
+ */
+ def run (testName: String): Int
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/SummarizedTests.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/SummarizedTests.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd555dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/SummarizedTests.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.harness
+import java.io.{PipedInputStream,PipedOutputStream}
+import scala.concurrent.Await
+import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
+import scala.concurrent.Future
+import com.iinteractive.test.tap.{Parser,TAPEvent,TAPResult,TodoDirective}
+import com.iinteractive.test.Test
+/** This is a trait for classes that run tests and summarize the results. It
+ * provides a single `runOneTest` method, which runs a test class and
+ * produces a stream of [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.TAPEvent TAP events]]
+ * which can be used to produce whatever summarized output you need.
+ */
+trait SummarizedTests {
+ /** Runs a single [[com.iinteractive.test.Test test]] instance, calling `cb`
+ * with each [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.TAPEvent TAP event]] as it is
+ * produced.
+ *
+ * @return The overall result of the test instance.
+ */
+ protected def runOneTest (test: Test, cb: TAPEvent => Unit): TAPResult = {
+ val out = new PipedOutputStream
+ val in = new PipedInputStream(out)
+ val testFuture = Future {
+ Console.withOut(out) {
+ test.runInHarness
+ }
+ out.close
+ }
+ val parser = new Parser(cb)
+ val result = parser.parse(in)
+ in.close
+ Await.ready(testFuture, Duration.Inf)
+ result
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/SummaryReporter.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/SummaryReporter.scala
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index 0000000..a5fe1e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/SummaryReporter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.harness
+import com.iinteractive.test.tap.{TAPEvent,TAPResult,TodoDirective}
+import com.iinteractive.test.tap.{StartEvent,ResultEvent,PlanEvent,EndEvent}
+import com.iinteractive.test.Test
+/** Runs a series of tests. The TAP output from these tests is parsed, and
+ * output is produced which is similar in style to Perl's
+ * [[https://metacpan.org/module/Test::Harness Test::Harness]].
+ */
+class SummaryReporter extends MultiTestReporter with SummarizedTests {
+ def run (testNames: Seq[String]): Int = {
+ val results = runTests(testNames)
+ val success = results.values.forall(_.success)
+ printTestSummary(success, results)
+ if (success) 0 else 1
+ }
+ protected def runTests (testNames: Seq[String]): Map[String, TAPResult] = {
+ val maxLength = testNames.map(_.length).max
+ testNames.map { name =>
+ val callbackGenerator: () => TAPEvent => Unit = () => {
+ var width = 0
+ var tests = 0
+ var plan: Option[Int] = None
+ def status = {
+ tests + "/" + plan.getOrElse("?")
+ }
+ def printStatus (st: String) {
+ print("\r" + (" " * width) + "\r")
+ val line =
+ name + " " + ("." * (maxLength - name.length)) + ".. " + st
+ width = line.length
+ print(line)
+ Console.out.flush
+ }
+ (e: TAPEvent) => e match {
+ case StartEvent => {
+ printStatus("")
+ }
+ case PlanEvent(p) => {
+ plan = Some(p.plan)
+ printStatus(status)
+ }
+ case ResultEvent(r) => {
+ tests += 1
+ printStatus(status)
+ }
+ case EndEvent(result) => {
+ if (result.success) {
+ printStatus("")
+ println("ok")
+ }
+ else {
+ val results = result.results.length
+ val failed = result.results.count { t =>
+ !t.passed && !t.directive.isDefined
+ }
+ printStatus("")
+ println("Dubious, test returned " + result.exitCode)
+ println("Failed " + failed + "/" + results + " subtests")
+ }
+ }
+ case _ => ()
+ }
+ }
+ name -> runOneTest(newInstance[Test](name), callbackGenerator())
+ }.toMap
+ }
+ protected def printTestSummary (
+ success: Boolean,
+ results: Map[String, TAPResult]
+ ) {
+ printSuccess(success)
+ printLongSummary(results)
+ printShortSummary(results)
+ printPassFail(success, results)
+ }
+ private def printSuccess (success: Boolean) {
+ if (success) {
+ println("All tests successful.")
+ }
+ }
+ private def printShortSummary (results: Map[String, TAPResult]) {
+ val files = results.size
+ val tests = results.values.map(_.results.length).sum
+ println("Files=" + files + ", Tests=" + tests)
+ }
+ private def printLongSummary (results: Map[String, TAPResult]) {
+ val todoSucceeded = results.mapValues { r =>
+ r.results.filter { t =>
+ t.directive match {
+ case Some(TodoDirective(_)) => t.passed
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ }.filter(_._2.length > 0)
+ val testsFailed = results.mapValues { r =>
+ r.results.filter { t =>
+ t.directive match {
+ case None => !t.passed
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ }.filter(_._2.length > 0)
+ val testNames = (todoSucceeded ++ testsFailed).keys
+ if (testNames.nonEmpty) {
+ println("")
+ println("Test Summary Report")
+ println("-------------------")
+ val maxLength = testNames.map(_.length).max
+ for (name <- testNames) {
+ val result = results(name)
+ println(
+ name + (" " * (maxLength - name.length)) + " " +
+ "(Tests: " + result.results.length + " " +
+ "Failed: " + testsFailed.getOrElse(name, Nil).length + ")"
+ )
+ if (testsFailed.isDefinedAt(name)) {
+ val fails = testsFailed(name)
+ println(
+ " Failed test" + (if (fails.length > 1) "s" else "") + ": " +
+ fails.map(_.number).mkString(", ")
+ )
+ }
+ if (todoSucceeded.isDefinedAt(name)) {
+ val todos = todoSucceeded(name)
+ println(
+ " TODO passed: " +
+ todos.map(_.number).mkString(", ")
+ )
+ }
+ val exitCode = results(name).exitCode
+ if (exitCode != 0) {
+ println(" Non-zero exit status: " + exitCode)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private def printPassFail (
+ success: Boolean,
+ results: Map[String, TAPResult]
+ ) {
+ if (success) {
+ println("Result: PASS")
+ }
+ else {
+ println("Result: FAIL")
+ val testResults = results.values
+ val testsFailed = testResults.map { r =>
+ r.results.count { t =>
+ t.directive match {
+ case None => !t.passed
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ }.filter(_ > 0)
+ val failedFiles = testsFailed.size
+ val failedTests = testsFailed.sum
+ val allFiles = testResults.size
+ val allTests = testResults.map(_.results.length).sum
+ println(
+ "Failed " + failedFiles + "/" + allFiles + " test programs. " +
+ failedTests + "/" + allTests + " subtests failed."
+ )
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/TAPReporter.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/TAPReporter.scala
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index 0000000..8a4dc9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/TAPReporter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.harness
+import com.iinteractive.test.tap
+import com.iinteractive.test.Test
+/** Runs a single test. The TAP stream from that test is written directly to
+ * stdout/stderr.
+ */
+class TAPReporter extends Reporter {
+ def run (testName: String): Int =
+ newInstance[Test](testName).run
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/TestHarness.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/TestHarness.scala
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index 0000000..7b8f4ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/TestHarness.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.harness
+/** This is the entry point to running tests written with this library from
+ * the command line. Note that this library also implements the
+ * [[https://github.com/harrah/test-interface common testing interface]] for
+ * test libraries, so tests should also just work with `sbt test`.
+ *
+ * If this application is run and given just a single test class name, it
+ * will run that test and write its TAP stream to the console.
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * $ scala com.iinteractive.test.harness.TestHarness MyTest
+ * ok 1
+ * ok 2
+ * 1..2
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * If this application is run and given multiple test class names, it will
+ * run each of those tests, and present a summary report, similar to the one
+ * produces by
+ * [[https://metacpan.org/module/Test::Harness Perl's Test::Harness]].
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * $ scala com.iinteractive.test.harness.TestHarness MyTest1 MyTest2
+ * MyTest1 .. ok
+ * MyTest2 .. ok
+ * All tests successful.
+ * Files=2, Tests=4
+ * Result: PASS
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * This application also accepts a few command line options to customize its
+ * behavior:
+ *
+ * - `-r`: Alternative [[com.iinteractive.test.harness.Reporter Reporter]]
+ * class to use for running a single test.
+ * - `-R`: Alternative
+ * [[com.iinteractive.test.harness.MultiTestReporter MultiTestReporter]]
+ * class to use for running a group of tests. Also enables using the
+ * MultiTestReporter for a single test.
+ * - `--help`: Prints usage information.
+ */
+object TestHarness {
+ import com.iinteractive.test.Test
+ /** Entry point for the harness application. */
+ def main (args: Array[String]) {
+ val opts = parseOpts(args.toList)
+ val single = opts("prefer-single").asInstanceOf[Boolean]
+ val exitCode = if (single) {
+ val reporterName = opts("single-reporter").asInstanceOf[String]
+ val testName = opts("test-classes").asInstanceOf[List[String]].apply(0)
+ val reporter = newInstance[Reporter](reporterName)
+ reporter.run(testName)
+ }
+ else {
+ val reporterName = opts("multi-reporter").asInstanceOf[String]
+ val testNames = opts("test-classes").asInstanceOf[List[String]]
+ val reporter = newInstance[MultiTestReporter](reporterName)
+ reporter.run(testNames)
+ }
+ sys.exit(exitCode)
+ }
+ protected def parseOpts (args: List[String]): Map[String, Any] = args match {
+ case Nil => Map(
+ "single-reporter" -> "com.iinteractive.test.harness.TAPReporter",
+ "multi-reporter" -> "com.iinteractive.test.harness.SummaryReporter",
+ "prefer-single" -> true,
+ "test-classes" -> Nil
+ )
+ case "-r" :: singleReporter :: rest =>
+ parseOpts(rest) + ("single-reporter" -> singleReporter)
+ case "-R" :: multiReporter :: rest =>
+ parseOpts(rest) ++ Map(
+ "multi-reporter" -> multiReporter,
+ "prefer-single" -> false
+ )
+ case "--help" :: rest =>
+ usage(0)
+ case `unknownOption` :: rest =>
+ usage(1)
+ case testClass :: rest => {
+ val opts = parseOpts(rest)
+ val tests = opts("test-classes").asInstanceOf[List[String]]
+ opts ++ Map(
+ "test-classes" -> (testClass :: tests),
+ "prefer-single" -> tests.isEmpty
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ protected def usage (exitCode: Int) = {
+ val out = if (exitCode == 0) Console.out else Console.err
+ out.println("harness [-r <single-reporter-class>]\n" +
+ " [-R <multi-reporter-class>]\n" +
+ " [--help]\n" +
+ " <test-class> [<test-class>...]\n")
+ sys.exit(exitCode)
+ }
+ private val unknownOption = """^-.*""".r
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/package.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/package.scala
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+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/harness/package.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test
+/** Classes to handle running test instances and providing output. */
+package object harness {
+ import scala.reflect.{ClassTag,classTag}
+ /** Loads `className`, returning the
+ * [[http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Class.html Class]]
+ * instance.
+ */
+ def loadClass[T: ClassTag] (className: String): Class[_] =
+ classTag[T].runtimeClass.getClassLoader.loadClass(className)
+ /** Loads `className` and creates a new instance of it, using the
+ * no-argument constructor.
+ */
+ def newInstance[T: ClassTag] (className: String): T =
+ loadClass[T](className).newInstance.asInstanceOf[T]
+ /** Loads `className` and creates a new instance of it, using a
+ * one-argument constructor. Passes `arg` as the argument to the
+ * constructor.
+ */
+ def newInstance[T: ClassTag, U <: AnyRef: ClassTag] (
+ className: String,
+ arg: U
+ ): T = {
+ val classObj = loadClass[T](className)
+ val argClassObj = classTag[U].runtimeClass
+ val constructor = classObj.getConstructor(argClassObj)
+ constructor.newInstance(arg).asInstanceOf[T]
+ }
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index 0000000..df077f2
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+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/package.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package com.iinteractive
+/** This library implements several components of Perl's testing ecosystem in
+ * Scala. The most useful place to get started to use this library is likely
+ * [[com.iinteractive.test.TestMore TestMore]].
+ */
+package object test {
+ import language.implicitConversions
+ /** Converts an
+ * [[http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/index.html#scala.Int Int]] to a
+ * [[NumericPlan]].
+ */
+ implicit def intToPlan (p: Int): Plan =
+ NumericPlan(p)
+ /** A test plan. This represents the TAP statement telling how many tests
+ * will be run.
+ */
+ sealed trait Plan {
+ /** How many tests will be run. */
+ val plan: Int
+ /** Whether this test was skipped. It should contain `Some(message)` if
+ * the test is skipped, and `None` otherwise.
+ */
+ val skipAll: Option[String]
+ }
+ /** An explicit plan number. Corresponds to `1..5` in TAP. */
+ case class NumericPlan (plan: Int) extends Plan {
+ /** @inheritdoc
+ *
+ * Always `None` for this class.
+ */
+ val skipAll = None
+ }
+ /** A test which did not declare a plan yet. */
+ case object NoPlan extends Plan {
+ /** @inheritdoc
+ *
+ * Always 0 for this class.
+ */
+ val plan = 0
+ /** @inheritdoc
+ *
+ * Always `None` for this class.
+ */
+ val skipAll = None
+ }
+ /** A test which has declared that the entire test has been skipped.
+ * Corresponds to `1..0 # SKIP [message]` in TAP.
+ */
+ case class SkipAll (message: String) extends Plan {
+ /** @inheritdoc
+ *
+ * Always 0 for this class.
+ */
+ val plan = 0
+ /** @inheritdoc
+ *
+ * Never `None` for this class.
+ */
+ val skipAll = Some(message)
+ }
+ /** Exception thrown when a test bails out. Corresponds to
+ * `Bail out! [message]` in TAP.
+ */
+ case class BailOutException (
+ message: String
+ ) extends RuntimeException(message)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/Fingerprint.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/Fingerprint.scala
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index 0000000..bab13c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/Fingerprint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.sbt
+import org.scalatools.testing
+/** Implementation of
+ * [[http://github.com/harrah/test-interface/blob/master/src/org/scalatools/testing/Fingerprint.java org.scalatools.testing.Fingerprint]].
+ */
+object Fingerprint extends testing.SubclassFingerprint {
+ def isModule: Boolean = false
+ def superClassName: String = "com.iinteractive.test.Test"
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/Framework.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/Framework.scala
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index 0000000..bb3d0bb
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+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/Framework.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.sbt
+import org.scalatools.testing
+/** Implementation of
+ * [[http://github.com/harrah/test-interface/blob/master/src/org/scalatools/testing/Framework.java org.scalatools.testing.Framework]].
+ */
+class Framework extends testing.Framework {
+ val name: String = "Perl8 Test"
+ val tests: Array[testing.Fingerprint] = Array(Fingerprint)
+ def testRunner (
+ testClassLoader: ClassLoader,
+ loggers: Array[testing.Logger]
+ ): testing.Runner = {
+ new Runner(testClassLoader, loggers)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/Runner.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/Runner.scala
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index 0000000..0eee4cf
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+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/Runner.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.sbt
+import org.scalatools.testing
+import com.iinteractive.test.harness.SummaryReporter
+import com.iinteractive.test.Test
+/** Implementation of
+ * [[http://github.com/harrah/test-interface/blob/master/src/org/scalatools/testing/Runner2.java org.scalatools.testing.Runner2]]
+ * using [[com.iinteractive.test.sbt.SBTReporter SBTReporter]].
+ */
+class Runner (
+ loader: ClassLoader,
+ loggers: Array[testing.Logger]
+) extends testing.Runner2 {
+ def run (
+ testClassName: String,
+ fingerprint: testing.Fingerprint,
+ eventHandler: testing.EventHandler,
+ args: Array[String]
+ ) {
+ val reporter = new SBTReporter(loader, loggers, eventHandler)
+ reporter.run(testClassName)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/SBTReporter.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/SBTReporter.scala
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index 0000000..34df60d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/SBTReporter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.sbt
+import org.scalatools.testing
+import com.iinteractive.test.harness.{Reporter,SummarizedTests}
+import com.iinteractive.test.tap.{TAPEvent,ResultEvent,EndEvent}
+import com.iinteractive.test.Test
+/** Runs a single test under the SBT test harness. */
+class SBTReporter (
+ loader: ClassLoader,
+ loggers: Array[testing.Logger],
+ eventHandler: testing.EventHandler
+) extends Reporter with SummarizedTests {
+ def run (testName: String): Int = {
+ val cb = (e: TAPEvent) => e match {
+ case ResultEvent(r) => {
+ val event = new testing.Event {
+ val testName: String = r.description
+ val description: String = r.description
+ val result: testing.Result =
+ if (r.passed) {
+ testing.Result.Success
+ }
+ else if (r.directive.isDefined) {
+ testing.Result.Skipped
+ }
+ else {
+ testing.Result.Failure
+ }
+ val error: Throwable = null
+ }
+ eventHandler.handle(event)
+ }
+ case EndEvent(result) => {
+ val testsPassed = result.success
+ val correctCode = result.exitCode == 0
+ val event = new testing.Event {
+ val testName: String = "exit code is 0"
+ val description: String = "exit code is 0"
+ val result: testing.Result =
+ if (correctCode) {
+ testing.Result.Success
+ }
+ else {
+ testing.Result.Failure
+ }
+ val error: Throwable = null
+ }
+ eventHandler.handle(event)
+ if (testsPassed && correctCode) {
+ logInfo("PASS " + testName)
+ }
+ else {
+ val results = result.results.length
+ val failed = result.results.count { t =>
+ !t.passed && !t.directive.isDefined
+ }
+ val errors = Seq(
+ (if (testsPassed)
+ None
+ else
+ Some("failed " + failed + "/" + results)),
+ (if (correctCode)
+ None
+ else
+ Some("non-zero exit code: " + result.exitCode))
+ ).flatten.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
+ logError("FAIL " + testName + " " + errors)
+ }
+ }
+ case _ => ()
+ }
+ runOneTest(
+ loader.loadClass(testName).newInstance.asInstanceOf[Test],
+ cb
+ ).exitCode
+ }
+ private def logDebug (msg: String) {
+ loggers.foreach(_.debug(msg))
+ }
+ private def logInfo (msg: String) {
+ loggers.foreach(_.info(msg))
+ }
+ private def logWarn (msg: String) {
+ loggers.foreach(_.warn(msg))
+ }
+ private def logError (msg: String) {
+ loggers.foreach(_.error(msg))
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/package.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/package.scala
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index 0000000..eeb1f68
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+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/sbt/package.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test
+/** Classes for interoperating with `sbt test`. */
+package object sbt
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/Consumer.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/Consumer.scala
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index 0000000..09a2f0a
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+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/Consumer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.tap
+import com.iinteractive.test.{Plan,NumericPlan,SkipAll}
+/** Contains a method to parse an individual line of TAP. */
+object Consumer {
+ /** Parses a line of TAP.
+ *
+ * @return A [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.Consumer.Line Line]] object
+ * corresponding to the parsed line.
+ */
+ def parseLine (line: String): Line = {
+ commentRx.findFirstMatchIn(line).map { m =>
+ m.subgroups match {
+ case Seq(indent, text) => new CommentLine(text, indent)
+ }
+ }.getOrElse {
+ planRx.findFirstMatchIn(line).map { m =>
+ m.subgroups match {
+ case Seq(indent, p, null) =>
+ new PlanLine(NumericPlan(p.toInt), indent)
+ case Seq(indent, _, skip) =>
+ new PlanLine(SkipAll(skip), indent)
+ }
+ }.getOrElse {
+ resultRx.findFirstMatchIn(line).map { m =>
+ val indent = m.group(1)
+ val passed = m.group(2) == null
+ val number = m.group(3).toInt
+ val description = m.group(4) match {
+ case null => ""
+ case s => s.trim
+ }
+ val directive = (m.group(5), m.group(6)) match {
+ case (null, null) => None
+ case (d, r) => {
+ val reason = if (r == null) "" else r
+ """(?i:skip)""".r.findFirstIn(d) match {
+ case Some(_) => Some(new SkipDirective(Some(reason)))
+ case None => Some(new TodoDirective(Some(reason)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val result = new TestResult(
+ passed,
+ number,
+ description,
+ directive,
+ None
+ )
+ new ResultLine(result, indent)
+ }.getOrElse {
+ throw ParseException("Couldn't parse line: " + line)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** The representation of a parsed line of TAP. */
+ sealed trait Line {
+ /** The meaningful portion of the TAP line. */
+ def contents: String
+ /** The indentation of the TAP line (used in subtests). */
+ def indent: String
+ /** The line itself that was parsed. */
+ override def toString: String =
+ indent + contents
+ }
+ /** A parsed TAP line containing a comment.
+ *
+ * @param text The text of the comment (not including the `#`).
+ */
+ case class CommentLine private[Consumer] (
+ text: String,
+ indent: String
+ ) extends Line {
+ def contents = "# " + text
+ }
+ /** A parsed TAP line containing a test plan.
+ *
+ * @param plan The [[com.iinteractive.test.Plan Plan]] that this line
+ * represents.
+ */
+ case class PlanLine private[Consumer] (
+ plan: Plan,
+ indent: String
+ ) extends Line {
+ def contents = {
+ val count = plan.plan
+ val comment = plan match {
+ case SkipAll(m) => " # SKIP " + m
+ case _ => ""
+ }
+ indent + "1.." + count + comment
+ }
+ }
+ /** A parsed TAP line containing a test result.
+ *
+ * @param result The [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.TestResult TestResult]]
+ * that this line represents.
+ */
+ case class ResultLine private[Consumer] (
+ result: TestResult,
+ indent: String
+ ) extends Line {
+ def contents = {
+ val success = (if (result.passed) "ok" else "not ok") + " "
+ val number = result.number + " "
+ val description = result.description match {
+ case "" => ""
+ case s => s + " "
+ }
+ val directive = result.directive.map { d =>
+ d match {
+ case TodoDirective(m) => "# TODO " + m
+ case SkipDirective(m) => "# skip " + m
+ }
+ }.getOrElse("")
+ indent + success + number + description + directive
+ }
+ }
+ private val commentRx = """^(\s*)#\s*(.*)""".r
+ private val planRx = """^(\s*)1..(\d+)\s*(?:# SKIP (.*))?""".r
+ private val resultRx =
+ """^(\s*)(not )?ok (\d+)\s*([^#]+)?(?:#\s*(?i:(skip|todo))\s+(.*))?""".r
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/Parser.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/Parser.scala
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index 0000000..7bc44d3
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+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/Parser.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.tap
+import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream,InputStream,OutputStream}
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.io.Source
+import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
+import scala.util.parsing.input.{Position,Reader}
+import com.iinteractive.test.Plan
+import com.iinteractive.test.tap.Consumer._
+/** This class parses a TAP stream. It can either parse it all at once (from a
+ * string), or it can be used as a streaming parser, where TAP events are
+ * emitted through a given callback.
+ */
+class Parser private (
+ cb: TAPEvent => Unit,
+ indent: String
+) {
+ /** Creates a parser instance.
+ * @param cb The event handler callback. It will be called after each
+ * meaningful line of TAP, with a
+ * [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.TAPEvent TAPEvent]] instance
+ * representing the event that was just parsed.
+ */
+ def this (cb: TAPEvent => Unit = e => ()) =
+ this(cb, "")
+ private def this (indent: String) =
+ this(e => (), indent)
+ /** Parses TAP from an input stream. This variant will actually parse lines
+ * as they are available to read from the input stream, so this can be used
+ * as a streaming parser.
+ */
+ def parse (input: InputStream): TAPResult = {
+ import parser._
+ cb(StartEvent)
+ tap(new LineReader(input)) match {
+ case Success(result, _) => {
+ cb(EndEvent(result))
+ result
+ }
+ case failure: NoSuccess => throw new ParseException(failure.msg)
+ }
+ }
+ /** Parses TAP contained in a string. This isn't useful for incremental
+ * parsing, because the entire input string must be created before
+ * parsing can begin.
+ */
+ def parse (input: String): TAPResult =
+ parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes))
+ /** Parses TAP from an output stream.
+ *
+ * @todo Doesn't currently work as a streaming parser, since it just
+ * collects the entire output as a string and feeds it to the parser
+ * for strings. This could likely be improved.
+ */
+ def parse (input: OutputStream): TAPResult =
+ parse(input.toString)
+ private val parser = new TAPParser(cb, indent)
+ private class TAPParser (
+ cb: TAPEvent => Unit,
+ indent: String
+ ) extends Parsers {
+ type Elem = Line
+ def tap: Parser[TAPResult] =
+ planFirst | planLast
+ private def planFirst: Parser[TAPResult] =
+ plan ~ rep(result) ^^ { case plan ~ results =>
+ new TAPResult(plan, results)
+ }
+ private def planLast: Parser[TAPResult] =
+ rep(result) ~ plan ^^ { case results ~ plan =>
+ new TAPResult(plan, results)
+ }
+ private def plan: Parser[Plan] =
+ planLine ^^ { p =>
+ cb(PlanEvent(p.plan))
+ p.plan
+ }
+ private def result: Parser[TestResult] =
+ simpleResult | subtestResult
+ private def simpleResult: Parser[TestResult] =
+ resultLine ^^ { r =>
+ cb(ResultEvent(r.result))
+ r.result
+ }
+ private def subtestResult: Parser[TestResult] =
+ subtest ~ simpleResult ^^ { case subtest ~ simpleResult =>
+ new TestResult(
+ simpleResult.passed,
+ simpleResult.number,
+ simpleResult.description,
+ simpleResult.directive,
+ Some(subtest)
+ )
+ }
+ private def subtest: Parser[TAPResult] =
+ LineParser("subtest") { in =>
+ // can't just return the result directly, because it's of a different
+ // type (the path dependent type associated with the new Parser
+ // instance we create here, rather than the path dependent type
+ // associated with this)
+ val subParser = new TAPParser(
+ e => (),
+ in.first.indent
+ )
+ subParser.tap(in) match {
+ case subParser.Success(p, rest) => Success(p, rest)
+ case subParser.Failure(m, rest) => Failure(m, rest)
+ case subParser.Error(m, rest) => Error(m, rest)
+ }
+ }
+ private def planLine: Parser[PlanLine] = LineParser("plan") { in =>
+ val line = in.first
+ if (line.indent == indent) {
+ line match {
+ case p: PlanLine =>
+ Success(p, in.rest)
+ case _ =>
+ Failure("Plan line expected, but '" + line + "' found", in)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Failure(
+ "Plan line expected, but " +
+ "'" + line + "' has incorrect indentation",
+ in
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ private def resultLine: Parser[ResultLine] = LineParser("result") { in =>
+ val line = in.first
+ if (line.indent == indent) {
+ line match {
+ case p: ResultLine =>
+ Success(p, in.rest)
+ case _ =>
+ Failure("Result line expected, but '" + line + "' found", in)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Failure(
+ "Result line expected, but " +
+ "'" + line + "' has incorrect indentation",
+ in
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ private def LineParser[T] (lineType: String)(
+ body: Input => ParseResult[T]
+ ): Parser[T] = Parser { in =>
+ if (in.atEnd) {
+ Failure(lineType + " line expected, but end of input found", in)
+ }
+ else {
+ body(in)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private class LineReader (
+ in: Iterator[Char],
+ lineNum: Int
+ ) extends Reader[Line] {
+ def this (in: InputStream) =
+ this(Source.fromInputStream(in), 1)
+ def atEnd: Boolean =
+ nextLine.isEmpty
+ def first: Line =
+ nextLine.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("read from empty input"))
+ lazy val pos =
+ new LinePosition(lineNum, nextLine.map(_.toString).getOrElse(""))
+ lazy val rest: Reader[Line] =
+ new LineReader(remainingStream, lineNum + 1)
+ private def nextLine: Option[Line] =
+ state._1
+ private def remainingStream: Iterator[Char] =
+ state._2
+ private lazy val state: (Option[Line], Iterator[Char]) =
+ readNextLine(in)
+ @tailrec
+ private def readNextLine (
+ stream: Iterator[Char]
+ ): (Option[Line], Iterator[Char]) = {
+ if (stream.hasNext) {
+ val (line, rest) = stream.span(_ != '\n') match {
+ case (l, r) => (parseLine(l.mkString), r.drop(1))
+ }
+ line match {
+ case _: CommentLine => readNextLine(rest)
+ case other => (Some(other), rest)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ (None, in)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private case class LinePosition (
+ line: Int,
+ lineContents: String
+ ) extends Position {
+ def column: Int = 1
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/Producer.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/Producer.scala
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index 0000000..3ed8d7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/Producer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.tap
+/** Contains functions for producing individual lines of TAP. */
+object Producer {
+ import com.iinteractive.test.Plan
+ /** Returns a test result.
+ *
+ * @example `ok 4`
+ */
+ def result (cond: Boolean, num: Int): String =
+ (if (cond) "ok " else "not ok ") + num
+ /** Returns a test result that contains a description.
+ *
+ * @example `ok 28 - our test succeeded`
+ */
+ def result (cond: Boolean, num: Int, desc: String): String =
+ result(cond, num) + " " + desc
+ /** Returns a todo test result.
+ *
+ * @example `not ok 1 # TODO this doesn't work yet`
+ */
+ def todoResult (cond: Boolean, num: Int, todo: String): String =
+ result(cond, num) + " # TODO " + todo
+ /** Returns a todo test result that contains a description.
+ *
+ * @example `not ok 18 - test the feature # TODO can't figure this out`
+ */
+ def todoResult (cond: Boolean, num: Int, desc: String, todo: String): String =
+ result(cond, num, desc) + " # TODO " + todo
+ /** Returns a skipped test result with a reason.
+ *
+ * @example `ok 4 # skip this test won't run here`
+ */
+ def skip (num: Int, reason: String): String =
+ "ok " + num + " # skip " + reason
+ /** Returns a comment.
+ *
+ * @example `# this is a comment`
+ */
+ def comment (message: String): String =
+ message.split("\n").map(m => "# " + m).mkString("\n")
+ /** Returns a test plan.
+ *
+ * @example `1..5` ([[com.iinteractive.test.NumericPlan NumericPlan]])
+ * @example `1..0 # SKIP don't run this test` ([[com.iinteractive.test.SkipAll SkipAll]])
+ */
+ def plan (plan: Plan): String =
+ plan.skipAll.map(m => "1..0 # SKIP " + m).getOrElse("1.." + plan.plan)
+ /** Returns a bail out with a reason.
+ *
+ * @example `Bail out! Not supported on this platform.`
+ */
+ def bailOut (message: String): String =
+ "Bail out! " + message
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/TAPEvent.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/TAPEvent.scala
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index 0000000..1c2e88d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/TAPEvent.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.tap
+import com.iinteractive.test.Plan
+/** An event emitted while parsing a TAP stream. */
+sealed trait TAPEvent
+/** The start of a TAP stream. */
+case object StartEvent extends TAPEvent
+/** The end of a TAP stream.
+ * @param result The [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.TAPResult TAPResult]]
+ * containing information about all of the tests which just
+ * finished running. This will be the same thing that is
+ * returned by the call to
+ * [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.Parser Parser]]'s `parse`
+ * method.
+ */
+case class EndEvent private[tap] (result: TAPResult) extends TAPEvent
+/** An individual test result.
+ * @param result The [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.TestResult TestResult]]
+ * containing information about the corresponding test.
+ */
+case class ResultEvent private[tap] (result: TestResult) extends TAPEvent
+/** A test plan.
+ * @param plan The [[com.iinteractive.test.Plan Plan]] corresponding to the
+ * line that was parsed.
+ */
+case class PlanEvent private[tap] (plan: Plan) extends TAPEvent
+/** The start of a subtest (currently unused). */
+case object SubtestStartEvent extends TAPEvent
+/** The end of a subtest (currently unused). */
+case class SubtestEndEvent private[tap] (result: TestResult) extends TAPEvent
+/** A comment (currently unused). */
+case class CommentEvent private[tap] (text: String) extends TAPEvent
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/TAPResult.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/TAPResult.scala
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index 0000000..c3c4926
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+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/TAPResult.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.tap
+import com.iinteractive.test.{Plan,NumericPlan,SkipAll}
+/** The summarized results of a TAP stream. Contains the
+ * [[com.iinteractive.test.Plan Plan]] that was given, as well as a list of
+ * [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.TestResult TestResults]] corresponding to each
+ * of the tests in the stream.
+ *
+ * @param plan The [[com.iinteractive.test.Plan Plan]] from the TAP stream
+ * @param results The list of
+ * [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.TestResult TestResults]] from
+ * the TAP stream
+ */
+class TAPResult (val plan: Plan, val results: Seq[TestResult]) {
+ /** Returns true if the number of tests executed was compatible with the
+ * provided test plan.
+ */
+ val matchesPlan = plan match {
+ case NumericPlan(n) => results.length == n
+ case _ => results.length == 0
+ }
+ /** Returns the number of test failures in the TAP stream. */
+ val fails = results.count { r =>
+ !r.passed && !r.directive.isDefined
+ }
+ /** Returns true if all of the tests passed. */
+ val testsPassed = fails == 0
+ /** Returns true if the TAP stream overall passed.
+ *
+ * Differs from `testsPassed` in that it also takes into account things
+ * like invalid plans.
+ */
+ val success = plan match {
+ case SkipAll(_) => true
+ case _ => results.length > 0 && fails == 0 && matchesPlan
+ }
+ /** Returns the exit code to use if running this test on its own.
+ *
+ * Success is indicated by 0, invalid TAP streams (such as incorrect plans)
+ * by 255, and other kinds of failures by the failure count.
+ */
+ val exitCode =
+ if (success) {
+ 0
+ }
+ else if (!matchesPlan || results.length == 0) {
+ 255
+ }
+ else {
+ fails
+ }
+/** The result of a single test.
+ *
+ * @param passed True if the test passed
+ * @param number The test number in the TAP stream
+ * @param description The test description
+ * @param directive The [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.Directive Directive]]
+ * (either skip or todo) that was provided for this test,
+ * if any
+ * @param subtest The [[com.iinteractive.test.tap.TAPResult]] for the
+ * subtest that this test corresponds to, if any
+ */
+class TestResult (
+ val passed: Boolean,
+ val number: Int,
+ val description: String,
+ val directive: Option[Directive],
+ val subtest: Option[TAPResult]
+/** A modifier associated with a test result. This is indicated by a `#` at
+ * the end of the result line, followed by the type of directive, and an
+ * optional message.
+ */
+sealed trait Directive {
+ val message: Option[String]
+/** A directive indicating that this test was skipped. */
+case class SkipDirective private[tap] (
+ message: Option[String]
+) extends Directive
+/** A directive indicating that this test is known to fail. */
+case class TodoDirective private[tap] (
+ message: Option[String]
+) extends Directive
diff --git a/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/TestBuilder.scala b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/TestBuilder.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62fdf02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/TestBuilder.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test.tap
+import com.iinteractive.test._
+/** This class provides a convenient yet low level API for generating TAP
+ * streams. Each instance of this class handles a single TAP stream, and
+ * keeps track of things like the current test number for you. All
+ * TAP-producing methods write the TAP lines to `Console.out` or
+ * `Console.err`, so you can override those (via `Console.withOut` or
+ * `Console.withErr`).
+ */
+class TestBuilder private (
+ plan: Plan,
+ indent: String,
+ terminalInUse: Boolean
+) {
+ plan match {
+ case NoPlan => ()
+ case p => outLine(Producer.plan(p))
+ }
+ /** Creates a new builder instance, and emits the corresponding plan line,
+ * unless the plan is not given.
+ *
+ * @param plan [[com.iinteractive.test.Plan plan]] for this test.
+ * @param terminalInUse Whether this test is being run from a harness which
+ * will not just be writing directly to the output.
+ * This will make things written to `Console.err` have
+ * a newline prepended, so that they always start on
+ * an empty line.
+ */
+ def this (plan: Plan = NoPlan, terminalInUse: Boolean = false) =
+ this(plan, "", terminalInUse)
+ /** Create a new TestBuilder instance, to be used to run a subtest. This new
+ * instance will have all of its lines prefixed by an additional level of
+ * indentation. This instance will still need to have `doneTesting`
+ * called on it, and the result of the subtest will still need to be
+ * reported as a separate test result through `ok`.
+ */
+ def cloneForSubtest (newPlan: Plan): TestBuilder =
+ new TestBuilder(newPlan, indent + " ", terminalInUse)
+ /** Reports a single test result to `Console.out`. */
+ def ok (test: Boolean) {
+ state.ok(test)
+ outLine(Producer.result(test, state.currentTest))
+ }
+ /** Reports a single test result with description to `Console.out`. */
+ def ok (test: Boolean, description: String) {
+ state.ok(test)
+ outLine(Producer.result(test, state.currentTest, description))
+ }
+ /** Reports a single TODO test result to `Console.out`. */
+ def todo (todo: String, test: Boolean) {
+ state.ok(true)
+ outLine(Producer.todoResult(test, state.currentTest, todo))
+ }
+ /** Reports a single TODO test result with description to `Console.out`. */
+ def todo (todo: String, test: Boolean, description: String) {
+ state.ok(true)
+ outLine(Producer.todoResult(test, state.currentTest, description, todo))
+ }
+ /** Reports a single skipped test result to `Console.out`. */
+ def skip (reason: String) {
+ state.ok(true)
+ outLine(Producer.skip(state.currentTest, reason))
+ }
+ /** Writes a comment line to `Console.err`. This will allow it to be
+ * visible in most summarizing harnesses (which consume and parse
+ * everything that goes to `Console.out`).
+ */
+ def diag (message: String) {
+ errLine(Producer.comment(message))
+ }
+ /** Write a comment line to `Console.out`. This will typically only be
+ * visible in the raw TAP stream.
+ */
+ def note (message: String) {
+ outLine(Producer.comment(message))
+ }
+ /** Abort the current test, with a message. */
+ def bailOut (message: String) {
+ val bailOutMessage = Producer.bailOut(message)
+ outLine(bailOutMessage)
+ throw new BailOutException(bailOutMessage)
+ }
+ /** Finalize the current builder instance. This writes the auto-calculated
+ * plan to `Console.out` if the plan type was `NoPlan` and reports a
+ * summary of the test results as a comment to `Console.err`.
+ *
+ * @return whether or not the test class as a whole passed.
+ */
+ def doneTesting: Boolean = {
+ plan match {
+ case NumericPlan(_) => printErrors
+ case SkipAll(_) => ()
+ case NoPlan => {
+ outLine(Producer.plan(state.currentTest))
+ printErrors
+ }
+ }
+ state.isPassing
+ }
+ /** The exit code to use, in harnesses that run a single test. Passing tests
+ * return 0, invalid tests (such as running a different number of tests
+ * than planned) return 255, and all others return the number of failed
+ * tests.
+ */
+ def exitCode: Int =
+ if (state.isPassing) {
+ 0
+ }
+ else if (!state.matchesPlan || state.currentTest == 0) {
+ 255
+ }
+ else {
+ state.failCount
+ }
+ private def printErrors {
+ if (!state.matchesPlan) {
+ val planCount = (plan match {
+ case NoPlan => state.currentTest
+ case p => p.plan
+ })
+ val planned = planCount + " test" + (if (planCount > 1) "s" else "")
+ val ran = state.currentTest
+ diag("Looks like you planned " + planned + " but ran " + ran + ".")
+ }
+ if (state.currentTest == 0) {
+ diag("No tests run!")
+ }
+ if (state.failCount > 0) {
+ val count = state.failCount
+ val fails = count + " test" + (if (count > 1) "s" else "")
+ val total =
+ state.currentTest + (if (state.matchesPlan) "" else " run")
+ diag("Looks like you failed " + fails + " of " + total + ".")
+ }
+ }
+ private val state = new TestState
+ private def outLine (str: String) {
+ Console.out.println(withIndent(str))
+ }
+ private def errLine (str: String) {
+ if (terminalInUse) {
+ Console.err.print("\n")
+ }
+ Console.err.println(withIndent(str))
+ }
+ private def withIndent (str: String): String =
+ str.split("\n").map(s => indent + s).mkString("\n")
+ private class TestState {
+ var passCount = 0
+ var failCount = 0
+ def ok (cond: Boolean) {
+ if (cond) {
+ passCount += 1
+ }
+ else {
+ failCount += 1
+ }
+ }
+ def currentTest: Int =
+ failCount + passCount
+ def matchesPlan: Boolean = plan match {
+ case NumericPlan(p) => p.plan == currentTest
+ case _ => true
+ }
+ def isPassing: Boolean = plan match {
+ case SkipAll(_) => true
+ case _ => currentTest > 0 && failCount == 0 && matchesPlan
+ }
+ }
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index 0000000..312f996
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+++ b/src/main/scala/com/iinteractive/test/tap/package.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package com.iinteractive.test
+/** Classes for TAP generation and parsing. */
+package object tap {
+ /** Exception representing an error during parsing. It is thrown when a TAP
+ * line isn't recognized.
+ */
+ case class ParseException (message: String) extends RuntimeException(message)