path: root/src/views/txn_tables.rs
diff options
authorJesse Luehrs <doy@tozt.net>2019-08-19 00:19:38 -0400
committerJesse Luehrs <doy@tozt.net>2019-08-19 00:19:38 -0400
commitaa52e632b866b51d455787a96bcd2f5a63b7ac89 (patch)
tree7e947c62510404f6233be24c303d7fb6f455be0d /src/views/txn_tables.rs
parent3539ceb20f5383a332a8ad1fcab816cf083f277e (diff)
move ynab-api to its own repository
Diffstat (limited to 'src/views/txn_tables.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 353 deletions
diff --git a/src/views/txn_tables.rs b/src/views/txn_tables.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 62539ac..0000000
--- a/src/views/txn_tables.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-use cursive::view::{Identifiable, View};
-const SELECTED_TOTAL_ID: &str = "selected_total";
-const INFLOWS_TABLE_ID: &str = "inflows_table";
-const OUTFLOWS_TABLE_ID: &str = "outflows_table";
-pub struct TxnTables {
- view: super::util::FullView<cursive::views::LinearLayout>,
-impl cursive::view::ViewWrapper for TxnTables {
- cursive::wrap_impl!(
- self.view: super::util::FullView<cursive::views::LinearLayout>
- );
-impl TxnTables {
- pub fn new(id: &'static str, budget: &crate::ynab::Budget) -> Self {
- let mut layout = cursive::views::LinearLayout::vertical();
- layout.add_child(
- cursive::views::TextView::new("Selected: $0.00 (0 transactions)")
- .h_align(cursive::align::HAlign::Right)
- .with_id(SELECTED_TOTAL_ID),
- );
- let inflows = budget
- .reimbursables()
- .iter()
- .filter(|t| !t.reimbursed && t.amount > 0)
- .cloned()
- .collect();
- let mut inflows_table =
- super::txn_table::TxnTable::new(inflows, INFLOWS_TABLE_ID);
- layout.add_child(cursive::views::TextView::new(format!(
- "Inflows: {} ({} transaction{}",
- crate::ynab::format_amount(inflows_table.amount()),
- inflows_table.len(),
- if inflows_table.len() == 1 { ") " } else { "s)" }
- )));
- layout.add_child(cursive::views::CircularFocus::wrap_arrows(
- cursive::views::BoxView::with_min_height(
- std::cmp::min(std::cmp::max(inflows_table.len(), 1), 5) + 2,
- cursive::views::BoxView::with_full_width(inflows_table),
- ),
- ));
- layout.add_child(cursive::views::TextView::new(" "));
- let outflows = budget
- .reimbursables()
- .iter()
- .filter(|t| !t.reimbursed && t.amount <= 0)
- .cloned()
- .collect();
- let mut outflows_table =
- super::txn_table::TxnTable::new(outflows, OUTFLOWS_TABLE_ID);
- layout.add_child(cursive::views::TextView::new(format!(
- "Outflows: {} ({} transaction{}",
- crate::ynab::format_amount(outflows_table.amount()),
- outflows_table.len(),
- if outflows_table.len() == 1 {
- ") "
- } else {
- "s)"
- }
- )));
- layout.add_child(cursive::views::CircularFocus::wrap_arrows(
- cursive::views::BoxView::with_full_screen(outflows_table),
- ));
- let event_view = cursive::views::OnEventView::new(layout)
- .on_event(cursive::event::Key::F0, move |s| {
- submit(s);
- })
- .on_event('r', move |s| {
- refresh(s);
- })
- .on_pre_event_inner(' ', |v, _| select(v))
- .with_id(id);
- TxnTables { view: event_view }
- }
-fn submit(s: &mut cursive::Cursive) {
- let inflows: Vec<_> = s
- .call_on_id(
- |v: &mut cursive::views::OnEventView<
- super::txn_table::TxnTableView,
- >| {
- v.get_inner_mut()
- .borrow_items()
- .iter()
- .filter(|t| t.selected)
- .cloned()
- .collect()
- },
- )
- .unwrap();
- let outflows: Vec<_> = s
- .call_on_id(
- |v: &mut cursive::views::OnEventView<
- super::txn_table::TxnTableView,
- >| {
- v.get_inner_mut()
- .borrow_items()
- .iter()
- .filter(|t| t.selected)
- .cloned()
- .collect()
- },
- )
- .unwrap();
- let total_inflow: i64 = inflows.iter().map(|t| t.amount).sum();
- let total_outflow: i64 = outflows.iter().map(|t| t.amount).sum();
- let total_amount = total_inflow + total_outflow;
- if total_amount == 0 && (inflows.len() + outflows.len() > 0) {
- let budget: &mut crate::ynab::Budget = s.user_data().unwrap();
- let txns: Vec<_> = inflows.iter().chain(outflows.iter()).collect();
- let err = budget.reconcile_transactions(&txns);
- if let Err(err) = err {
- s.add_layer(super::util::dialog(&format!("Error: {}", err)))
- } else {
- s.add_layer(super::util::dialog(&format!(
- "Successfully updated {} transactions",
- txns.len()
- )));
- s.call_on_id(
- |v: &mut cursive::views::OnEventView<
- super::txn_table::TxnTableView,
- >| {
- let v = v.get_inner_mut();
- let all_txns = v.borrow_items_mut();
- for id in txns.iter().map(|t| t.id.clone()) {
- if let Some(idx) =
- all_txns.iter().position(|t| t.id == id)
- {
- all_txns.remove(idx);
- }
- }
- if let Some(row) = v.row() {
- if row >= v.len() {
- v.set_selected_row(v.len() - 1);
- }
- }
- },
- )
- .unwrap();
- s.call_on_id(
- |v: &mut cursive::views::OnEventView<
- super::txn_table::TxnTableView,
- >| {
- let v = v.get_inner_mut();
- let all_txns = v.borrow_items_mut();
- for id in txns.iter().map(|t| t.id.clone()) {
- if let Some(idx) =
- all_txns.iter().position(|t| t.id == id)
- {
- all_txns.remove(idx);
- }
- }
- if let Some(row) = v.row() {
- if row >= v.len() {
- v.set_selected_row(v.len() - 1);
- }
- }
- },
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- } else if total_amount != 0 {
- s.add_layer(super::util::dialog(&format!(
- "Selected amount is {}, must be 0",
- crate::ynab::format_amount(total_amount)
- )))
- }
-fn refresh(s: &mut cursive::Cursive) {
- let budget: &mut crate::ynab::Budget = s.user_data().unwrap();
- let err = budget.refresh();
- if let Err(err) = err {
- s.add_layer(super::util::dialog(&format!("Error: {}", err)));
- return;
- }
- let mut inflows: Vec<_> = budget
- .reimbursables()
- .iter()
- .filter(|t| !t.reimbursed && t.amount > 0)
- .cloned()
- .collect();
- s.call_on_id(
- |v: &mut cursive::views::OnEventView<
- super::txn_table::TxnTableView,
- >| {
- let v = v.get_inner_mut();
- let selected: std::collections::HashSet<_> = v
- .borrow_items()
- .iter()
- .filter(|t| t.selected)
- .map(|t| t.id.clone())
- .collect();
- let row = v
- .item()
- .and_then(|idx| v.borrow_item(idx).map(|t| t.id.clone()));
- for mut t in inflows.iter_mut() {
- if selected.contains(&t.id) {
- t.selected = true;
- }
- }
- let idx =
- row.and_then(|id| inflows.iter().position(|t| t.id == id));
- v.set_items(inflows);
- if let Some(idx) = idx {
- v.set_selected_item(idx);
- }
- },
- )
- .unwrap();
- let budget: &mut crate::ynab::Budget = s.user_data().unwrap();
- let mut outflows: Vec<_> = budget
- .reimbursables()
- .iter()
- .filter(|t| !t.reimbursed && t.amount <= 0)
- .cloned()
- .collect();
- s.call_on_id(
- |v: &mut cursive::views::OnEventView<
- super::txn_table::TxnTableView,
- >| {
- let v = v.get_inner_mut();
- let selected: std::collections::HashSet<_> = v
- .borrow_items()
- .iter()
- .filter(|t| t.selected)
- .map(|t| t.id.clone())
- .collect();
- let row = v
- .item()
- .and_then(|idx| v.borrow_item(idx).map(|t| t.id.clone()));
- for mut t in outflows.iter_mut() {
- if selected.contains(&t.id) {
- t.selected = true;
- }
- }
- let idx =
- row.and_then(|id| outflows.iter().position(|t| t.id == id));
- v.set_items(outflows);
- if let Some(idx) = idx {
- v.set_selected_item(idx);
- }
- },
- )
- .unwrap();
- render_selected_total(s);
-fn select(
- v: &mut cursive::views::LinearLayout,
-) -> Option<cursive::event::EventResult> {
- let idx = v.get_focus_index();
- let child = v.get_child_mut(idx).unwrap();
- child.call_on_any(
- &cursive::view::Selector::Id(INFLOWS_TABLE_ID),
- Box::new(|v| {
- v.downcast_mut::<cursive::views::IdView<
- cursive::views::OnEventView<super::txn_table::TxnTableView>,
- >>()
- .map(|v| v.on_event(cursive::event::Event::Char(' ')));
- }),
- );
- child.call_on_any(
- &cursive::view::Selector::Id(OUTFLOWS_TABLE_ID),
- Box::new(|v| {
- v.downcast_mut::<cursive::views::IdView<
- cursive::views::OnEventView<super::txn_table::TxnTableView>,
- >>()
- .map(|v| v.on_event(cursive::event::Event::Char(' ')));
- }),
- );
- Some(cursive::event::EventResult::with_cb(|s| {
- render_selected_total(s);
- }))
-fn render_selected_total(s: &mut cursive::Cursive) {
- let inflows: Vec<_> = s
- .call_on_id(
- |v: &mut cursive::views::OnEventView<
- super::txn_table::TxnTableView,
- >| {
- v.get_inner_mut()
- .borrow_items()
- .iter()
- .filter(|t| t.selected)
- .map(|t| t.amount)
- .collect()
- },
- )
- .unwrap();
- let outflows: Vec<_> = s
- .call_on_id(
- |v: &mut cursive::views::OnEventView<
- super::txn_table::TxnTableView,
- >| {
- v.get_inner_mut()
- .borrow_items()
- .iter()
- .filter(|t| t.selected)
- .map(|t| t.amount)
- .collect()
- },
- )
- .unwrap();
- let outflow: i64 = outflows.iter().sum();
- let inflow: i64 = inflows.iter().sum();
- let amount = outflow + inflow;
- s.call_on_id(SELECTED_TOTAL_ID, |v: &mut cursive::views::TextView| {
- let mut sstr =
- cursive::utils::markup::StyledString::plain("Selected: ");
- let color = if amount == 0 && outflows.len() + inflows.len() != 0 {
- cursive::theme::Color::Dark(cursive::theme::BaseColor::Green)
- } else {
- cursive::theme::Color::TerminalDefault
- };
- sstr.append(cursive::utils::markup::StyledString::styled(
- crate::ynab::format_amount(amount),
- color,
- ));
- sstr.append(format!(
- " ({} transaction{}",
- outflows.len() + inflows.len(),
- if outflows.len() + inflows.len() == 1 {
- ") "
- } else {
- "s)"
- }
- ));
- v.set_content(sstr);
- });