path: root/src/main
diff options
authorJesse Luehrs <doy@tozt.net>2013-02-26 17:49:38 -0600
committerJesse Luehrs <doy@tozt.net>2013-02-26 17:49:38 -0600
commite661f534fd941e3bbaa3ba597ea30452ca4a23c3 (patch)
tree13111ada865128cb70a6acf895ef2f28268e1c23 /src/main
parentf4506b747bcc0fee03ccc6aa2abda02d3c6ff3ee (diff)
rewrite the tap parser
this parser is line based, which should make the top level logic easier to understand (although it does push some hairy stuff down to the bottom that i still need to clean up). it also should be able to be easily modified to work as a streaming parser, although i haven't tried to do that yet.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/org/perl8/test/tap/Consumer.scala b/src/main/scala/org/perl8/test/tap/Consumer.scala
index 8d64503..0ad74fb 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/org/perl8/test/tap/Consumer.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/org/perl8/test/tap/Consumer.scala
@@ -1,123 +1,352 @@
package org.perl8.test.tap
-import org.perl8.test._
+import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream,InputStream,OutputStream}
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
+import scala.util.parsing.input.{Position,Reader}
+import org.perl8.test.{Plan,NumericPlan,SkipAll}
object Consumer {
- import java.io.OutputStream
- import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
+ def parse (input: InputStream, cb: TAPEvent => Unit): TAPResult =
+ consumer(cb).parse(input)
+ def parse (input: InputStream): TAPResult =
+ consumer().parse(input)
+ def parse (input: String, cb: TAPEvent => Unit): TAPResult =
+ consumer(cb).parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes))
+ def parse (input: String): TAPResult =
+ consumer().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes))
+ // XXX should be able to make a streaming input stream out of this
+ def parse (input: OutputStream, cb: TAPEvent => Unit): TAPResult =
+ consumer(cb).parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.toString.getBytes))
+ def parse (input: OutputStream): TAPResult =
+ consumer().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.toString.getBytes))
+ private def consumer (cb: TAPEvent => Unit = e => ()) =
+ new Consumer(cb)
- def parse (input: String): TAPResult = {
- import TAPParser.{parseAll,tap,Success,NoSuccess}
+class Consumer (cb: TAPEvent => Unit) {
+ def parse (input: InputStream): TAPResult = {
+ import TAPParser.{tap,Success,NoSuccess}
- parseAll(tap(), input) match {
+ tap(new LineReader(input)) match {
case Success(result, _) => result
case failure: NoSuccess => throw new ParseException(failure.msg)
- def parse (input: OutputStream): TAPResult =
- parse(input.toString)
+ private object TAPParser extends Parsers {
+ type Elem = Line
+ def tap: Parser[TAPResult] =
+ planFirst | planLast
- private object TAPParser extends RegexParsers {
- def tap (indent: String = ""): Parser[TAPResult] =
- planFirst(indent) | planLast(indent)
+ private def planFirst: Parser[TAPResult] =
+ plan ~ rep(result) ^^ { case plan ~ results =>
+ new TAPResult(plan, results)
+ }
- def planFirst (indent: String): Parser[TAPResult] =
- (line(plan, indent) ~ rep(line(result(indent), indent))) ^^ {
- case plan ~ results => new TAPResult(plan, results)
+ private def planLast: Parser[TAPResult] =
+ rep(result) ~ plan ^^ { case results ~ plan =>
+ new TAPResult(plan, results)
- def planLast (indent: String): Parser[TAPResult] =
- (rep(line(result(indent), indent)) ~ line(plan, indent)) ^^ {
- case results ~ plan => new TAPResult(plan, results)
+ private def plan: Parser[Plan] =
+ planLine ^^ { line =>
+ line.plan
- def comment: Parser[String] =
- """#[^\n]*""".r
+ private def result: Parser[TestResult] =
+ simpleResult | subtestResult
+ private def simpleResult: Parser[TestResult] =
+ resultLine ^^ { line =>
+ line.result
+ }
- def plan: Parser[Plan] =
- (planValue <~ ws) ~ opt(planDirective) ^^ {
- case planValue ~ Some(SkipDirective(d)) => SkipAll(d)
- case planValue ~ None => NumericPlan(planValue)
+ private def subtestResult: Parser[TestResult] = new Parser[TestResult] {
+ def apply (in: Input) = {
+ if (in.atEnd) {
+ Failure("Subtest expected, but end of input found", in)
+ }
+ else {
+ val firstLine = in.first
+ if (firstLine.indent.length <= expectedIndent.length) {
+ Failure(
+ "Subtest expected, but '" + firstLine + "' is not indented",
+ in
+ )
+ }
+ else {
+ parseSubtest(in)
+ }
+ }
- def result (indent: String): Parser[TestResult] =
- simpleResult | subtestResult(indent)
+ private def parseSubtest (in: Input) = {
+ val oldIndent = expectedIndent
+ val newIndent = in.first.indent
- def simpleResult: Parser[TestResult] =
- (ok <~ ws) ~
- (testNumber <~ ws) ~
- (testDescription <~ ws) ~
- opt(testDirective) ^^ {
- case ok ~ testNumber ~ testDescription ~ testDirective =>
- new TestResult(ok, testNumber, testDescription, testDirective, None)
+ val subtestParseResult = try {
+ expectedIndent = newIndent
+ tap(in)
+ }
+ finally {
+ expectedIndent = oldIndent
+ }
+ subtestParseResult match {
+ case Success(subtestResult, rest) => {
+ simpleResult(rest) match {
+ case Success(summaryResult, rest) => {
+ val testResult = new TestResult(
+ summaryResult.passed,
+ summaryResult.number,
+ summaryResult.description,
+ summaryResult.directive,
+ Some(subtestParseResult.get)
+ )
+ Success(testResult, rest)
+ }
+ case Failure(_, rest) => {
+ Failure(
+ "Subtest summary test result expected, but " +
+ "'" + subtestParseResult.next.first + "' found",
+ rest
+ )
+ }
+ case e: Error => e
+ }
+ }
+ case Failure(_, rest) => {
+ Failure("Subtest expected, but '" + in.first + "' found", in)
+ }
+ case e: Error => e
+ }
+ }
- def subtestResult (indent: String): Parser[TestResult] =
- (new Parser[TAPResult] {
- def apply (in: Input) = {
- val source = in.source
- val offset = in.offset
- val str = source.subSequence(offset, source.length)
- val newIndent = ws.findPrefixMatchOf(str).getOrElse("").toString
- newIndent match {
- case "" => Failure("subtests must be indented", in)
- case _ => {
- tap(indent + newIndent)(in.drop(-indent.length))
+ private def planLine: Parser[PlanLine] = new Parser[PlanLine] {
+ def apply (in: Input) = {
+ if (in.atEnd) {
+ Failure("Plan line expected, but end of input found", in)
+ }
+ else {
+ val line = in.first
+ if (line.indent == expectedIndent) {
+ line match {
+ case p: PlanLine =>
+ Success(p, in.rest)
+ case _ =>
+ Failure("Plan line expected, but '" + line + "' found", in)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Failure(
+ "Plan line expected, but " +
+ "'" + line + "' has incorrect indentation",
+ in
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private def resultLine: Parser[ResultLine] = new Parser[ResultLine] {
+ def apply (in: Input) = {
+ if (in.atEnd) {
+ Failure("Result line expected, but end of input found", in)
+ }
+ else {
+ val line = in.first
+ if (line.indent == expectedIndent) {
+ line match {
+ case p: ResultLine =>
+ Success(p, in.rest)
+ case _ =>
+ Failure("Result line expected, but '" + line + "' found", in)
+ else {
+ Failure(
+ "Result line expected, but " +
+ "'" + line + "' has incorrect indentation",
+ in
+ )
+ }
- } <~ indent <~ rep(comment ~ "\n" ~ indent)) ~ simpleResult ^^ {
- case tapResult ~ testResult =>
- new TestResult(
- testResult.passed,
- testResult.number,
- testResult.description,
- testResult.directive,
- Some(tapResult)
- )
+ }
- def planValue: Parser[Int] =
- "1.." ~> """\d+""".r ^^ { _.toInt }
+ private var expectedIndent = ""
+ }
- def planDirective: Parser[Directive] =
- skipDirective
+ private sealed trait Line {
+ def contents: String
+ def indent: String
+ override def toString: String =
+ indent + contents
+ }
- def ok: Parser[Boolean] =
- opt("not ") <~ "ok" ^^ { _.isEmpty }
+ private object Line {
+ def apply (line: String): Line = {
+ commentRx.findFirstMatchIn(line).map { m =>
+ m.subgroups match {
+ case Seq(indent, text) => new CommentLine(text, indent)
+ }
+ }.getOrElse {
+ planRx.findFirstMatchIn(line).map { m =>
+ m.subgroups match {
+ case Seq(indent, p, null) =>
+ new PlanLine(NumericPlan(p.toInt), indent)
+ case Seq(indent, _, skip) =>
+ new PlanLine(SkipAll(skip), indent)
+ }
+ }.getOrElse {
+ resultRx.findFirstMatchIn(line).map { m =>
+ val indent = m.group(1)
+ val passed = m.group(2) == null
+ val number = m.group(3).toInt
+ val description = m.group(4) match {
+ case null => ""
+ case s => s.trim
+ }
+ val directive = (m.group(5), m.group(6)) match {
+ case (null, null) => None
+ case (d, r) => {
+ val reason = if (r == null) "" else r
+ """(?i:skip)""".r.findFirstIn(d) match {
+ case Some(_) => Some(new SkipDirective(Some(reason)))
+ case None => Some(new TodoDirective(Some(reason)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val result = new TestResult(
+ passed,
+ number,
+ description,
+ directive,
+ None
+ )
+ new ResultLine(result, indent)
+ }.getOrElse {
+ throw ParseException("Couldn't parse line: " + line)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- def testNumber: Parser[Int] =
- """\d+""".r ^^ { _.toInt }
+ private val commentRx = """^(\s*)#\s*(.*)""".r
+ private val planRx = """^(\s*)1..(\d+)\s*(?:# SKIP (.*))?""".r
+ private val resultRx =
+ """^(\s*)(not )?ok (\d+)\s*([^#]+)?(?:#\s*(?i:(skip|todo))\s+(.*))?""".r
+ }
- def testDescription: Parser[String] =
- """[^#\n]*""".r ^^ { _.trim }
+ private case class CommentLine (
+ val text: String,
+ override val indent: String
+ ) extends Line {
+ def contents = "# " + text
+ }
- def testDirective: Parser[Directive] =
- todoDirective | skipDirective
+ private case class PlanLine (
+ val plan: Plan,
+ override val indent: String
+ ) extends Line {
+ def contents = {
+ val count = plan.plan
+ val comment = plan match {
+ case SkipAll(m) => " # SKIP " + m
+ case _ => ""
+ }
+ indent + "1.." + count + comment
+ }
+ }
- def skipDirective: Parser[Directive] =
- "#" ~> ws ~> """(?i:skip)""".r ~> ws ~> opt("""[^\n]*""".r) ^^ {
- case desc => new SkipDirective(desc.map(s => s.trim))
+ private case class ResultLine(
+ val result: TestResult,
+ override val indent: String
+ ) extends Line {
+ def contents = {
+ val success = (if (result.passed) "ok" else "not ok") + " "
+ val number = result.number + " "
+ val description = result.description match {
+ case "" => ""
+ case s => s + " "
+ }
+ val directive = result.directive match {
+ case Some(TodoDirective(m)) => "# TODO " + m
+ case Some(SkipDirective(m)) => "# skip " + m
+ case None => ""
+ indent + success + number + description + directive
+ }
+ }
+ private class LineReader (
+ in: InputStream,
+ lineNum: Int = 1
+ ) extends Reader[Line] {
+ def atEnd: Boolean =
+ nextLine.isEmpty
+ def first: Line =
+ nextLine.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("read from empty input"))
+ lazy val pos =
+ new LinePosition(lineNum, nextLine.map(_.toString).getOrElse(""))
- def todoDirective: Parser[Directive] =
- "#" ~> ws ~> """(?i:todo)""".r ~> ws ~> opt("""[^\n]*""".r) ^^ {
- case desc => new TodoDirective(desc.map(s => s.trim))
+ def rest: Reader[Line] =
+ new LineReader(in, lineNum + 1)
+ private lazy val nextLine: Option[Line] =
+ readNextLine
+ private def readNextLine: Option[Line] = {
+ val buf = new StringBuilder
+ @tailrec
+ def read {
+ val byte = in.read
+ if (byte != -1) {
+ buf += byte.toChar
+ if (byte != '\n') {
+ read
+ }
+ }
- def line[T] (p: => Parser[T], indent: String): Parser[T] =
- rep(indent ~ comment ~ "\n") ~>
- indent ~> p <~ "\n" <~
- rep(indent ~ comment ~ "\n")
+ read
+ val line = buf.toString match {
+ case "" => None
+ case s => Some(Line(s.init))
+ }
- override def skipWhitespace = false
+ line.flatMap { l =>
+ l match {
+ case CommentLine(_, _) => readNextLine
+ case other => Some(other)
+ }
+ }
+ }
- val ws = """[ \t]*""".r
+ class LinePosition (
+ override val line: Int,
+ override val lineContents: String
+ ) extends Position {
+ def column: Int = 1
+ }
-trait Directive {
+sealed trait Directive {
val message: Option[String]
case class SkipDirective (
@@ -162,6 +391,13 @@ class TAPResult (val plan: Plan, val results: Seq[TestResult]) {
+trait TAPEvent
+case class ResultEvent (result: TestResult) extends TAPEvent
+case class PlanEvent (plan: Plan) extends TAPEvent
+case object SubtestStartEvent extends TAPEvent
+case class SubtestEndEvent (result: TestResult) extends TAPEvent
+case class CommentEvent (text: String) extends TAPEvent
case class ParseException (
val message: String
) extends RuntimeException(message)