path: root/src/main/scala/org/perl8/test/TestMore.scala
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authorJesse Luehrs <doy@tozt.net>2013-03-06 15:32:26 -0600
committerJesse Luehrs <doy@tozt.net>2013-03-06 15:32:26 -0600
commit7efb2caf7d8832a7d3a9d2ac55862e43267a3eb2 (patch)
tree49fcb4d31bec67bcb67c1262abc25c5e5ecb1e51 /src/main/scala/org/perl8/test/TestMore.scala
parent66bcf3627a38ef58dabaf90b7e597569b91ea3e8 (diff)
move the directory structure too
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/scala/org/perl8/test/TestMore.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 519 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/org/perl8/test/TestMore.scala b/src/main/scala/org/perl8/test/TestMore.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index eb5210b..0000000
--- a/src/main/scala/org/perl8/test/TestMore.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
-package com.iinteractive.test
-import scala.util.matching.Regex
-import com.iinteractive.test.tap.TestBuilder
-/** This class is an implementation of the excellent
- * [[https://metacpan.org/module/Test::More Test::More]] testing library for
- * Perl. It provides a simple assertion-based testing API, which produces
- * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_Anything_Protocol TAP]], which can be
- * parsed by any TAP consumer. This library includes several TAP-consuming
- * harnesses to use with tests using this class, including one that supports
- * testing via `sbt test`.
- *
- * ==Basics==
- *
- * The most basic test looks like this:
- *
- * <pre>
- * class MyTest extends TestMore {
- * ok(true)
- * }
- * </pre>
- *
- * This runs a test containing a single assertion. This will generate a TAP
- * stream that looks like this:
- *
- * <pre>
- * ok 1
- * 1..1
- * </pre>
- *
- * which can be parsed by one of the test harnesses provided by this library.
- *
- * ==Running tests==
- *
- * The simplest way to run tests is through sbt. You can register this
- * framework with sbt by adding this line to your `build.sbt` file:
- *
- * <pre>
- * testFrameworks += new TestFramework("com.iinteractive.test.sbt.Framework")
- * </pre>
- *
- * Then, any classes in your test directory which extend `TestMore` will be
- * automatically detected and run.
- *
- * ==Assertions==
- *
- * This class contains many more assertion methods than just `ok`. Here is a
- * more extensive example (borrowed from Test::More's documentation):
- *
- * <pre>
- * class MyTest extends TestMore {
- * ok(got == expected, testName)
- *
- * is(got, expected, testName)
- * isnt(got, expected, testName)
- *
- * diag("here's what went wrong")
- *
- * like(got, """expected""".r, testName)
- * unlike(got, """expected""".r, testName)
- *
- * skip(howMany, why) {
- * ok(foo(), testName)
- * is(foo(42), 23, testName)
- * }
- *
- * todo(why) {
- * ok(foo(), testName)
- * is(foo(42), 23, testName)
- * }
- *
- * pass(testName)
- * fail(testName)
- *
- * BAIL_OUT(why)
- * }
- * </pre>
- *
- * The difference between the simple `ok` method and the more specific
- * methods like `is` and `like` is in how failures are reported. If you write
- * this:
- *
- * <pre>
- * ok(1 == 2)
- * </pre>
- *
- * the output will look like this:
- *
- * <pre>
- * not ok 1
- * # Failed test at MyTest.scala line 4.
- * </pre>
- *
- * On the other hand, a more specific assertion such as:
- *
- * <pre>
- * is(1, 2)
- * </pre>
- *
- * will produce more useful output:
- *
- * <pre>
- * not ok 1
- * # Failed test at MyTest.scala line 4.
- * # got: 1
- * # expected: 2
- * </pre>
- *
- * In addition to assertions, there are also several methods which take a
- * block of code to run, to modify the assertions contained in that block.
- *
- * The `todo` method runs tests which are expected to fail. If they do fail,
- * the failure is reported to the test harness as a normal succeeding test,
- * and nothing happens. If they succeed, they are still reported as a
- * succeeding test, but a message is displayed to the user indicating that
- * the todo indication can be removed.
- *
- * The `skip` method takes a block which should not be run at all. This is
- * similar to `todo`, except that it is useful for tests which could cause
- * problems if they were to actually run. Since the tests are never run, it's
- * not possible to count how many tests there should be, so this must be
- * specified as a parameter.
- *
- * The `subtest` method runs a block of assertions as though they were an
- * entirely separate test, and then reports the result of that test as a
- * single assertion in the test that called `subtest`.
- *
- * ==Test plans==
- *
- * Normally, you can run any number of assertions within your class body, and
- * the framework will assume that if no exceptions were thrown, all of the
- * assertions that were meant to be run were actually run. Sometimes,
- * however, that may not be a safe assumption, especially with heavily
- * callback-driven code. In this case, you can specify exactly how many tests
- * you intend to run, and the number of tests actually run will be checked
- * against this at the end. To declare this, give a number to the `TestMore`
- * constructor:
- *
- * <pre>
- * class MyTest extends TestMore(5) {
- * ???
- * }
- * </pre>
- *
- * In addition, if the entire test should be skipped, you can give a plan of
- * `SkipAll()`:
- *
- * <pre>
- * class MyTest extends TestMore(SkipAll()) {
- * ???
- * }
- * </pre>
- *
- * ==Extensions==
- *
- * These assertion methods are written with the intention of being
- * composable. You can write your own test methods which call `is` or `ok` on
- * more specific bits of data. The one issue here is that, as shown above,
- * test failure messages refer to the file and line where the `is` or `ok`
- * call was made. If you want this to instead point at the line where your
- * assertion helper method was called, you can use the `hideTestMethod`
- * method like this:
- *
- * <pre>
- * trait MyTestHelpers { this: TestMore =>
- * def notok (cond: Boolean) = hideTestMethod {
- * ok(!cond)
- * }
- * }
- * </pre>
- *
- * This way, the test failure will be reported from the line where `notok`
- * was called, not from the call to `ok` in the `notok` method.
- */
-class TestMore (plan: Plan = NoPlan) extends Test with DelayedInit {
- def delayedInit (body: => Unit) {
- testBody = { terminalInUse =>
- todo = None
- builder = new TestBuilder(plan, terminalInUse)
- plan match {
- case SkipAll(_) => ()
- case _ => body
- }
- }
- }
- protected def runTests (terminalInUse: Boolean): Int = {
- if (testBody == null) {
- delayedInit { }
- }
- testBody(terminalInUse)
- builder.doneTesting
- builder.exitCode
- }
- /** Assert that a condition is true.
- *
- * @example `ok(response.isSuccess)`
- */
- def ok (cond: Boolean): Boolean =
- test(cond)
- /** Assert that a condition is true, and describe the assertion.
- *
- * @example `ok(response.isSuccess, "the response succeeded")`
- */
- def ok (cond: Boolean, desc: String): Boolean =
- testWithDesc(cond, desc)
- /** Assert that two objects are equal (using `==`).
- *
- * @example `is(response.status, 200)`
- */
- def is[T] (got: T, expected: T): Boolean =
- test(got == expected, isMessage(got, expected))
- /** Assert that two objects are equal (using `==`), and describe the
- * assertion.
- *
- * @example `is(response.status, 200, "we got a 200 OK response")`
- */
- def is[T] (got: T, expected: T, desc: String): Boolean =
- testWithDesc(got == expected, desc, isMessage(got, expected))
- /** Assert that two objects are not equal (using `!=`).
- *
- * @example `isnt(response.body, "")`
- */
- def isnt[T] (got: T, expected: T): Boolean =
- test(got != expected, isntMessage(got))
- /** Assert that two objects are not equal (using `!=`), and describe the
- * assertion.
- *
- * @example `isnt(response.body, "", "we got a response body")`
- */
- def isnt[T] (got: T, expected: T, desc: String): Boolean =
- testWithDesc(got != expected, desc, isntMessage(got))
- /** Assert that a string matches a regular expression.
- *
- * @example `like(response.header("Content-Type"), """text/x?html""".r)`
- */
- def like (got: String, rx: Regex): Boolean =
- test(rx.findFirstIn(got).nonEmpty, likeMessage(got, rx))
- /** Assert that a string matches a regular expression, and describe the
- * assertion.
- *
- * @example `like(response.header("Content-Type"), """text/x?html""".r, "we got an html content type")`
- */
- def like (got: String, rx: Regex, desc: String): Boolean =
- testWithDesc(rx.findFirstIn(got).nonEmpty, desc, likeMessage(got, rx))
- /** Assert that a string doesn't match a regular expression.
- *
- * @example `unlike(response.header("Authorization"), """^Digest.*""".r)`
- */
- def unlike (got: String, rx: Regex): Boolean =
- test(rx.findFirstIn(got).isEmpty, unlikeMessage(got, rx))
- /** Assert that a string doesn't match a regular expression.
- *
- * @example `unlike(response.header("Authorization"), """^Digest.*""".r, "we don't support digest authentication")`
- */
- def unlike (got: String, rx: Regex, desc: String): Boolean =
- testWithDesc(rx.findFirstIn(got).isEmpty, desc, unlikeMessage(got, rx))
- /** An assertion that always succeeds.
- *
- * @example `pass()`
- */
- def pass: Boolean =
- ok(true)
- /** An assertion that always succeeds, with a reason.
- *
- * @example `pass("this line of code should be executed")`
- */
- def pass (desc: String): Boolean =
- ok(true, desc)
- /** An assertion that always fails.
- *
- * @example `fail()`
- */
- def fail: Boolean =
- ok(false)
- /** An assertion that always fails, with a reason.
- *
- * @example `fail("we should never get here")`
- */
- def fail (desc: String): Boolean =
- ok(false, desc)
- /** Output a comment to `Console.err`. This is intended to be visible to
- * users even when running the test under a summarizing harness.
- *
- * @example `diag("Testing with Scala " + util.Properties.versionString)`
- */
- def diag (message: String) {
- builder.diag(message)
- }
- /** Output a comment to `Console.out`. This is intended to only be visible
- * when viewing the raw TAP stream.
- *
- * @example `note("Starting the response tests")`
- */
- def note (message: String) {
- builder.note(message)
- }
- /** Halt execution of the entire test suite.
- *
- * @example `BAIL_OUT("can't connect to the database!")`
- */
- def BAIL_OUT (desc: String) {
- builder.bailOut(desc)
- }
- /** Mark a block of tests as expected to fail. If the tests which run in the
- * todo block fail, they will not be treated as test failures, and if they
- * succeed, the user will be notified.
- *
- * @example `todo("waiting on fixes elsewhere") { ??? }`
- */
- def todo (reason: String)(body: => Unit) {
- val oldTodo = todo
- try {
- todo = Some(reason)
- body
- }
- finally {
- todo = oldTodo
- }
- }
- /** Mark a block of tests that should not be run at all. They are treated as
- * always passing.
- *
- * @example `skip(3, "too dangerous to run for now") { ??? }`
- */
- def skip (count: Int, reason: String)(body: => Unit) {
- for (i <- 1 to count) {
- builder.skip(reason)
- }
- }
- /** Declare a logical group of assertions, to be run as a single test. This
- * is effectively an entirely separate test, which is run, and the result
- * of that test is reported as a single assertion in the test that contains
- * it. The subtest can specify its own plan in the same way that the
- * overall test is allowed to. The name will be used as the description for
- * the single assertion that the overall test sees.
- *
- * @example `subtest("response tests") { ??? }`
- */
- def subtest (
- name: String,
- plan: Plan = NoPlan
- )(body: => Unit): Boolean = {
- val oldBuilder = builder
- val success = try {
- builder = oldBuilder.cloneForSubtest(plan)
- body
- builder.doneTesting
- }
- finally {
- builder = oldBuilder
- }
- ok(success, name)
- }
- /** A helper method which should be used to wrap test utility methods.
- * Normally, when tests fail, a message is printed giving the file and line
- * number of the call to the test method. If you write your own test
- * methods, they will typically use the existing methods to generate
- * assertions, and so the file and line numbers will likely be much less
- * useful. Wrapping the body of your method in this method will ensure that
- * the file and line number that is reported is the line where your helper
- * method is called instead.
- *
- * @example `def testFixtures = hideTestMethod { ??? }`
- */
- def hideTestMethod[T] (body: => T): T = {
- // this just adds a method call with a known name to the stack trace, so
- // that we can detect it later
- body
- }
- private def isMessage[T] (got: T, expected: T): String =
- " got: '" + got + "'\n" +
- " expected: '" + expected + "'\n"
- private def isntMessage[T] (got: T): String =
- " got: '" + got + "'\n" +
- " expected: anything else\n"
- private def likeMessage (got: String, rx: Regex): String =
- " '" + got + "'\n" +
- " doesn't match '" + rx + "'\n"
- private def unlikeMessage (got: String, rx: Regex): String =
- " '" + got + "'\n" +
- " matches '" + rx + "'\n"
- private def testWithDesc (
- cond: Boolean,
- desc: String
- ): Boolean = {
- todo match {
- case Some(t) => builder.todo(t, cond, "- " + desc)
- case None => builder.ok(cond, "- " + desc)
- }
- if (!cond) {
- failed(Some(desc), None)
- }
- cond
- }
- private def testWithDesc (
- cond: Boolean,
- desc: String,
- reason: => String
- ): Boolean = {
- todo match {
- case Some(t) => builder.todo(t, cond, "- " + desc)
- case None => builder.ok(cond, "- " + desc)
- }
- if (!cond) {
- failed(Some(desc), Some(reason))
- }
- cond
- }
- private def test (cond: Boolean): Boolean = {
- todo match {
- case Some(t) => builder.todo(t, cond)
- case None => builder.ok(cond)
- }
- if (!cond) {
- failed(None, None)
- }
- cond
- }
- private def test (cond: Boolean, reason: => String): Boolean = {
- todo match {
- case Some(t) => builder.todo(t, cond)
- case None => builder.ok(cond)
- }
- if (!cond) {
- failed(None, Some(reason))
- }
- cond
- }
- private def failed (desc: Option[String], reason: Option[String]) {
- val stack = Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace.drop(1).filter { frame =>
- !ignoreFrame(frame)
- }
- val idx = stack.lastIndexWhere { frame =>
- frame.getClassName == "com.iinteractive.test.TestMore" &&
- frame.getMethodName == "hideTestMethod"
- }
- val caller = idx match {
- case -1 => stack.headOption
- // one level to jump out of hideTestMethod and one level to jump out of
- // the method that called hideTestMethod
- case i => stack.drop(i + 2).headOption
- }
- val (file, line) = caller match {
- case Some(frame) => (frame.getFileName, frame.getLineNumber)
- case None => ("<unknown file>", "<unknown line>")
- }
- val message = " " + (todo match {
- case Some(_) => "Failed (TODO) test"
- case None => "Failed test"
- }) + (desc match {
- case Some(m) => " '" + m + "'\n "
- case None => " "
- })
- val trace = "at " + file + " line " + line + "."
- val explanation = message + trace + reason.map("\n" + _).getOrElse("")
- if (todo.isDefined) {
- builder.note(explanation)
- }
- else {
- builder.diag(explanation)
- }
- }
- protected def ignoreFrame (frame: StackTraceElement): Boolean = {
- val className = frame.getClassName
- val methodName = frame.getMethodName
- // ignore everything in this class, except the hideTestMethod call which we
- // use as a stack trace marker
- (className == "com.iinteractive.test.TestMore" &&
- methodName != "hideTestMethod") ||
- // when you call a method in a class when the method is defined in a
- // trait, it calls a stub which calls the real definition in the trait.
- // the trait is represented under the hood as a class with the same name
- // as the trait, except with $class appended. this is a gross reliance on
- // implementation details that could change at any moment, but i don't
- // really see any better options.
- """\$class$""".r.findFirstIn(className).nonEmpty
- }
- private var todo: Option[String] = _
- private var builder: TestBuilder = _
- private var testBody: Boolean => Unit = _