path: root/src/input.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/input.rs')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/input.rs b/src/input.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a14e643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/input.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+use std::io::Read as _;
+use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd as _;
+pub enum Key {
+ String(String),
+ Char(char),
+ Bytes(Vec<u8>),
+ Byte(u8),
+ Ctrl(u8),
+ Meta(u8),
+ Backspace,
+ Up,
+ Down,
+ Right,
+ Left,
+ KeypadUp,
+ KeypadDown,
+ KeypadRight,
+ KeypadLeft,
+ Home,
+ End,
+ Insert,
+ Delete,
+ PageUp,
+ PageDown,
+ F(u8),
+impl Key {
+ pub fn into_bytes(self) -> Vec<u8> {
+ use Key::*;
+ match self {
+ String(s) => s.into_bytes(),
+ Char(c) => c.to_string().into_bytes(),
+ Bytes(s) => s,
+ Byte(c) => vec![c],
+ Ctrl(c) => vec![c - b'a' + 1],
+ Meta(c) => vec![b'\x1b', c],
+ Backspace => b"\x7f".to_vec(),
+ Up => b"\x1b[A".to_vec(),
+ Down => b"\x1b[B".to_vec(),
+ Right => b"\x1b[C".to_vec(),
+ Left => b"\x1b[D".to_vec(),
+ KeypadUp => b"\x1bOA".to_vec(),
+ KeypadDown => b"\x1bOB".to_vec(),
+ KeypadRight => b"\x1bOC".to_vec(),
+ KeypadLeft => b"\x1bOD".to_vec(),
+ Home => b"\x1b[H".to_vec(),
+ End => b"\x1b[F".to_vec(),
+ Insert => b"\x1b[2~".to_vec(),
+ Delete => b"\x1b[3~".to_vec(),
+ PageUp => b"\x1b[5~".to_vec(),
+ PageDown => b"\x1b[6~".to_vec(),
+ F(c) => match c {
+ 1 => b"\x1bOP".to_vec(),
+ 2 => b"\x1bOQ".to_vec(),
+ 3 => b"\x1bOR".to_vec(),
+ 4 => b"\x1bOS".to_vec(),
+ 5 => b"\x1b[15~".to_vec(),
+ 6 => b"\x1b[17~".to_vec(),
+ 7 => b"\x1b[18~".to_vec(),
+ 8 => b"\x1b[19~".to_vec(),
+ 9 => b"\x1b[20~".to_vec(),
+ 10 => b"\x1b[21~".to_vec(),
+ 11 => b"\x1b[23~".to_vec(),
+ 12 => b"\x1b[24~".to_vec(),
+ 13 => b"\x1b[25~".to_vec(),
+ 14 => b"\x1b[26~".to_vec(),
+ 15 => b"\x1b[28~".to_vec(),
+ 16 => b"\x1b[29~".to_vec(),
+ 17 => b"\x1b[31~".to_vec(),
+ 18 => b"\x1b[32~".to_vec(),
+ 19 => b"\x1b[33~".to_vec(),
+ 20 => b"\x1b[34~".to_vec(),
+ _ => vec![],
+ },
+ }
+ }
+pub struct Input {
+ termios: nix::sys::termios::Termios,
+ buf: Vec<u8>,
+impl Input {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ let stdin = std::io::stdin().as_raw_fd();
+ let termios = nix::sys::termios::tcgetattr(stdin).unwrap();
+ let mut termios_raw = termios.clone();
+ nix::sys::termios::cfmakeraw(&mut termios_raw);
+ nix::sys::termios::tcsetattr(
+ stdin,
+ nix::sys::termios::SetArg::TCSANOW,
+ &termios_raw,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ Self {
+ termios,
+ buf: Vec::with_capacity(4096),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn read_keys(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<Option<Key>> {
+ self.real_read_key(true, false)
+ }
+ pub fn read_keys_utf8(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<Option<Key>> {
+ self.real_read_key(true, true)
+ }
+ pub fn read_key(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<Option<Key>> {
+ self.real_read_key(false, false)
+ }
+ pub fn read_key_char(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<Option<Key>> {
+ self.real_read_key(false, true)
+ }
+ pub fn cleanup(&mut self) {
+ let stdin = std::io::stdin().as_raw_fd();
+ let _ = nix::sys::termios::tcsetattr(
+ stdin,
+ nix::sys::termios::SetArg::TCSANOW,
+ &self.termios,
+ );
+ }
+ fn real_read_key(
+ &mut self,
+ combine: bool,
+ utf8: bool,
+ ) -> std::io::Result<Option<Key>> {
+ match self.next_byte(true)? {
+ Some(c @ 32..=126) | Some(c @ 128..=255) => {
+ self.parse_text(c, combine, utf8)
+ }
+ Some(c @ 1..=26) => Ok(Some(Key::Ctrl(b'a' + c - 1))),
+ Some(27) => self.parse_escape_sequence(),
+ Some(c @ 0) | Some(c @ 28..=31) => {
+ self.parse_unknown_char(c, combine)
+ }
+ Some(127) => Ok(Some(Key::Backspace)),
+ None => Ok(None),
+ }
+ }
+ fn parse_text(
+ &mut self,
+ c: u8,
+ combine: bool,
+ utf8: bool,
+ ) -> std::io::Result<Option<Key>> {
+ if combine {
+ let idx = self
+ .buf
+ .iter()
+ .take_while(|&c| {
+ (32..=126).contains(c) || (128..=255).contains(c)
+ })
+ .count();
+ let mut rest = self.buf.split_off(idx);
+ std::mem::swap(&mut self.buf, &mut rest);
+ rest.insert(0, c);
+ if utf8 {
+ match std::string::String::from_utf8(rest) {
+ Ok(s) => Ok(Some(Key::String(s))),
+ Err(e) => Ok(Some(Key::Bytes(e.into_bytes()))),
+ }
+ } else {
+ Ok(Some(Key::Bytes(rest)))
+ }
+ } else {
+ if utf8 {
+ self.parse_utf8_char(c)
+ } else {
+ Ok(Some(Key::Byte(c)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[allow(clippy::unnecessary_wraps)]
+ fn parse_unknown_char(
+ &mut self,
+ c: u8,
+ combine: bool,
+ ) -> std::io::Result<Option<Key>> {
+ if combine {
+ let idx = self
+ .buf
+ .iter()
+ .take_while(|&c| *c == 0 || (28..=31).contains(c))
+ .count();
+ let mut rest = self.buf.split_off(idx);
+ std::mem::swap(&mut self.buf, &mut rest);
+ rest.insert(0, c);
+ Ok(Some(Key::Bytes(rest)))
+ } else {
+ Ok(Some(Key::Byte(c)))
+ }
+ }
+ fn parse_escape_sequence(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<Option<Key>> {
+ let mut seen = vec![b'\x1b'];
+ macro_rules! next_byte {
+ () => {
+ match self.next_byte(false)? {
+ Some(c) => c,
+ None => return Ok(Some(Key::Bytes(seen))),
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ enum EscapeState {
+ Escape,
+ CSI(Vec<u8>),
+ CKM(Vec<u8>),
+ }
+ let mut state = EscapeState::Escape;
+ loop {
+ let c = next_byte!();
+ seen.push(c);
+ match state {
+ EscapeState::Escape => match c {
+ b'[' => {
+ state = EscapeState::CSI(vec![]);
+ }
+ b'O' => {
+ state = EscapeState::CKM(vec![]);
+ }
+ _ => {
+ return Ok(Some(Key::Meta(c)));
+ }
+ },
+ EscapeState::CSI(ref mut param) => match c {
+ b'A' => return Ok(Some(Key::Up)),
+ b'B' => return Ok(Some(Key::Down)),
+ b'C' => return Ok(Some(Key::Right)),
+ b'D' => return Ok(Some(Key::Left)),
+ b'H' => return Ok(Some(Key::Home)),
+ b'F' => return Ok(Some(Key::End)),
+ b'0'..=b'9' => {
+ param.push(c);
+ state = EscapeState::CSI(param.to_vec());
+ }
+ b'~' => match param.as_slice() {
+ [b'2'] => return Ok(Some(Key::Insert)),
+ [b'3'] => return Ok(Some(Key::Delete)),
+ [b'5'] => return Ok(Some(Key::PageUp)),
+ [b'6'] => return Ok(Some(Key::PageDown)),
+ [b'1', b'5'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(5))),
+ [b'1', b'7'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(6))),
+ [b'1', b'8'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(7))),
+ [b'1', b'9'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(8))),
+ [b'2', b'0'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(9))),
+ [b'2', b'1'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(10))),
+ [b'2', b'3'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(11))),
+ [b'2', b'4'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(12))),
+ [b'2', b'5'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(13))),
+ [b'2', b'6'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(14))),
+ [b'2', b'8'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(15))),
+ [b'2', b'9'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(16))),
+ [b'3', b'1'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(17))),
+ [b'3', b'2'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(18))),
+ [b'3', b'3'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(19))),
+ [b'3', b'4'] => return Ok(Some(Key::F(20))),
+ _ => {
+ let mut seq = vec![b'\x1b', b'['];
+ seq.extend(param.iter());
+ seq.push(b'~');
+ return Ok(Some(Key::Bytes(seq)));
+ }
+ },
+ _ => {
+ let mut seq = vec![b'\x1b', b'['];
+ seq.extend(param.iter());
+ seq.push(c);
+ return Ok(Some(Key::Bytes(seq)));
+ }
+ },
+ EscapeState::CKM(ref mut param) => match c {
+ b'A' => return Ok(Some(Key::KeypadUp)),
+ b'B' => return Ok(Some(Key::KeypadDown)),
+ b'C' => return Ok(Some(Key::KeypadRight)),
+ b'D' => return Ok(Some(Key::KeypadLeft)),
+ b'P' => return Ok(Some(Key::F(1))),
+ b'Q' => return Ok(Some(Key::F(2))),
+ b'R' => return Ok(Some(Key::F(3))),
+ b'S' => return Ok(Some(Key::F(4))),
+ _ => {
+ let mut seq = vec![b'\x1b', b'O'];
+ seq.extend(param.iter());
+ seq.push(c);
+ return Ok(Some(Key::Bytes(seq)));
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn parse_utf8_char(
+ &mut self,
+ initial: u8,
+ ) -> std::io::Result<Option<Key>> {
+ let mut buf = vec![initial];
+ macro_rules! next_byte {
+ () => {
+ match self.next_byte(true)? {
+ Some(c) => {
+ if (0b1000_0000..=0b1011_1111).contains(&c) {
+ c
+ } else {
+ self.buf = buf
+ .iter()
+ .skip(1)
+ .copied()
+ .chain(self.buf.iter().copied())
+ .collect();
+ return Ok(Some(Key::Byte(initial)));
+ }
+ }
+ None => return Ok(None),
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ match initial {
+ 0b0000_0000..=0b0111_1111 => {}
+ 0b1100_0000..=0b1101_1111 => {
+ buf.push(next_byte!());
+ }
+ 0b1110_0000..=0b1110_1111 => {
+ buf.push(next_byte!());
+ buf.push(next_byte!());
+ }
+ 0b1111_0000..=0b1111_0111 => {
+ buf.push(next_byte!());
+ buf.push(next_byte!());
+ buf.push(next_byte!());
+ }
+ _ => {
+ return Ok(Some(Key::Bytes(buf)));
+ }
+ }
+ match std::string::String::from_utf8(buf) {
+ Ok(s) => Ok(Some(Key::Char(s.chars().next().unwrap()))),
+ Err(e) => {
+ let buf = e.into_bytes();
+ self.buf = buf
+ .iter()
+ .skip(1)
+ .copied()
+ .chain(self.buf.iter().copied())
+ .collect();
+ Ok(Some(Key::Byte(initial)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn next_byte(&mut self, fill: bool) -> std::io::Result<Option<u8>> {
+ if self.buf.is_empty() {
+ if !fill || !self.fill_buf()? {
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ }
+ let c = self.buf.remove(0);
+ Ok(Some(c))
+ }
+ fn fill_buf(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<bool> {
+ self.buf.resize(4096, 0);
+ // can't use self.read here because the borrow checker can't tell
+ // that our read implementation doesn't actually need to mutably
+ // borrow self
+ let bytes = std::io::stdin().read(&mut self.buf)?;
+ if bytes == 0 {
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ self.buf.truncate(bytes);
+ Ok(true)
+ }
+impl std::io::Read for Input {
+ fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
+ std::io::stdin().read(buf)
+ }
+impl Drop for Input {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.cleanup();
+ }