path: root/vim/plugin/textobj.vim
diff options
authordoy <doy@tozt.net>2009-05-01 19:17:55 -0500
committerdoy <doy@tozt.net>2009-05-01 19:17:55 -0500
commitb606cd08747ba832dba57ff80a582bf4bf7979ec (patch)
treeb57d566fac32e977d372b247d346c7a7708435a0 /vim/plugin/textobj.vim
parent0446491fea96ae868e6d97d5b7c07aba409fcfa9 (diff)
remove all non-textobj related files
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/plugin/textobj.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/vim/plugin/textobj.vim b/vim/plugin/textobj.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 01345bc..0000000
--- a/vim/plugin/textobj.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-" Text object creation {{{
-" XXX: use virtualedit here, it should greatly simplify things
-let s:text_object_number = 0
-function Textobj(char, callback, ...)
- let s:text_object_number += 1
- function s:textobj_{s:text_object_number}(inner, operator, count, callback, ...)
- try
- let pos = getpos('.')
- sandbox let [startline, startcol, endline, endcol] = call(a:callback, [a:inner, a:count] + a:000)
- catch /no-match/
- return
- finally
- call setpos('.', pos)
- endtry
- if startline == endline
- let objlength = endcol - startcol + 1
- else
- let objlength = 0
- if endline - startline > 1
- exe 'let objlength += '.join(map(getline(startline + 1, endline - 1), 'strlen(v:val) + 1'), '+')
- endif
- let objlength += endcol + strlen(getline(startline)) - startcol + 2
- endif
- let whichwrap = &whichwrap
- set whichwrap+=s
- let virtualedit = &virtualedit
- if startcol > strlen(getline(startline))
- let startcol = 1
- let startline += 1
- let objlength -= 1
- endif
- if endcol == 0
- set virtualedit=onemore
- endif
- if a:operator == 'v'
- let objlength -= 1
- endif
- call cursor(startline, startcol)
- if a:operator == 'c'
- let operator = 'd'
- else
- let operator = a:operator
- end
- exe 'normal! '.operator.objlength.' '
- if a:operator == 'c'
- startinsert
- endif
- let &whichwrap = whichwrap
- let &virtualedit = virtualedit
- endfunction
- exe 'onoremap <silent>a'.a:char.' <Esc>:call call("<SID>textobj_'.s:text_object_number.'", [0, v:operator, v:prevcount, "'.a:callback.'"] + '.string(a:000).')<CR>'
- exe 'onoremap <silent>i'.a:char.' <Esc>:call call("<SID>textobj_'.s:text_object_number.'", [1, v:operator, v:prevcount, "'.a:callback.'"] + '.string(a:000).')<CR>'
- exe 'xnoremap <silent>a'.a:char.' <Esc>:call call("<SID>textobj_'.s:text_object_number.'", [0, "v", v:prevcount, "'.a:callback.'"] + '.string(a:000).')<CR>'
- exe 'xnoremap <silent>i'.a:char.' <Esc>:call call("<SID>textobj_'.s:text_object_number.'", [1, "v", v:prevcount, "'.a:callback.'"] + '.string(a:000).')<CR>'
-" }}}
-" Text object definitions {{{
-" arbitrary paired symbols (/ for regex, etc) {{{
-function Textobj_paired(inner, count, char)
- let pos = getpos('.')
- let line = strpart(getline(pos[1]), 0, pos[2])
- let lines = getline(1, pos[1] - 1) + [line]
- let linenum = pos[1]
- for line in reverse(lines)
- let objstart = match(line, '.*\zs\\\@<!'.a:char) + 1
- if objstart != 0
- break
- endif
- let linenum -= 1
- endfor
- if objstart == 0
- throw 'no-match'
- endif
- let objstart += a:inner
- let objstartline = linenum
- let line = strpart(getline(pos[1]), pos[2] - 1)
- let lines = [line] + getline(pos[1] + 1, line('$'))
- let linenum = pos[1]
- for line in lines
- let objend = match(line, '\\\@<!'.a:char) + 1
- if objend != 0
- if linenum == pos[1]
- " have to account for the possibility of a split escape
- " sequence
- if objend == 1
- if getline(pos[1])[pos[2] - 2] == '\'
- let objend = match(line, '\\\@<!'.a:char, 1) + 1
- if objend == 0
- let linenum += 1
- continue
- endif
- else
- " if we're sitting on a char, don't do anything, since
- " it's impossible to know which direction to look
- throw 'no-match'
- endif
- endif
- let objend += pos[2] - 1
- endif
- break
- endif
- let linenum += 1
- endfor
- if objend == 0
- throw 'no-match'
- endif
- let objend -= a:inner
- let objendline = linenum
- return [objstartline, objstart, objendline, objend]
-" }}}
-" f for folds {{{
-function Textobj_fold(inner, count)
- if foldlevel(line('.')) == 0
- throw 'no-match'
- endif
- exe 'normal! '.a:count.'[z'
- let startline = line('.') + a:inner
- normal! ]z
- let endline = line('.') - a:inner
- return [startline, 1, endline, strlen(getline(endline))]
-" }}}
-" , for function arguments {{{
-function Textobj_arg(inner, count)
- let pos = getpos('.')
- let curchar = getline(pos[1])[pos[2] - 1]
- if curchar == ','
- if getline(pos[1])[pos[2] - 2] =~ '\s'
- normal! gE
- else
- exe "normal! \<BS>"
- endif
- return s:textobj_arg(a:inner, a:count)
- elseif curchar =~ '\s'
- normal! W
- return s:textobj_arg(a:inner, a:count)
- endif
- let line = strpart(getline(pos[1]), 0, pos[2])
- let lines = getline(1, pos[1] - 1) + [line]
- let linenum = pos[1]
- for line in reverse(lines)
- let argbegin = matchend(line, '.*\%(,\s*\|(\)') + 1
- if argbegin != 0
- while argbegin > strlen(line)
- let linenum += 1
- let line = getline(linenum)
- let argbegin = matchend(line, '^\s*') + 1
- endwhile
- break
- endif
- let linenum -= 1
- endfor
- if argbegin == 0
- throw 'no-match'
- endif
- let argstartline = linenum
- let line = strpart(getline(pos[1]), pos[2] - 1)
- let lines = [line] + getline(pos[1] + 1, line('$'))
- let linenum = pos[1]
- for line in lines
- let argend = match(line, '\zs.\?\%(,\|)\)') + 1
- if argend != 0
- if linenum == pos[1]
- let argend += pos[2] - 1
- endif
- if argend == 1 && getline(linenum)[argend - 1] == ')'
- let linenum -= 1
- let argend = strlen(getline(linenum))
- endif
- break
- endif
- let linenum += 1
- endfor
- if argend == 0
- throw 'no-match'
- endif
- let argendline = linenum
- if a:inner == 0
- let endline = getline(argendline)
- let startline = getline(argstartline)
- if argend >= strlen(endline)
- let argend = 0
- let argendline += 1
- let endline = getline(argendline)
- endif
- if endline[argend] == ')' && startline[argbegin - 2] != '('
- let argbegin = match(strpart(startline, 0, argbegin - 1), '\s*$')
- while argbegin == 0
- let argstartline -= 1
- let startline = getline(argstartline)
- let argbegin = strlen(startline)
- endwhile
- elseif endline[argend] != ')'
- let argend += matchend(strpart(endline, argend + 1), '^\s*') + 1
- if startline[argbegin - 2] == '('
- for line in [strpart(endline, argend)] +
- \ getline(argendline + 1, line('$'))
- let argincr = matchend(line, '\s*\ze\S')
- if argincr != -1
- let argend += argincr
- break
- endif
- let argendline += 1
- let argend = 0
- endfor
- endif
- endif
- if argend >= strlen(endline)
- if argendline == argstartline
- let newbegin = matchend(strpart(endline, 0, argbegin), '.*,')
- if newbegin != -1
- let argbegin = newbegin + 1
- endif
- endif
- let argend = 0
- let argendline += 1
- endif
- endif
- return [argstartline, argbegin, argendline, argend]
-" }}}
-" }}}
-" Text object loading {{{
-for object in g:Textobj_defs
- call call('Textobj', object)
-unlet object
-" }}}