path: root/vimrc
diff options
authorjluehrs2 <jluehrs2@uiuc.edu>2008-04-28 01:22:47 -0500
committerjluehrs2 <jluehrs2@uiuc.edu>2008-04-28 01:22:47 -0500
commit7d8db40713259d3c376871386d4eaea376d9359e (patch)
tree5a1ea34ad34214fc0c9d99f22b96394dd5a29836 /vimrc
parent8f3e5245b4bd6a1822f441bfce8060c1f5883933 (diff)
add a function to generate text objects
Diffstat (limited to 'vimrc')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vimrc b/vimrc
index 44d5d78..1f1361d 100644
--- a/vimrc
+++ b/vimrc
@@ -281,6 +281,43 @@ endif
" }}}
" }}}
" Text objects {{{
+" Text object creation {{{
+let g:text_object_number = 0
+function Textobj(char, callback)
+ let g:text_object_number += 1
+ function Textobj_{g:text_object_number}(inner, operator, count, callback)
+ let [startline, startcol, endline, endcol] = function(a:callback)(a:inner, a:count)
+ if startline == endline
+ let objlength = endcol - startcol + 1
+ else
+ let lines = getline(startline + 1, endline - 1)
+ let lines = [strpart(getline(startline), startcol - 1)] +
+ \ lines +
+ \ [strpart(getline(endline), 0, endcol)]
+ let objlength = 0
+ for line in lines
+ let objlength += strlen(line) + 1
+ endfor
+ let objlength -= 1
+ endif
+ call cursor(startline, startcol)
+ exe 'normal! '.a:operator.objlength.' '
+ if a:operator == 'c'
+ normal! l
+ startinsert
+ elseif a:operator == 'v'
+ normal! h
+ endif
+ endfunction
+ let cbname = '"' . substitute(a:callback, '^s:', '<SID>', '') . '"'
+ exe 'onoremap <silent>a'.a:char.' <Esc>:call Textobj_'.g:text_object_number.'(0, v:operator, v:prevcount, '.cbname.')<CR>'
+ exe 'onoremap <silent>i'.a:char.' <Esc>:call Textobj_'.g:text_object_number.'(1, v:operator, v:prevcount, '.cbname.')<CR>'
+ exe 'xnoremap <silent>a'.a:char.' <Esc>:call Textobj_'.g:text_object_number.'(0, "v", v:prevcount, '.cbname.')<CR>'
+ exe 'xnoremap <silent>i'.a:char.' <Esc>:call Textobj_'.g:text_object_number.'(1, "v", v:prevcount, '.cbname.')<CR>'
+" }}}
" / for regex {{{
function Textobj_regex(inner, operator)
let pos = getpos('.')