path: root/lib/WWW/YNAB/
blob: 97d0d84ae447c66205c28b52667246f6d960894f (plain) (tree)

package WWW::YNAB::Budget;
use Moose;

use Carp;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints qw(find_type_constraint);

with 'WWW::YNAB::ModelHelpers';

has id => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Str',
    required => 1,

has name => (
    is  => 'ro',
    isa => 'Str',

has last_modified_on => (
    is  => 'ro',
    isa => 'Str',

has first_month => (
    is  => 'ro',
    isa => 'Str',

has last_month => (
    is  => 'ro',
    isa => 'Str',

has server_knowledge => (
    is  => 'ro',
    isa => 'Int',

has _accounts => (
    traits   => ['Array'],
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'ArrayRef[WWW::YNAB::Account]',
    init_arg => 'accounts',
    lazy     => 1,
    builder  => '_build_accounts',
    handles  => {
        accounts => 'elements',

has _payees => (
    traits   => ['Array'],
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'ArrayRef[WWW::YNAB::Payee]',
    init_arg => 'payees',
    lazy     => 1,
    builder  => '_build_payees',
    handles  => {
        payees => 'elements',

has _category_groups => (
    traits   => ['Array'],
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'ArrayRef[WWW::YNAB::CategoryGroup]',
    init_arg => 'category_groups',
    lazy     => 1,
    builder  => '_build_categories',
    handles  => {
        categories      => 'elements',
        category_groups => 'elements',

has _months => (
    traits   => ['Array'],
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'ArrayRef[WWW::YNAB::Month]',
    init_arg => 'months',
    lazy     => 1,
    builder  => '_build_months',
    handles  => {
        months => 'elements',

has _transactions => (
    traits   => ['Array'],
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'ArrayRef[WWW::YNAB::Transaction]',
    init_arg => 'transactions',
    lazy     => 1,
    builder  => '_build_transactions',
    handles  => {
        transactions => 'elements',

has _ua => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'WWW::YNAB::UA',
    required => 1,

sub _build_accounts {
    my $self = shift;

    my $data = $self->_ua->get("/budgets/${\$self->id}/accounts");
        map {
            $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Account', $_)
        } @{ $data->{data}{accounts} }

sub account {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($id) = @_;

    my $data = $self->_ua->get("/budgets/${\$self->id}/accounts/$id");
    my $account = $data->{data}{account};
    $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Account', $account);

sub _build_categories {
    my $self = shift;

    my $data = $self->_ua->get("/budgets/${\$self->id}/categories");
        map {
            my %category_group = %$_;
            my @categories = map {
                $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Category', $_)
            } @{ $category_group{categories} };
            $category_group{categories} = \@categories;
            $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::CategoryGroup', \%category_group)
        } @{ $data->{data}{category_groups} }

sub category {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($id) = @_;

    my $data = $self->_ua->get("/budgets/${\$self->id}/categories/$id");
    my $category = $data->{data}{category};
    $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Category', $category);

sub _build_payees {
    my $self = shift;

    my $data = $self->_ua->get("/budgets/${\$self->id}/payees");
        map {
            $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Payee', $_)
        } @{ $data->{data}{payees} }

sub payee {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($id) = @_;

    my $data = $self->_ua->get("/budgets/${\$self->id}/payees/$id");
    my $payee = $data->{data}{payee};
    $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Payee', $payee);

sub _build_months {
    my $self = shift;

    my $data = $self->_ua->get("/budgets/${\$self->id}/months");
        map {
            $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Month', $_)
        } @{ $data->{data}{months} }

sub month {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($id) = @_;

    my $data = $self->_ua->get("/budgets/${\$self->id}/months/$id");
    my $month = $data->{data}{month};
    my %month = %$month;
    my @categories = map {
        $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Category', $_)
    } @{ $month{categories} };
    $month{categories} = \@categories;
    $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Month', \%month);

sub find_transactions {
    my $self = shift;
    my %query = @_;

    if ((grep { defined } @query{qw(account category payee type)}) > 1) {
        croak "You can only query transactions by at most one of account, category, payee, or type";

    my $path;
    if ($query{account}) {
        $path = "/budgets/${\$self->id}/accounts/$query{account}/transactions";
    elsif ($query{category}) {
        $path = "/budgets/${\$self->id}/categories/$query{category}/transactions";
    elsif ($query{payee}) {
        $path = "/budgets/${\$self->id}/payees/$query{payee}/transactions";
    else {
        $path = "/budgets/${\$self->id}/transactions";

    my $params;
    if ($query{type}) {
        $params ||= {};
        $params->{type} = $query{type};
    if ($query{since_date}) {
        $params ||= {};
        $params->{since_date} = $query{since_date};

    my $data = $self->_ua->get($path, $params);
    map {
        my %transaction = %$_;
        my @subtransactions = map {
            $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::SubTransaction', $_)
        } @{ $transaction{subtransactions} };
        $transaction{subtransactions} = \@subtransactions;
        $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Transaction', \%transaction)
    } @{ $data->{data}{transactions} };

sub _build_transactions {
    my $self = shift;


sub transaction {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($id) = @_;

    my $data = $self->_ua->get("/budgets/${\$self->id}/transactions/$id");
    my $transaction = $data->{data}{transaction};
    my %transaction = %$transaction;
    my @subtransactions = map {
        $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::SubTransaction', $_)
    } @{ $transaction{subtransactions} };
    $transaction{subtransactions} = \@subtransactions;
    $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Transaction', \%transaction);

no Moose;
