diff options
36 files changed, 2592 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/EXTERNAL b/EXTERNAL
index b1cf1ef..a635105 100644
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ vim/plugin/matchit.vim
- distributed with vim
- by Sartak, Michael R Geddes, etc
+vim/plugin/snippetsEmu.vim vim/after/ftplugin/*snippets.vim
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/actionscript_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/actionscript_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72e5466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/actionscript_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet dm duplicateMovieClip(".st."target".et.", ".st."newName".et.", ".st."depth".et.");"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/aspvbs_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/aspvbs_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fdc8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/aspvbs_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet rr Response.Redirect(".st."to".et.")"""
+exec "Snippet app Application(\"""\")"""
+exec "Snippet forin For ".st."var".et." in ".st."array".et."<CR>""<CR>Next<CR>"""
+exec "Snippet ifelse If ".st."condition".et." Then<CR>""<CR>Else<CR>""<CR>End if<CR>"""
+exec "Snippet rw Response.Write """
+exec "Snippet sess Session(\"""\")"""
+exec "Snippet rf Request.Form(\"""\")"""
+exec "Snippet rq Request.QueryString(\"""\")"""
+exec "Snippet while While ".st."NOT".et." ".st."condition".et."<CR>""<CR>Wend<CR>"""
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/c_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/c_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90c6f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/c_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+function! Count(haystack, needle)
+ let counter = 0
+ let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle)
+ while index > -1
+ let counter = counter + 1
+ let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle, index+1)
+ endwhile
+ return counter
+function! CArgList(count)
+ " This returns a list of empty tags to be used as
+ " argument list placeholders for the call to printf
+ let st = g:snip_start_tag
+ let et = g:snip_end_tag
+ if a:count == 0
+ return ""
+ else
+ return repeat(', ', a:count)
+ endif
+function! CMacroName(filename)
+ let name = a:filename
+ let name = substitute(name, '\.','_','g')
+ let name = substitute(name, '\(.\)','\u\1','g')
+ return name
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet do do<CR>{<CR>""<CR>} while ("");"
+exec "Snippet readfile std::vector<uint8_t> v;<CR>if(FILE* fp = fopen(\"".st."filename".et."\", \"r\"))<CR>{<CR>uint8_t buf[1024];<CR>while(size_t len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp))<CR>v.insert(v.end(), buf, buf + len);<CR>fclose(fp);<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet beginend ".st."v".et.".begin(), ".st."v".et.".end()"
+exec "Snippet once #ifndef ``CMacroName(expand('%'))``_<CR><CR>#define ``CMacroName(expand('%'))``_<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>#endif /* ``CMacroName(expand('%'))``_ */<CR>"
+"exec "Snippet once #ifndef _".st."file:substitute(expand('%'),'\\(.\\)','\\u\\1','g')".et."_<CR><CR>#define _".st."file".et."_<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>#endif /* _".st."file".et."_ */<CR>"
+exec "Snippet class class ".st."name".et."<CR>{<CR>public:<CR>".st."name".et." (".st."arguments".et.");<CR>virtual ~".st."name".et."();<CR><CR>private:<CR>""<CR>};<CR>"
+" TODO This is a good one but I can't quite work out the syntax yet
+exec "Snippet printf printf(\"".st."\"%s\"".et."\\n\"".st."\"%s\":CArgList(Count(@z, '%[^%]'))".et.");<CR>"
+exec "Snippet vector std::vector<".st."char".et."> v"";"
+exec "Snippet struct struct ".st."name".et."<CR>{<CR>""<CR>};<CR>"
+exec "Snippet template template <typename ".st."_InputIter".et."><CR>"
+" TODO this one as well. Wish I knew more C
+" Snippet namespace namespace ${1:${TM_FILENAME/(.*?)\\..*/\\L$1/}}\n{\n\t$0\n};<CR>
+exec "Snippet namespace namespace ".st.":substitute(expand('%'),'.','\\l&', 'g')".et."<CR>{<CR>""<CR>};<CR>"
+exec "Snippet map std::map<".st."key".et.", ".st."value".et."> map"";<CR>"
+exec "Snippet mark #if 0<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>#endif<CR><CR>"
+exec "Snippet if if("")<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet main int main (int argc, char const* argv[])<CR>{<CR>""<CR>return 0;<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet Inc #include <""><CR>"
+exec "Snippet inc #include \""".h\""
+exec "Snippet for for( "" ".st."i".et." = ""; ".st."i".et." < ".st."count".et."; ".st."i".et." += "")<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/css_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/css_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e35703f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/css_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet visibility "";"
+exec "Snippet list list-style-image: url("");"
+exec "Snippet text text-shadow: rgb("", "", "", "" "" "";"
+exec "Snippet overflow overflow: "";"
+exec "Snippet white white-space: "";"
+exec "Snippet clear cursor: url("");"
+exec "Snippet margin padding-top: "";"
+exec "Snippet background background #"" url("") "" "" top left/top center/top right/center left/center center/center right/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right/x% y%/x-pos y-pos')".et.";"
+exec "Snippet word word-spaceing: "";"
+exec "Snippet z z-index: "";"
+exec "Snippet vertical vertical-align: "";"
+exec "Snippet marker marker-offset: "";"
+exec "Snippet cursor cursor: "";"
+exec "Snippet border border-right: ""px "" #"";"
+exec "Snippet display display: block;"
+exec "Snippet padding padding: "" "";"
+exec "Snippet letter letter-spacing: ""em;"
+exec "Snippet color color: rgb("", "", "");"
+exec "Snippet font font-weight: "";"
+exec "Snippet position position: "";"
+exec "Snippet direction direction: "";"
+exec "Snippet float float: "";"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/django_model_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/django_model_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cff1c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/django_model_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+function! Count(haystack, needle)
+ let counter = 0
+ let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle)
+ while index > -1
+ let counter = counter + 1
+ let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle, index+1)
+ endwhile
+ return counter
+function! DjangoArgList(count)
+ " This needs to be Python specific as print expects a
+ " tuple and an empty tuple looks like this (,) so we'll need to make a
+ " special case for it
+ let st = g:snip_start_tag
+ let et = g:snip_end_tag
+ if a:count == 0
+ return "()"
+ else
+ return '('.repeat(', ', a:count).')'
+ endif
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet mmodel class ""(models.Model):<CR>\"\"\"""\"\"\"<CR>"" = ""<CR><CR>class Admin:<CR>pass<CR><CR>def __str__(self):<CR>return \"".st."s".et."\" % ".st."s:DjangoArgList(Count(@z, '%[^%]'))".et."<CR>"
+exec "Snippet mauto models.AutoField("")"
+exec "Snippet mbool models.BooleanField()"
+exec "Snippet mchar models.CharField(maxlength=".st."50"")"
+exec "Snippet mcsi models.CommaSeparatedIntegerField(maxlength=".st."50"")"
+exec "Snippet mdate models.DateField("")"
+exec "Snippet mdatet models.DateTimeField("")"
+exec "Snippet memail models.EmailField("")"
+exec "Snippet mfile models.FileField(upload_to=\"""\""")"
+exec "Snippet mfilep models.FilePathField(path=\"""\""")"
+exec "Snippet mfloat models.FloatField(max_digits="", decimal_places="")"
+exec "Snippet mimage models.ImageField("")"
+exec "Snippet mint models.IntegerField("")"
+exec "Snippet mipadd models.IPAddressField("")"
+exec "Snippet mnull models.NullBooleanField()"
+exec "Snippet mphone models.PhoneNumberField("")"
+exec "Snippet mpint models.PositiveIntegerField("")"
+exec "Snippet mspint models.PositiveSmallIntegerField("")"
+exec "Snippet mslug models.SlugField("")"
+exec "Snippet msint models.SmallIntegerField("")"
+exec "Snippet mtext models.TextField("")"
+exec "Snippet mtime models.TimeField("")"
+exec "Snippet murl models.URLField(verify_exists=".st."True"")"
+exec "Snippet muss models.USStateField("")"
+exec "Snippet mxml models.XMLField(schema_path=\"""\""")"
+exec "Snippet mfor models.ForeignKey("")"
+exec "Snippet mm2o models.ForeignKey("")"
+exec "Snippet mm2m models.ManyToManyField("")"
+exec "Snippet mo2o models.OneToOneField("")"
+exec "Snippet mman models.Manager()"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/django_template_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/django_template_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7d4378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/django_template_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet {{ {% templatetag openvariable %}"
+exec "Snippet }} {% templatetag closevariable %}"
+exec "Snippet {% {% templatetag openblock %}"
+exec "Snippet %} {% templatetag closeblock %}"
+exec "Snippet now {% now \"""\" %}"
+exec "Snippet firstof {% firstof "" %}"
+exec "Snippet ifequal {% ifequal "" "" %}<CR>""<CR>{% endifequal %}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet ifchanged {% ifchanged %}""{% endifchanged %}"
+exec "Snippet regroup {% regroup "" by "" as "" %}"
+exec "Snippet extends {% extends \"""\" %}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet filter {% filter "" %}<CR>""<CR>{% endfilter %}"
+exec "Snippet block {% block "" %}<CR>""<CR>{% endblock %}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet cycle {% cycle "" as "" %}"
+exec "Snippet if {% if "" %}<CR>""<CR>{% endif %}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet debug {% debug %}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet ifnotequal {% ifnotequal "" "" %}<CR>""<CR>{% endifnotequal %}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet include {% include "" %}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet comment {% comment %}<CR>""<CR>{% endcomment %}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet for {% for "" in "" %}<CR>""<CR>{% endfor %}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet ssi {% ssi "" "" %}"
+exec "Snippet widthratio {% widthratio "" "" "" %}"
+exec "Snippet load {% load "" %}<CR>"
+" Field snippet contributed by Alex Pounds
+exec "Snippet field <p><label for=\"id_".st."fieldname".et."\">".st."fieldlabel".et.":</label> {{ form.".st."fieldname".et." }}<CR>{% if form.".st."fieldname".et.".errors %}*** {{ form.".st."fieldname".et.".errors|join:\", \" }} {% endif %}</p>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/f-script_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/f-script_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1332e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/f-script_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet tbd to:"" by:"" do:[ "" |<CR>""<CR>]."
+exec "Snippet it ifTrue:[<CR>""<CR>]."
+exec "Snippet ift ifFalse:[<CR>""<CR>] ifTrue:[<CR>""<CR>]."
+exec "Snippet itf ifTrue:[<CR>""<CR>] ifFalse:[<CR>""<CR>]."
+exec "Snippet td to:"" do:["" "" |<CR>""<CR>]."
+exec "Snippet if ifFalse:[<CR>""<CR>]."
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/haskell_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/haskell_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6902d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/haskell_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet mod module: "" where<CR><Tab>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/html_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/html_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59d1cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/html_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+function! SelectDoctype()
+ let st = g:snip_start_tag
+ let et = g:snip_end_tag
+ let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+ let dt = inputlist(['Select doctype:',
+ \ '1. HTML 4.01',
+ \ '2. HTML 4.01 Transitional',
+ \ '3. HTML 4.01 Frameset',
+ \ '4. XHTML 1.0 Frameset',
+ \ '5. XHTML Strict',
+ \ '6. XHTML Transitional',
+ \ '7. XHTML Frameset'])
+ let dts = {1: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"\n\"\">\n",
+ \ 2: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"\n\"\">\n",
+ \ 3: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN\"\n\"\">\n",
+ \ 4: "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\"\n\"\">\n",
+ \ 5: "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML Strict//EN\"\n\"\">\n",
+ \ 6: "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML Transitional//EN\"\n\"\">\n",
+ \ 7: "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML Frameset//EN\"\n\"\">\n"}
+ return dts[dt]
+exec "Snippet doct ``SelectDoctype()``"
+exec "Snippet doctype <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\"<CR><TAB>\"\"><CR>"
+exec "Snippet doc4s <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"<CR>\"\"><CR>"
+exec "Snippet doc4t <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"<CR>\"\"><CR>"
+exec "Snippet doc4f <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN\"<CR>\"\"><CR>"
+exec "Snippet docxs <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML Strict//EN\"<CR>\"\"><CR>"
+exec "Snippet docxt <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML Transitional//EN\"<CR>\"\"><CR>"
+exec "Snippet docxf <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML Frameset//EN\"<CR>\"\"><CR>"
+exec "Snippet head <head><CR><meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /><CR><title>""</title><CR>""<CR></head><CR>"
+exec "Snippet script <script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\"><CR>// <![CDATA[<CR><TAB>""<CR>// ]]><CR></script><CR>"
+exec "Snippet title <title>""</title>"
+exec "Snippet body <body id=\"""\" ""><CR>""<CR></body><CR>"
+exec "Snippet scriptsrc <script src=\"""\" type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"""\" charset=\"""\"></script><CR>"
+exec "Snippet textarea <textarea name=\"""\" rows=\"""\" cols=\"""\">""</textarea><CR>"
+exec "Snippet meta <meta name=\"""\" content=\"""\" /><CR>"
+exec "Snippet movie <object width=\"""\" height=\"""\"<CR>classid=\"clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B\"<CR>codebase=\"\"><CR><param name=\"src\"<CR>value=\"""\" /><CR><param name=\"controller\" value=\"""\" /><CR><param name=\"autoplay\" value=\"""\" /><CR><embed src=\"""\"<CR>width=\"""\" height=\"""\"<CR>controller=\"""\" autoplay=\"""\"<CR>scale=\"tofit\" cache=\"true\"<CR>pluginspage=\"\"<CR>/><CR></object><CR>"
+exec "Snippet div <div ""><CR>""<CR></div><CR>"
+exec "Snippet mailto <a href=\"mailto:""?subject=""\">""</a>"
+exec "Snippet table <table border=\"""\""" cellpadding=\"""\"><CR><tr><th>""</th></tr><CR><tr><td>""</td></tr><CR></table>"
+exec "Snippet link <link rel=\"""\" href=\"""\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"""\" title=\"""\" charset=\"""\" />"
+exec "Snippet form <form action=\"""\" method=\"""\"><CR>""<CR><CR><p><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Continue &rarr;\" /></p><CR></form><CR>"
+exec "Snippet ref <a href=\"""\">""</a>"
+exec "Snippet h1 <h1 id=\"""\">""</h1>"
+exec "Snippet input <input type=\"""\" name=\"""\" value=\"""\" ""/>"
+exec "Snippet style <style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\"><CR>/* <![CDATA[ */<CR>""<CR>/* ]]> */<CR></style><CR>"
+exec "Snippet base <base href=\"""\""" />"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/java_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/java_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..707f3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/java_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+function! UpFirst()
+ return substitute(@z,'.','\u&','')
+function! JavaTestFileName(type)
+ let filepath = expand('%:p')
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, '/','.','g')
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, '^.\(:\\\)\?','','')
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, '\','.','g')
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, ' ','','g')
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, '.*test.','','')
+ if a:type == 1
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, '.[A-Za-z]*.java','','g')
+ elseif a:type == 2
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, '','','')
+ elseif a:type == 3
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, '.*\.\([A-Za-z]*\).java','\1','g')
+ elseif a:type == 4
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, '','','')
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, '.*\.\([A-Za-z]*\).java','\1','g')
+ elseif a:type == 5
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, '','','')
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, '.*\.\([A-Za-z]*\).java','\1','g')
+ let filepath = substitute(filepath, '.','\l&','')
+ endif
+ return filepath
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet method // {{{ ".st."method".et."<CR>/**<CR> * ""<CR> */<CR>public ".st."return".et." ".st."method".et."() {<CR>""}<CR>// }}}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet jps private static final ".st."string".et." "" = \"""\";<CR>"
+exec "Snippet jtc try {<CR>""<CR>} catch ("" e) {<CR>""<CR>} finally {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet jlog /** Logger for this class and subclasses. */<CR><CR>protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());<CR>"
+exec "Snippet jpv private ".st."string".et." "";<CR><CR>"
+exec "Snippet bean // {{{ set".st."fieldName:UpFirst()".et."<CR>/**<CR> * Setter for ".st."fieldName".et.".<CR> * @param new".st."fieldName:UpFirst()".et." new value for ".st."fieldName".et."<CR> */<CR>public void set".st."fieldName:UpFirst()".et."(".st."String".et." new".st."fieldName:UpFirst()".et.") {<CR>".st."fieldName".et." = new".st."fieldName:UpFirst()".et.";<CR>}<CR>// }}}<CR><CR>// {{{ get".st."fieldName:UpFirst()".et."<CR>/**<CR> * Getter for ".st."fieldName".et.".<CR> * @return ".st."fieldName".et." */<CR>public ".st."String".et." get".st."fieldName:UpFirst()".et."() {<CR>return ".st."fieldName".et.";<CR>}<CR>// }}}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet jwh while ("") { // ""<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet sout System.out.println(\"""\");"
+exec "Snippet jtest package ".st."j:JavaTestFileName(1)".et."<CR><CR>import junit.framework.TestCase;<CR>import ".st."j:JavaTestFileName(2)".et.";<CR><CR>/**<CR> * ".st."j:JavaTestFileName(3)".et."<CR> *<CR> * @author ""<CR> * @since ""<CR> */<CR>public class ".st."j:JavaTestFileName(3)".et." extends TestCase {<CR><CR>private ".st."j:JavaTestFileName(4)".et." ".st."j:JavaTestFileName(5)".et.";<CR><CR>public ".st."j:JavaTestFileName(4)".et." get".st."j:JavaTestFileName(4)".et."() { return this.".st."j:JavaTestFileName(5)".et."; }<CR>public void set".st."j:JavaTestFileName(4)".et."(".st."j:JavaTestFileName(4)".et." ".st."j:JavaTestFileName(5)".et.") { this.".st."j:JavaTestFileName(5)".et." = ".st."j:JavaTestFileName(5)".et."; }<CR><CR>public void test""() {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet jif if ("") { // ""<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet jelse if ("") { // ""<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>} else { // ""<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet jpm /**<CR> * ""<CR> *<CR> * @param "" ""<CR> * "" ""<CR> */<CR>private ".st."void".et." ""(".st."String".et." "") {<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet main public main static void main(String[] ars) {<CR>".st."\"System.exit(0)\"".et.";<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet jpum /**<CR> * ""<CR> *<CR> * @param "" ""<CR> *"" ""<CR> */<CR>public ".st."void".et." ""(".st."String".et." "") {<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet jcout <c:out value=\"${""}\" />"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/javascript_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/javascript_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16bb4ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/javascript_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet proto ".st."className".et.".prototype.".st."methodName".et." = function("")<CR>{<CR>""<CR>};<CR>"
+exec "Snippet fun function ".st."functionName".et." ("")<CR>{<CR><Tab>""<CR><BS>}<CR>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/latex_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/latex_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a8db40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/latex_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet sub \\subsection{".st."name".et."}\\label{sub:".st."name:substitute(@z,'.','\\l&','g')".et."}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet $$ \\[<CR>""<CR>\\]<CR>"
+exec "Snippet ssub \\subsubsection{".st."name".et."}\\label{ssub:".st."name:substitute(@z,'.','\\l&','g')".et."}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet itd \\item[".st."desc".et."] "
+exec "Snippet sec \\section{".st."name".et."}\\label{sec:".st."name:substitute(@z,'.','\\l&','g')".et."}<CR>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/logo_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/logo_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9386490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/logo_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet to to ".st."name".et." ".st."argument".et."<CR>""<CR>end<CR>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/markdown_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/markdown_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ada6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/markdown_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet img ![".st."altText".et."](".st."SRC".et.")"
+exec "Snippet link [".st."desc".et."](".st."HREF".et.")"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/movable_type_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/movable_type_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45c539a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/movable_type_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet cat <$MTCategoryDescription$>"
+exec "Snippet blog <$MTBlogName$>"
+exec "Snippet archive <$MTArchiveFile$>"
+exec "Snippet cal <MTCalendarIfEntries><CR><Tab>""<CR></MTCalendarIfEntries><CR>"
+exec "Snippet entry <$MTEntryMore$>"
+exec "Snippet entries <MTEntriesHeader><CR><Tab>""<CR></MTEntriesHeader><CR>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/objc_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/objc_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..580759d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/objc_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+function! UpFirst()
+ return substitute(@z,'.','\u&','')
+function! Count(haystack, needle)
+ let counter = 0
+ let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle)
+ while index > -1
+ let counter = counter + 1
+ let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle, index+1)
+ endwhile
+ return counter
+function! ObjCArgList(count)
+ let st = g:snip_start_tag
+ let et = g:snip_end_tag
+ if a:count == 0
+ return
+ else
+ return', ', a:count)
+ endif
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet cat @interface ".st."NSObject".et." (".st."Category".et.")<CR><CR>@end<CR><CR><CR>@implementation ".st."NSObject".et." (".st."Category".et.")<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>@end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet delacc - (id)delegate;<CR><CR>- (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate;<CR>"
+exec "Snippet ibo IBOutlet ".st."NSSomeClass".et." *".st."someClass".et.";<CR>"
+exec "Snippet dict NSMutableDictionary *".st."dict".et." = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];<CR>"
+exec "Snippet Imp #import <"".h><CR>"
+exec "Snippet objc @interface ".st."class".et." : ".st."NSObject".et."<CR>{<CR>}<CR>@end<CR><CR>@implementation ".st."class".et."<CR>- (id)init<CR>{<CR>self = [super init]; <CR>if (self != nil)<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>return self;<CR>}<CR>@end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet imp #import \""".h\"<CR>"
+exec "Snippet bez NSBezierPath *".st."path".et." = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];<CR>"
+exec "Snippet acc - (".st."\"unsigned int\"".et.")".st."thing".et."<CR>{<CR>return ".st."fThing".et.";<CR>}<CR><CR>- (void)set".st."thing:UpFirst()".et.":(".st."\"unsigned int\"".et.")new".st."thing:UpFirst()".et."<CR>{<CR>".st."fThing".et." = new".st."thing:UpFirst()".et.";<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet format [NSString stringWithFormat:@\"""\", ""]"
+exec "Snippet focus [self lockFocus];<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>[self unlockFocus];<CR>"
+exec "Snippet setprefs [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:".st."object".et." forKey:".st."key".et."];<CR>"
+exec "Snippet log NSLog(@\"%s".st."s".et."\", ".st."s:ObjCArgList(Count(@z, '%[^%]'))".et.");"
+exec "Snippet gsave [NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];<CR>""<CR>[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];<CR>"
+exec "Snippet forarray for(unsigned int index = 0; index < [".st."array".et." count]; index += 1)<CR>{<CR>".st."id".et."object = [".st."array".et." objectAtIndex:index];<CR>""<CR>}"
+exec "Snippet classi @interface ".st."ClassName".et." : ".st."NSObject".et."<CR><CR>{""<CR><CR>}<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>@end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet array NSMutableArray *".st."array".et." = [NSMutableArray array];"
+exec "Snippet getprefs [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:<key>];"
+exec "Snippet cati @interface ".st."NSObject".et." (".st."Category".et.")<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>@end<CR>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/ocaml_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/ocaml_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f68b92d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/ocaml_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet Queue Queue.fold "" ".st."base".et." ".st."q".et."<CR>"
+exec "Snippet Nativeint Nativeint.abs ".st."ni"
+exec "Snippet Printexc Printexc.print ".st."fn".et." ".st."x"
+exec "Snippet Sys Sys.Signal_ignore"
+exec "Snippet Hashtbl Hashtbl.iter "" ".st."h"
+exec "Snippet Array "" ".st."arr"
+exec "Snippet Printf Printf.fprintf ".st."buf".et." \"".st."format".et."\" ".st."args"
+exec "Snippet Stream Stream.iter "" ".st."stream"
+exec "Snippet Buffer Buffer.add_channel ".st."buf".et." ".st."ic".et." ".st."len"
+exec "Snippet Int32 Int32.abs ".st."i32"
+exec "Snippet List List.rev_map "" ".st."lst"
+exec "Snippet Scanf Scanf.bscaf ".st."sbuf".et." \"".st."format".et."\" ".st."f"
+exec "Snippet Int64 Int64.abs ".st."i64"
+exec "Snippet Map Map.Make "
+exec "Snippet String String.iter "" ".st."str"
+exec "Snippet Genlex Genlex.make_lexer ".st."\"tok_lst\"".et." ".st."\"char_stream\""
+exec "Snippet for for ".st."i}".et." = "" to "" do<CR>""<CR>done<CR>"
+exec "Snippet Stack Stack.iter "" ".st."stk"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/perl_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/perl_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d8de23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/perl_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet sub sub ".st."FunctionName".et." {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet class package ".st."ClassName".et.";<CR><CR>""ParentClass"";<CR><CR>sub new {<CR>my \$class = shift;<CR>\$class = ref \$class if ref \$class;<CR>my $self = bless {}, \$class;<CR>\$self;<CR>}<CR><CR>1;<CR>"
+exec "Snippet xfore ".st."expression".et." foreach @".st."array".et.";"
+exec "Snippet xwhile ".st."expression".et." while ".st."condition".et.";"
+exec "Snippet xunless ".st."expression".et." unless ".st."condition".et.";"
+exec "Snippet slurp my $".st."var".et.";<CR><CR>{ local $/ = undef; local *FILE; open FILE, \"<".st."file".et.">\"; $".st."var".et." = <FILE>; close FILE }"
+exec "Snippet if if ("") {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet unless unless ("") {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet ifee if ("") {<CR>""<CR><BS>} elsif ("") {<CR>""<CR><BS>} else {<CR>""<CR>}<CR><CR>"
+exec "Snippet ife if ("") {<CR>""<CR>} else {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet for for (my \$".st."var".et." = 0; \$".st."var".et." < ".st."expression".et."; \$".st."var".et."++) {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet fore foreach my \$".st."var".et." (@".st."array".et.") {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet eval eval {<CR>""<CR>};<CR>if ($@) {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet while while ("") {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet xif ".st."expression".et." if ".st."condition".et.";"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/php_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/php_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df88161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/php_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet elseif elseif ( ".st."condition".et." )<CR>{<CR><Tab>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet do do<CR>{<CR>""<CR><CR>} while ( "" );<CR>"
+exec "Snippet reql require_once( '".st."file".et."' );<CR>"
+exec "Snippet if? $".st."retVal".et." = ( ".st."condition".et." ) ? ".st."a".et." : ".st."b".et." ;<CR>"
+exec "Snippet phpp <?php<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>?>"
+exec "Snippet switch switch ( ".st."variable".et." )<CR>{<CR>case '".st."value".et."':<CR>""<CR>break;<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>default:<CR>""<CR>break;<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet class #doc<CR>#classname:".st."ClassName".et."<CR>#scope:".st."PUBLIC".et."<CR>#<CR>#/doc<CR><CR>class ".st."ClassName".et." ".st."extendsAnotherClass".et."<CR>{<CR>#internal variables<CR><CR>#Constructor<CR>function __construct ( ".st."argument".et.")<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>###<CR><CR>}<CR>###"
+exec "Snippet incll include_once( '".st."file".et."' );"
+exec "Snippet incl include( '".st."file".et."' );"
+exec "Snippet foreach foreach( $".st."variable".et." as $".st."key".et." => $".st."value".et." )<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet ifelse if ( ".st."condition".et." )<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>else<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet $_ $_REQUEST['".st."variable".et."']<CR>"
+exec "Snippet case case '".st."variable".et."':<CR>""<CR>break;<CR>"
+exec "Snippet print print \"".st."string".et."\""";""<CR>"
+exec "Snippet function ".st."public".et."function ".st."FunctionName".et." ("")<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet if if ( ".st."condition".et." )<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet else else<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet array $".st."arrayName".et." = array( '""',"" );"
+exec "Snippet -globals $GLOBALS['".st."variable".et."']""something"";<CR>"
+exec "Snippet req require( '".st."file".et."' );<CR>"
+exec "Snippet for for ( $".st."i".et."=""; $".st."i".et." < ""; $".st."i".et."++ )<CR>{ <CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet while while ( "" )<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/phpdoc_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/phpdoc_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..038a560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/phpdoc_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet doc_d /**<CR>* ".st."undocumentedConstant".et."<CR>**/<CR>define("", "");""<CR>"
+exec "Snippet doc_vp /**<CR>* ".st."undocumentedClassVariable".et."<CR>*<CR>* @var ".st."string""<CR>**/""<CR>"
+exec "Snippet doc_f /**<CR>* ".st."undocumentedFunction".et."<CR>*<CR>* @return ".st."void".et."<CR>* @author ""<CR>**/<CR>""function ""("")<CR>{""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet doc_s /**<CR>* ".st."undocumentedFunction".et."<CR>*<CR>* @return ".st."void".et."<CR>* @author ""<CR>**/<CR>""function ""("");<CR>"
+exec "Snippet doc_h /**<CR>* ""<CR>*<CR>* @author ""<CR>* @version $Id$<CR>* @copyright "", ""<CR>* @package ".st."default".et."<CR>**/<CR><CR>/**<CR>* Define DocBlock<CR>**/<CR><CR>"
+exec "Snippet doc_fp /**<CR>* ".st."undocumentedFunction".et."<CR>*<CR>* @return ".st."void".et."<CR>* @author ""<CR>**/""<CR>"
+exec "Snippet doc_i /**<CR>* ".st."undocumentedClass".et."<CR>*<CR>* @package ".st."default".et."<CR>* @author ""<CR>**/<CR>interface ""<CR>{""<CR>} // END interface ""<CR>"
+exec "Snippet doc_fp /**<CR>* ".st."undocumentedConstant""<CR>**/""<CR>"
+exec "Snippet doc_v /**<CR>* ".st."undocumentedClassVariable".et."<CR>*<CR>* @var ".st."string".et."<CR>**/<CR><var> $"";""<CR>"
+exec "Snippet doc_cp /**<CR>* ".st."undocumentedClass".et."<CR>*<CR>* @package ".st."default".et."<CR>* @author ""<CR>**/"
+exec "Snippet doc_c /**<CR>* ".st."undocumentedClass".et."<CR>*<CR>* @package ".st."default".et."<CR>* @author ""<CR>**/<CR>".st."class".et."class ".st."a".et."<CR>{""<CR>} // END ".st."class".et."class ".st."a".et."<CR>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/propel_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/propel_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dec08e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/propel_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet <i <index name=\"".st."key".et."_index\"><CR><index-column name=\"".st."key".et."\" /><CR></index><CR>"
+exec "Snippet <t <table name=\"".st."name".et."\" ""><CR>""<CR></table><CR>"
+exec "Snippet <u <unique name=\"unique_".st."key".et."\"><CR><unique-column name=\"".st."key".et."\" /><CR></unique><CR>"
+exec "Snippet <c <column name=\"".st."name".et."\" type=\"".st."type".et."\" "" /><CR>"
+exec "Snippet <p <column name=\"".st."id".et."\" type=\"".st."integer".et."\" required=\"true\" primaryKey=\"true\" autoincrement=\"true\" /><CR>"
+exec "Snippet <f <foreign-key foreignTable=\"".st."table".et."\"><CR><reference local=\"".st."table".et."_id\" foreign=\"<id>\"/><CR></foreign-key><CR>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/python_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/python_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97d3e0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/python_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+" Given a string containing a list of arguments (e.g. "one, two = 'test'"),
+" this function cleans it up by removing useless whitespace and commas.
+function! PyCleanupArgs(text)
+ if a:text == 'args'
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let text = substitute(a:text, '\(\w\)\s\(\w\)', '\1,\2', 'g')
+ return join(split(text, '\s*,\s*'), ', ')
+" Given a string containing a list of arguments (e.g. "one = 'test', *args,
+" **kwargs"), this function returns a string containing only the variable
+" names, separated by spaces, e.g. "one two".
+function! PyGetVarnamesFromArgs(text)
+ let text = substitute(a:text, 'self,*\s*', '', '')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\*\*\?\k\+', '', 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '=.\{-},', '', 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '=.\{-}$', '', 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\s*,\s*', ' ', 'g')
+ if text == ' '
+ return ''
+ endif
+ return text
+" Returns the current indent as a string.
+function! PyGetIndentString()
+ if &expandtab
+ let tabs = indent('.') / &shiftwidth
+ let tabstr = repeat(' ', &shiftwidth)
+ else
+ let tabs = indent('.') / &tabstop
+ let tabstr = '\t'
+ endif
+ return repeat(tabstr, tabs)
+" Given a string containing a list of arguments (e.g. "one = 'test', *args,
+" **kwargs"), this function returns them formatted correctly for the
+" docstring.
+function! PyGetDocstringFromArgs(text)
+ let text = PyGetVarnamesFromArgs(a:text)
+ if a:text == 'args' || text == ''
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let indent = PyGetIndentString()
+ let st = g:snip_start_tag
+ let et = g:snip_end_tag
+ let docvars = map(split(text), 'v:val." -- "')
+ return '\n'.indent.join(docvars, '\n'.indent).'\n'.indent
+" Given a string containing a list of arguments (e.g. "one = 'test', *args,
+" **kwargs"), this function returns them formatted as a variable assignment in
+" the form "self._ONE = ONE", as used in class constructors.
+function! PyGetVariableInitializationFromVars(text)
+ let text = PyGetVarnamesFromArgs(a:text)
+ if a:text == 'args' || text == ''
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let indent = PyGetIndentString()
+ let st = g:snip_start_tag
+ let et = g:snip_end_tag
+ let assert_vars = map(split(text), '"assert ".v:val." "')
+ let assign_vars = map(split(text), '"self._".v:val." = ".v:val')
+ let assertions = join(assert_vars, '\n'.indent)
+ let assignments = join(assign_vars, '\n'.indent)
+ return assertions.'\n'.indent.assignments.'\n'.indent
+" Given a string containing a list of arguments (e.g. "one = 'test', *args,
+" **kwargs"), this function returns them with the default arguments removed.
+function! PyStripDefaultValue(text)
+ return substitute(a:text, '=.*', '', 'g')
+" Returns the number of occurences of needle in haystack.
+function! Count(haystack, needle)
+ let counter = 0
+ let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle)
+ while index > -1
+ let counter = counter + 1
+ let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle, index+1)
+ endwhile
+ return counter
+" Returns replacement if the given subject matches the given match.
+" Returns the subject otherwise.
+function! PyReplace(subject, match, replacement)
+ if a:subject == a:match
+ return a:replacement
+ endif
+ return a:subject
+" Returns the % operator with a tuple containing n elements appended, where n
+" is the given number.
+function! PyHashArgList(count)
+ if a:count == 0
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let st = g:snip_start_tag
+ let et = g:snip_end_tag
+ return ' % ('', ', a:count - 1).')'
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+" Note to users: The following method of defininf snippets is to allow for
+" changes to the default tags.
+" Feel free to define your own as so:
+" Snippet mysnip This is the expansion text.<{}>
+" There is no need to use exec if you are happy to hardcode your own start and
+" end tags
+" Properties, setters and getters.
+exec "Snippet prop ".st."attribute".et." = property(get_".st."attribute".et.", set_".st."attribute"")<CR>"
+exec "Snippet get def get_".st."name".et."(self):<CR>return self._".st."name".et."<CR>"
+exec "Snippet set def set_".st."name".et."(self, ".st."value".et."):
+\<CR>self._".st."name".et." = ".st."value:PyStripDefaultValue(@z)".et."
+" Functions and methods.
+exec "Snippet def def ".st."fname".et."(".st."args:PyCleanupArgs(@z)".et."):
+exec "Snippet cm ".st."class".et." = classmethod(".st."class".et.")<CR>"
+" Class definition.
+exec "Snippet cl class ".st."ClassName".et."(".st."object".et."):
+\<CR>This class represents ""
+\<CR>def __init__(self, ".st."args:PyCleanupArgs(@z)".et."):
+" Keywords
+exec "Snippet for for ".st."variable".et." in ".st."ensemble".et.":<CR>".st."pass".et."<CR>"
+exec "Snippet pf print '".st."s".et."'".st."s:PyHashArgList(Count(@z, '%[^%]'))".et."<CR>"
+exec "Snippet im import ".st."module".et."<CR>"
+exec "Snippet from from ".st."module".et." import ".st.'name:PyReplace(@z, "name", "*")'.et."<CR>"
+exec "Snippet % '".st."s".et."'".st."s:PyHashArgList(Count(@z, '%[^%]'))"
+exec "Snippet ass assert ".st."expression"
+" From Kib2
+exec "Snippet bc \"\"\"<CR>""<CR>\"\"\"<CR>"
+" Try, except, finally.
+exec "Snippet trye try:
+\<CR>except Exception, e:
+exec "Snippet tryf try:
+exec "Snippet tryef try:
+\<CR>except Exception, e:
+" Other multi statement templates
+" From Panos
+exec "Snippet ifn if __name__ == '".st."main".et."':<CR>"
+exec "Snippet ifmain if __name__ == '__main__':<CR>"
+" Shebang
+exec "Snippet sb #!/usr/bin/env python<CR># -*- coding: ".st."encoding".et." -*-<CR>"
+exec "Snippet sbu #!/usr/bin/env python<CR># -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-<CR>"
+" From Kib2
+exec "Snippet sbl1 #!/usr/bin/env python<CR># -*- coding: Latin-1 -*-<CR>"
+" Unit tests.
+exec "Snippet unittest if __name__ == '__main__':
+\<CR>import unittest
+\<CR>class ".st."ClassName".et."Test(unittest.TestCase):
+\<CR>def setUp(self):
+\<CR>def runTest(self):
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/rails_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/rails_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db5a16f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/rails_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet mrnt rename_table \"".st."oldTableName".et."\", \"".st."newTableName".et."\""
+exec "Snippet rfu render :file => \"".st."filepath".et."\", :use_full_path => ".st."false"
+exec "Snippet rns render :nothing => ".st."true".et.", :status => "
+exec "Snippet ri render :inline => \"""\")>\""
+exec "Snippet rt render :text => \"""\""
+exec "Snippet mcc t.column \"".st."title".et."\", :".st."string"
+exec "Snippet rpl render :partial => \"".st."item".et."\", :locals => { :".st."name".et." => \"".st."value".et."\""" }"
+exec "Snippet rea redirect_to :action => \"".st."index".et."\""
+exec "Snippet rtlt render :text => \"""\", :layout => ".st."true"
+exec "Snippet ft <%= form_tag :action => \"".st."update".et."\" %>"
+exec "Snippet forin <% for ".st."item".et." in "" %><CR><Tab><%= ".st."item".et.".".st."name".et." %><CR><% end %><CR>"
+exec "Snippet lia <%= link_to \"""\", :action => \"".st."index".et."\" %>"
+exec "Snippet rl render :layout => \"".st."layoutname".et."\""
+exec "Snippet ra render :action => \"".st."action".et."\""
+exec "Snippet mrnc rename_column \"".st."table".et."\", \"".st."oldColumnName".et."\", \"".st."newColumnName".et."\""
+exec "Snippet mac add_column \"".st."table".et."\", \"".st."column".et."\", :".st."string"
+exec "Snippet rpc render :partial => \"".st."item".et."\", :collection => ".st."items"
+exec "Snippet rec redirect_to :controller => \"".st."items".et."\""
+exec "Snippet rn render :nothing => ".st."true"
+exec "Snippet lic <%= link_to \"""\", :controller => \"""\" %>"
+exec "Snippet rpo render :partial => \"".st."item".et."\", :object => ".st."object"
+exec "Snippet rts render :text => \"""\", :status => "
+exec "Snippet rcea render_component :action => \"".st."index".et."\""
+exec "Snippet recai redirect_to :controller => \"".st."items".et."\", :action => \"".st."show".et."\", :id => "
+exec "Snippet mcdt create_table \"".st."table".et."\" do |t|<CR><Tab>""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet ral render :action => \"".st."action".et."\", :layout => \"".st."layoutname".et."\""
+exec "Snippet rit render :inline => \"""\", :type => "
+exec "Snippet rceca render_component :controller => \"".st."items".et."\", :action => \"".st."index".et."\""
+exec "Snippet licai <%= link_to \"""\", :controller => \"".st."items".et."\", :action => \"".st."edit".et."\", :id => "" %>"
+exec "Snippet verify verify :only => [:""], :method => :post, :render => {:status => 500, :text => \"use HTTP-POST\"}"
+exec "Snippet mdt drop_table \"".st."table".et."\""
+exec "Snippet rp render :partial => \"".st."item".et."\""
+exec "Snippet rcec render_component :controller => \"".st."items".et."\""
+exec "Snippet mrc remove_column \"".st."table".et."\", \"".st."column".et."\""
+exec "Snippet mct create_table \"".st."table".et."\" do |t|<CR><Tab>""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet flash flash[:".st."notice".et."] = \"""\""
+exec "Snippet rf render :file => \"".st."filepath".et."\""
+exec "Snippet lica <%= link_to \"""\", :controller => \"".st."items".et."\", :action => \"".st."index".et."\" %>"
+exec "Snippet liai <%= link_to \"""\", :action => \"".st."edit".et."\", :id => "" %>"
+exec "Snippet reai redirect_to :action => \"".st."show".et."\", :id => "
+exec "Snippet logi \"""\""
+exec "Snippet marc add_column \"".st."table".et."\", \"".st."column".et."\", :".st."string".et."<CR><CR>""<CR>"
+exec "Snippet rps render :partial => \"".st."item".et."\", :status => "
+exec "Snippet ril render :inline => \"""\", :locals => { "" => \"".st."value".et."\""" }"
+exec "Snippet rtl render :text => \"""\", :layout => \"""\""
+exec "Snippet reca redirect_to :controller => \"".st."items".et."\", :action => \"".st."list".et."\""
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/ruby_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/ruby_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cc5008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/ruby_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet do do<CR>""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet class class ".st."className".et."<CR>""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet begin begin<CR>""<CR>rescue ".st."Exception".et." => ".st."e".et."<CR>""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet each_with_index0 each_with_index do |".st."element".et.", ".st."index".et."|<CR>".st."element".et.".""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet collect collect { |".st."element".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }<CR>"
+exec "Snippet forin for ".st."element".et." in ".st."collection".et."<CR>".st."element".et.".""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet doo do |".st."object".et."|<CR>""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet : :".st."key".et." => \"".st."value".et."\"""<CR>"
+exec "Snippet def def ".st."methodName".et."<CR>""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet case case ".st."object".et."<CR>when ".st."condition".et."<CR>""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet collecto collect do |".st."element".et."|<CR>".st."element".et.".""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet each each { |".st."element".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }<CR>"
+exec "Snippet each_with_index each_with_index { |".st."element".et.", ".st."idx".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }<CR>"
+exec "Snippet if if ".st."condition".et."<CR>""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet eacho each do |".st."element".et."|<CR>".st."element".et.".""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet unless unless ".st."condition".et."<CR>""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet ife if ".st."condition".et."<CR>""<CR>else<CR>""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet when when ".st."condition".et."<CR>"
+exec "Snippet selecto select do |".st."element".et."|<CR>".st."element".et.".""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet injecto inject(".st."object".et.") do |".st."injection".et.", ".st."element".et."| <CR>""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet reject { |".st."element".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }<CR>"
+exec "Snippet rejecto reject do |".st."element".et."| <CR>".st."element".et.".""<CR>end<CR>"
+exec "Snippet inject inject(".st."object".et.") { |".st."injection".et.", ".st."element".et."| "" }<CR>"
+exec "Snippet select select { |".st."element".et."| ".st."element".et."."" }<CR>"
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddcfa6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/sh_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+"Snippet !env #!/usr/bin/env ${1:${TM_SCOPE/(?:source|.*)\\.(\\w+).*/$1/}}
+exec "Snippet if if [[ ".st."condition".et." ]]; then<CR>""<CR>fi"
+exec "Snippet elif elif [[ ".st."condition".et." ]]; then<CR>"
+exec "Snippet for for (( ".st."i".et." = ""; ".st."i".et." ""; ".st."i"" )); do<CR>""<CR>done"
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/slate_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet do do: [| :".st."each".et."| ""]<CR>"
+exec "Snippet proto define: #".st."NewName".et." &parents: {".st."parents".et."} &slots: {".st."slotSpecs".et."}.<CR>"
+exec "Snippet ifte ".st."condition".et." ifTrue: ["":then] ifFalse: ["":else]<CR>"
+exec "Snippet collect collect: [| :".st."each".et."| ""]<CR>"
+exec "Snippet if ".st."condition".et." ifTrue: ["":then]"
+exec "Snippet until [".st."condition".et."] whileFalse: ["":body]"
+exec "Snippet reject reject: [| :".st."each".et."| ""]<CR>"
+exec "Snippet dowith doWithIndex: [| :".st."each".et." :".st."index".et." | ""]<CR>"
+exec "Snippet select select: [| :".st."each".et."| ""]"
+exec "Snippet while [".st."condition".et."] whileTrue: ["":body]"
+exec "Snippet inject inject: ".st."object".et." [| :".st."injection".et.", :".st."each".et."| ""]"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/smarty_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/smarty_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..363aa15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/smarty_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet {cycle {cycle values=\"#SELSTART#".st."foo".et.",".st."bar".et."#SELEND#\" name=\"default\" print=true advance=true delimiter=\",\" assign=varname }<CR>"
+exec "Snippet |regex_replace |regex_replace:\"".st."regex".et."\":\"""\""
+exec "Snippet {counter {counter name=\"#INSERTION#\" start=1 skip=1 direction=\"up\" print=true<CR>assign=\"foo\" }<CR><CR>{counter}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet {eval {eval var=\"#SELSTART#{template_format}#SELEND#\" assign=varname} <CR>"
+"Snippet |date_format |date_format:"${1:strftime() formatting}" <CR><{}>
+exec "Snippet |truncate |truncate:"":"":".st."false".et.""
+exec "Snippet {if {if ".st."varname""<CR>\"".st."foo".et."\"}<CR><CR>{* $varname can also be a php call *}<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>{/if}<CR>"
+"Snippet |string_format |string_format:"${1:sprintf formatting}" <CR><{}>
+exec "Snippet {assign {assign var="" value=\"""\"}"
+exec "Snippet {foreach {foreach from=".st."varname".et." item=i [key=k name=\"\"] }<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>{/foreach}<CR><CR>"
+exec "Snippet {capture {capture name=#INSERTION#}<CR><CR>#SELECT#<CR><CR>{/capture}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet |wordwrap |wordwrap:"":\"""\":"
+exec "Snippet |spacify |spacify:\"""\""" "
+exec "Snippet |default |default:\"""\""
+exec "Snippet {debug {debug output=\"#SELSTART#""#SELEND#\" }"
+exec "Snippet |replace |replace:\"".st."needle".et."\":\"""\""
+exec "Snippet {include {include file=\"""\" [assign=varname foo=\"bar\"] }"
+exec "Snippet |escape |escape:\"""\""
+exec "Snippet {strip {strip}<CR>""<CR>{/strip}"
+exec "Snippet {math {math equation=\"""\" assign="" ""}"
+exec "Snippet {config_load {config_load file=\"#INSERTION#\" [section=\"\" scope=\"local|parent|global\"] }"
+exec "Snippet |cat |cat:\"""\""
+exec "Snippet {insert {insert name=\"insert_""\" [assign=varname script=\"foo.php\" foo=\"bar\"] }"
+exec "Snippet {fetch {fetch file=\"#SELSTART#http:// or file#SELEND#\" assign=varname}"
+exec "Snippet {literal {literal}<CR><CR>""<CR><CR>{/literal}"
+exec "Snippet {include_php {include_php file=\"""\" [once=true]}"
+exec "Snippet |strip |strip:[\"""\"]"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/symfony_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/symfony_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..064e9f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/symfony_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet image_tag image_tag('".st."imageName".et."'"")"
+exec "Snippet get public function get"" ()<CR>{<CR>return $this->"";<CR>}<CR><CR>"
+exec "Snippet link_to link_to('".st."linkName".et."', '".st."moduleName".et."/".st."actionName""')"
+exec "Snippet sexecute public function execute<Action>()<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet set public function set"" ($"")<CR>{<CR>$this->"" = "";<CR>}<CR><CR>"
+exec "Snippet execute /**<CR>* ".st."className".et."<CR>*<CR>*/<CR>public function execute<Action>()<CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet tforeach <?php foreach ($".st."variable".et." as $".st."key""): ?><CR>""<CR><?php endforeach ?><CR>"
+exec "Snippet getparam $this->getRequestParameter('".st."id".et."')"
+exec "Snippet div <div""><CR>""<CR></div>"
+exec "Snippet tif <?php if (".st."condition".et."): ?><CR>""<CR><?php endif ?><CR>"
+exec "Snippet setget public function set".st."var".et." (".st."arg".et.")<CR>{<CR>$this->".st."arg".et." = ".st."arg".et.";<CR>}<CR><CR>public function get".st."var".et." ()<CR>{<CR>return $this->".st."var".et.";<CR>}<CR><CR>"
+exec "Snippet echo <?php echo "" ?>"
+exec "Snippet tfor <?php for($".st."i".et." = ""; $".st."i".et." <= ""; $".st."i".et."++): ?><CR>""<CR><?php endfor ?><CR>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/tcl_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/tcl_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5a9b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/tcl_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet switch switch "" -- $".st."var".et." {<CR>".st."match".et." {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>default<CR>{""}<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet foreach foreach ".st."var".et." $".st."list".et." {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet proc proc ".st."name".et." {".st."args".et."} <CR>{<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet if if {".st."condition".et."} {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet for for {".st."i".et." {""} {""} {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet while while {".st."condition".et."} {<CR>""<CR>}<CR>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/template_toolkit_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/template_toolkit_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77c400e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/template_toolkit_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet wrap [% WRAPPER ".st."template".et." %]<CR>""<CR>[% END %]<CR>"
+exec "Snippet if [% IF ".st."condition".et." %]<CR>""<CR>[% ELSE %]<CR>""<CR>[% END %]<CR>"
+exec "Snippet unl [% UNLESS ".st."condition".et." %]<CR>""<CR>[% END %]<CR>"
+exec "Snippet inc [% INCLUDE ".st."template".et." %]<CR>"
+exec "Snippet for [% FOR ".st."var".et." IN ".st."set".et." %]<CR>""<CR>[% END %]"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/tex_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/tex_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9cb3da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/tex_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet sub \\subsection{".st."name".et."}\\label{sub:".st."name:substitute(@z,'.','\\l&','g')".et."}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet $$ \\[<CR>""<CR>\\]<CR>"
+exec "Snippet ssub \\subsubsection{".st."name".et."}\\label{ssub:".st."name:substitute(@z,'.','\\l&','g')".et."}<CR>"
+exec "Snippet itd \\item[".st."desc".et."] "
+exec "Snippet sec \\section{".st."name".et."}\\label{sec:".st."name:substitute(@z,'.','\\l&','g')".et."<CR>"
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/xhtml_snippets.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/xhtml_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c1c74c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/after/ftplugin/xhtml_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+let st = g:snip_start_tag
+let et = g:snip_end_tag
+let cd = g:snip_elem_delim
+exec "Snippet doctype <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"<CR>\"\"><CR>"
+exec "Snippet aref <a href=\"""\" id=\"""\" title=\"""\">""</a>"
+exec "Snippet head <head><CR>""<CR></head>"
+exec "Snippet script <script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"<javascript>\" charset=\"""\"><CR>// <![CDATA[<CR>""<CR>// ]]><CR></script>"
+exec "Snippet html <html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"".st."en".et."\"<CR>lang=\"".st."en".et."\"><CR>""<CR></html>"
+exec "Snippet h3 <h3>""</h3>"
+exec "Snippet h4 <h4>""</h4>"
+exec "Snippet h5 <h5>""</h5>"
+exec "Snippet h6 <h6>""</h6>"
+exec "Snippet fieldset <fieldset><CR>""<CR></fieldset>"
+exec "Snippet noscript <noscript><CR>""<CR></noscript>"
+exec "Snippet ul <ul ""><CR>""<CR></ul>"
+exec "Snippet xml <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?><CR><CR>"
+exec "Snippet body <body id=\"""\" ""><CR>""<CR></body>"
+exec "Snippet legend <legend align=\"""\" accesskey=\"""\"><CR>""<CR></legend>"
+exec "Snippet title <title>".st."PageTitle".et."</title>"
+exec "Snippet scriptsrc <script src=\"""\" type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"<javascript>\" charset=\"""\"></script>"
+exec "Snippet img <img src=\"""\" alt=\"""\" class=\"""\" />"
+exec "Snippet option <option label=\"".st."label".et."\" value=\"".st."value".et."\" ""></option> "
+exec "Snippet optgroup <optgroup label=\"".st."Label".et."\"><CR>""<CR></optgroup>"
+exec "Snippet meta <meta name=\"".st."name".et."\" content=\"".st."content".et."\" />"
+exec "Snippet td <td "">""</td>"
+exec "Snippet dt <dt>""<CR></dt><CR><dd>""</dd>"
+exec "Snippet tfoot <tfoot><CR>""<CR></tfoot>"
+exec "Snippet div <!-- begin div.".st."id".et." --><CR><div id=\"".st."id".et."\"><CR>""<CR></div><CR><!-- end div.".st."id".et." --><CR>"
+exec "Snippet ol <ol ""><CR>""<CR></ol>"
+exec "Snippet txtarea <textarea id=\"".st."ID".et."\" name=\"".st."Name".et."\" rows=\"""\" cols=\"""\" tabindex=\"""\" "">""</textarea>"
+exec "Snippet mailto <a href=\"mailto:""?subject=""\">""</a>"
+exec "Snippet table <table summary=\"".st."Summary".et."\" class=\"".st."className".et."\" width=\"""\" cellspacing=\"""\" cellpadding=\"""\" border=\"""\"><CR>""<CR></table>"
+exec "Snippet hint <span class=\"hint\">""</span>"
+exec "Snippet link <link rel=\"".st."stylesheet".et."\" href=\"""\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"".st."screen".et."\" title=\"""\" charset=\"""\" />"
+exec "Snippet form <form action=\"".st."urlToGoTo".et."\" method=\"".st."get".et."\" id=\"".st."formID".et."\" name=\"".st."formName".et."\"><CR>""<CR></form>"
+exec "Snippet tr <tr ""><CR>""<CR></tr>"
+exec "Snippet label <label for=\"".st."inputItem".et."\">""</label>"
+exec "Snippet image <img src=\"""\" alt=\"""\" width=\"""\" height=\"""\" ""/>"
+exec "Snippet input <input name=\"""\" id=\"""\" type=\"radio\" value=\"".st."defaultValue".et."\" tabindex=\"""\" "" />"
+exec "Snippet select <select id=\"".st."ID".et."\" name=\"".st."Name".et."\" size=\"""\" tabindex=\"""\" ""><CR>""<CR></select><CR>"
+exec "Snippet style <style type=\"text/css\" media=\"".st."screen".et."\"><CR>/* <![CDATA[ */<CR>""<CR>/* ]]> */<CR></style><CR>"
+exec "Snippet divheader <!-- Begin HeaderDiv:: --><CR><div id=\"HeaderDiv\"><CR><!--logo in background --><CR><h1>".st."CompanyName".et."</h1><CR></div><CR><!-- End HeaderDiv:: --><CR>"
+exec "Snippet base <base href=\"""\" ""/>"
diff --git a/vim/doc/snippets_emu.txt b/vim/doc/snippets_emu.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3644e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/doc/snippets_emu.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+*snippets_emu.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Dec 26
+ VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Panos Laganakos and Felix Ingram
+1. SnippetsEmu Features |snippets_emu-features|
+ Basic Snippets |basic-snippet|
+ Named Tags |named-tags|
+ Tag Commands |snippet-commands|
+ Buffer Specific Snippets |snip-buffer-specific|
+ Filetype Specific Snippets |snip-ftplugin|
+ Snippets menu |snip-menu|
+2. SnippetsEmu Options |snippets_emu-options|
+ Start and End Tags |snip-start-end-tags|
+ Element Delimiter |snip-start-end-tags|
+ Remapping the default jump key |snip-remap-key|
+3. Detailed Explanations |snip-detailed-explanations|
+ Valid Tag Names |snip-tag-name-syntax|
+ Advanced Tag Command Examples |snip-advanced-tag-commands|
+4. SnippetsEmu Contact Details |snip-contact-details|
+5. Contributors |snip-contributors|
+6. SnippetsEmu Known Bugs |snippets_emu-bugs|
+7. Troubleshooting |snippets_emu-troubleshooting|
+{Vi does not have any of these features}
+SNIPPETSEMU FEATURES *snippets_emu-features*
+SnippetsEmu attempts to emulate several of the snippets features of the OS X
+editor TextMate, in particular the variable bouncing and replacement behaviour.
+Simple usage is built up around the following functionality:
+ Basic Snippet |basic-snippet|
+ Named Tags |named-tags|
+ Executable Snippet |snippet-commands|
+ Buffer Specific Snippets |snip-buffer-specific|
+ *basic-snippet*
+ *:Snippet*
+Basic Snippet ~
+A basic snippet can save you a lot of typing. Define a word trigger and on
+insertion it will be expanded to the full snippet. SnippetsEmu allows the
+user to define markers within the larger piece of text which will be used
+to place the cursor upon expansion.
+The command used to define a snippet is 'Snippet'.
+Basic Syntax: >
+ :Snippet trigger_name The cursor will be placed here: <{}> Trailing text
+In insert mode typing 'trigger_name<Tab>' will remove 'trigger_name' and
+replace it with the text: 'The cursor will be placed here: Trailing text'.
+The cursor will be placed between the two spaces before the word 'Trailing'
+NOTE: All text should be entered on the same command line. The formatting of
+this document may mean that examples are wrapped but they should all be
+entered on a single line.
+ *named-tags*
+Named tags ~
+Instead of the simple '<{}>' tags used for cursor placement a user can define
+named tags. When the value of a named tag is changed then all other tags with
+that name will be changed to the same value.
+E.g. >
+ :Snippet trigger My name is <{forename}> <{surname}>. Call me <{forename}>.
+In insert mode typing 'trigger<Tab>' will place the cursor inside the
+'<{forename}>' tag. Whatever is entered inside the tag will replace the other
+similarly named tag at the end of the line after the user presses 'Tab'.
+If no value is entered for a named tag then the tag's name will be used
+instead. This is one way of defining default values.
+Using the above example, entering 'trigger<Tab>' and pressing 'Tab' twice
+will result in the following text: >
+ My name is forename surname. Please call me forename.
+The rules for what constitutes a valid tag name are explained below. See
+ *snippet-commands*
+Tag commands ~
+Tags can contain commands. Commands can be any Vim function, including user
+defined functions.
+A common example is performing substitutions.
+E.g. >
+ :Snippet trigger My name is <{name}>. I SAID: MY NAME IS
+ <{name:substitute(@z,'.','\u&','g')}>!
+The value entered in the <{name}> tag will be passed to the command in the
+second <{name}> tag in the @z register (any value already in @z will be
+preserved and restored). The substitute command will change the entered value
+to be in upper case. I.e. Entering 'trigger<Tab>' and typing 'Tycho<Tab>'
+will result in the following text: >
+ My name is Tycho. I SAID: MY NAME IS TYCHO!
+ *snip-special-vars*
+There is a set of special variables which can be included in snippets. These
+will be replaced before the snippet's text is inserted into the buffer. The
+list of available variables is detailed below:
+ * SNIP_FILE_NAME - The current file name (from 'expand("%")')
+ * SNIP_ISO_DATE - The current date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ *snip-snippet-commands*
+In addition to tag commands it is also possible to define commands which will
+be executed before the snippet is inserted into the buffer. These are defined
+within double backticks.
+ :Snippet date The current date is ``strftime("%c")``
+Commands are standard Vim commands and will be 'exec'uted and the command
+output substituted into the text.
+ *snip-buffer-specific*
+Buffer Specific Snippets ~
+The Snippet command defines buffer specific snippets. This is the recommended
+option when using filetype specific snippets. It is possible to define
+'global' snippets which will act across all buffers. These can be defined
+using the legacy 'Iabbr' command (note the capital 'I').
+E.g. >
+ Iabbr for for <{var}> in <{list}>:<CR><{}>
+ *snip-ftplugin*
+The preferred practice for defining filetype specific snippets is to include
+them in files named <filetype>_snippets.vim and for these files to be placed in the
+~/.vim/after/ftplugin directory (or vimfiles\after\ftplugin under Windows).
+When a file of a specific type is loaded so will all of the defined snippets.
+The 'after' directory is used to ensure that the plugin has been loaded. It is
+also recommended that the following is included at the top of the file: >
+ if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+ endif
+This will stop errors being generated if the plugin has not loaded for any
+Users wishing to add their own filetype snippets should add them to a separate
+file to ensure they are not lost when upgrading the plugin. Naming the files
+<filetype>_mysnippets.vim or similar is the preferred practice.
+ *snip-menu*
+When loading the plugin will search for all files named '*_snippets.vim'.
+These will be added to the 'Snippets' menu which is available in Normal mode.
+Selecting options from the menu will source the file and hence load any
+snippets defined within it.
+ *creating-snippets* *CreateSnippet*
+ The CreateSnippet command allows the simple creation of
+ snippets for use within your own file. Without a range the
+ current line will be used. When passed a range then all the
+ lines in the range will be converted for use in a command.
+ Snippets created by the command will be added to a scratch
+ buffer called 'Snippets'. The current value of an empty tag
+ (snip_start_tag.snip_end_tag, '<{}>' by default) will be added
+ to the unnamed register and so can be inserted with appropriate
+ paste commands.
+ *CreateBundleSnippet*
+ CreateBundleSnippet works exactly like CreateSnippet but the
+ resulting text will be suitable for including in one of the
+ included bundles. The unnamed register will include the text
+ '""' so start and end tag agnostic empty tags can be
+ included.
+SNIPPETSEMU OPTIONS *snippets_emu-options*
+ *snip-start-end-tags*
+Start and End Tags ~
+By default the start and end tags are set to be '<{' and '}>'. These can be
+changed by setting the following variables in vimrc: >
+ g:snip_start_tag
+ g:snip_end_tag
+They can be also changed for a specific buffer by setting the following: >
+ b:snip_start_tag
+ b:snip_end_tag
+ *snip-elem-delimiter*
+Element Delimiter ~
+The value of snip_elem_delim is used to separate a tag's name and its command.
+By default it is set to ':' but can be set as above either globally or for a
+specific buffer using the following variables: >
+ g:snip_elem_delim
+ b:snip_elem_delim
+ *snip-remap-key*
+Remapping the default jump key ~
+The trigger key is mapped to Tab by default. Some people may wish to remap
+this if it causes conflicts with other plugins. The key can be set in your
+<.vimrc> by setting the 'g:snippetsEmu_key' variable.
+An example
+ let g:snippetsEmu_key = "<S-Tab>"
+Snippets will now be triggered by Shift-Tab rather than just Tab. NB, this
+example may not work in all terminals as some trap Shift-Tab before it gets
+to Vim.
+DETAILED EXPLANATIONS *snip-detailed-explanations*
+ *snip-tag-name-syntax*
+Valid Tag Names ~
+Tag names cannot contain whitespace unless they are enclosed in quotes.
+Valid Examples: >
+ <{validName}>
+ <{"valid name"}>
+ <{tagName:command}>
+ <{"Tag Name":command}>
+Invalid Examples: >
+ <{invalid name}>
+ <{Tag Name:command}>
+ <{:command}>
+ *snip-advanced-tag-commands*
+Advanced Tag Command Examples ~
+Commands in tags can be as complex as desired. Readability is the main
+limitation as the command will be placed in the document before execution.
+The preferred method for defining complex commands is to hide the
+functionality in a user function.
+ function! Count(haystack, needle)
+ let counter = 0
+ let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle)
+ while index > -1
+ let counter = counter + 1
+ let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle, index+1)
+ endwhile
+ return counter
+ endfunction
+ function! PyArgList(count)
+ if a:count == 0
+ return "(,)"
+ else
+ return '('.repeat('<{}>, ', a:count).')'
+ endif
+ endfunction
+ Snippet pf print "<{s}>" % <{s:PyArgList(Count(@z, '%[^%]'))}><CR><{}>
+The above snippet will expand 'pf' to 'print "<{s}>" ...'. The user then
+enters a format string. Once the string is entered the Count and PyArgList
+functions are used to generate a number of empty tags.
+ *snip-limitations*
+The above represents once of the limitations of the plugin. Due to the way
+tags are identified it is not possible to include empty tags in another tag's
+command. The only way to generate empty tags is to return them from a function
+as in the above example. For other examples see the included bundles.
+ *snip-bundles*
+The included bundles are not defined in the 'preferred style'. In order to
+accommodate users who wish to redefine the default tags all snippet
+definitions are 'executed' with the 'exec' command.
+ exec "Snippet test This isn't the right way to "" define snippets"
+Executing the command allows 'st' and 'et' to be used in place of start and
+end tags. 'st' and 'et' are defined elsewhere in the bundle file.
+SNIPPETSEMU CONTACT DETAILS *snip-contact-details*
+To contact the author please email:
+F <dot> Ingram <dot> lists <at> gmail <dot> com
+The author welcomes corrections to this documentation, example snippets and
+bug reports.
+The plugin is also currently hosted at Google Code:
+Bug reports can also be posted on the hosting site:
+ *snip-contributors*
+Contributors to SnippetsEmu ~
+Ori Avtalion - Improvements to Snippet command
+Freddy Vulto - Improved behaviour
+Andy Block - Bug with commands on same line. This is why I should do better
+test suites.
+bzklrm - Removal of some normal commands
+Priit Tamboom - Sorting out left and right mappings
+Panos Laganakos - Greek translation (coming soon)
+Panos Laganakos - Python snippets
+Alex Pounds - Django snippets
+Chris Lasher - Python snippets
+knipknap - Python snippets
+James Widman - C snippets
+SNIPPETSEMU KNOWN BUGS *snippets_emu-bugs*
+Bugs are currently tracked on Google Code. Please post any you find on the
+issue tracker:
+SNIPPETSEMU TROUBLESHOOTING *snippets_emu-troubleshooting*
+Problem: Bundles are not loading.
+Answer: Ensure that you have filetype plugins turned on. Include the
+ following in your vimrc: >
+ filetype plugin on
diff --git a/vim/doc/tags b/vim/doc/tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5d7075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/doc/tags
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+'NERDChristmasTree' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDChristmasTree'*
+'NERDTreeAutoCenter' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeAutoCenter'*
+'NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold'*
+'NERDTreeBookmarksFile' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeBookmarksFile'*
+'NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort'*
+'NERDTreeChDirMode' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeChDirMode'*
+'NERDTreeHighlightCursorline' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeHighlightCursorline'*
+'NERDTreeHijackNetrw' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeHijackNetrw'*
+'NERDTreeIgnore' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeIgnore'*
+'NERDTreeMouseMode' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeMouseMode'*
+'NERDTreeQuitOnOpen' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeQuitOnOpen'*
+'NERDTreeShowBookmarks' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeShowBookmarks'*
+'NERDTreeShowFiles' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeShowFiles'*
+'NERDTreeShowHidden' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeShowHidden'*
+'NERDTreeShowLineNumbers' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeShowLineNumbers'*
+'NERDTreeSortOrder' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeSortOrder'*
+'NERDTreeWinPos' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeWinPos'*
+'NERDTreeWinSize' NERD_tree.txt /*'NERDTreeWinSize'*
+'Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag'*
+'Tlist_Auto_Open' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Auto_Open'*
+'Tlist_Auto_Update' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Auto_Update'*
+'Tlist_Close_On_Select' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Close_On_Select'*
+'Tlist_Compact_Format' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Compact_Format'*
+'Tlist_Ctags_Cmd' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Ctags_Cmd'*
+'Tlist_Display_Prototype' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Display_Prototype'*
+'Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope'*
+'Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column'*
+'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow'*
+'Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close'*
+'Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen'*
+'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter'*
+'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth'*
+'Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items'*
+'Tlist_Max_Tag_Length' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Max_Tag_Length'*
+'Tlist_Process_File_Always' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Process_File_Always'*
+'Tlist_Show_Menu' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Show_Menu'*
+'Tlist_Show_One_File' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Show_One_File'*
+'Tlist_Sort_Type' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Sort_Type'*
+'Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window'*
+'Tlist_Use_Right_Window' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Use_Right_Window'*
+'Tlist_Use_SingleClick' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_Use_SingleClick'*
+'Tlist_WinHeight' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_WinHeight'*
+'Tlist_WinWidth' taglist.txt /*'Tlist_WinWidth'*
+'loaded_nerd_tree' NERD_tree.txt /*'loaded_nerd_tree'*
+:MatchDebug matchit.txt /*:MatchDebug*
+:NERDTree NERD_tree.txt /*:NERDTree*
+:NERDTreeClose NERD_tree.txt /*:NERDTreeClose*
+:NERDTreeFromBookmark NERD_tree.txt /*:NERDTreeFromBookmark*
+:NERDTreeMirror NERD_tree.txt /*:NERDTreeMirror*
+:NERDTreeToggle NERD_tree.txt /*:NERDTreeToggle*
+:Snippet snippets_emu.txt /*:Snippet*
+:TlistAddFiles taglist.txt /*:TlistAddFiles*
+:TlistAddFilesRecursive taglist.txt /*:TlistAddFilesRecursive*
+:TlistClose taglist.txt /*:TlistClose*
+:TlistDebug taglist.txt /*:TlistDebug*
+:TlistHighlightTag taglist.txt /*:TlistHighlightTag*
+:TlistLock taglist.txt /*:TlistLock*
+:TlistMessages taglist.txt /*:TlistMessages*
+:TlistOpen taglist.txt /*:TlistOpen*
+:TlistSessionLoad taglist.txt /*:TlistSessionLoad*
+:TlistSessionSave taglist.txt /*:TlistSessionSave*
+:TlistShowPrototype taglist.txt /*:TlistShowPrototype*
+:TlistShowTag taglist.txt /*:TlistShowTag*
+:TlistToggle taglist.txt /*:TlistToggle*
+:TlistUndebug taglist.txt /*:TlistUndebug*
+:TlistUnlock taglist.txt /*:TlistUnlock*
+:TlistUpdate taglist.txt /*:TlistUpdate*
+CreateBundleSnippet snippets_emu.txt /*CreateBundleSnippet*
+CreateSnippet snippets_emu.txt /*CreateSnippet*
+EnhComm-Bugs EnhancedCommentify.txt /*EnhComm-Bugs*
+EnhComm-Credits EnhancedCommentify.txt /*EnhComm-Credits*
+EnhComm-EnhCommentify EnhancedCommentify.txt /*EnhComm-EnhCommentify*
+EnhComm-Fallbacks EnhancedCommentify.txt /*EnhComm-Fallbacks*
+EnhComm-Keybindings EnhancedCommentify.txt /*EnhComm-Keybindings*
+EnhComm-NewLanguages EnhancedCommentify.txt /*EnhComm-NewLanguages*
+EnhComm-Options EnhancedCommentify.txt /*EnhComm-Options*
+EnhComm-Support EnhancedCommentify.txt /*EnhComm-Support*
+EnhancedCommentify EnhancedCommentify.txt /*EnhancedCommentify*
+EnhancedCommentify() EnhancedCommentify.txt /*EnhancedCommentify()*
+MatchError matchit.txt /*MatchError*
+NERDTree NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree*
+NERDTree-! NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-!*
+NERDTree-? NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-?*
+NERDTree-B NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-B*
+NERDTree-C NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-C*
+NERDTree-D NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-D*
+NERDTree-F NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-F*
+NERDTree-I NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-I*
+NERDTree-J NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-J*
+NERDTree-K NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-K*
+NERDTree-O NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-O*
+NERDTree-P NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-P*
+NERDTree-R NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-R*
+NERDTree-T NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-T*
+NERDTree-U NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-U*
+NERDTree-X NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-X*
+NERDTree-c-j NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-c-j*
+NERDTree-c-k NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-c-k*
+NERDTree-contents NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-contents*
+NERDTree-e NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-e*
+NERDTree-f NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-f*
+NERDTree-gi NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-gi*
+NERDTree-go NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-go*
+NERDTree-i NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-i*
+NERDTree-m NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-m*
+NERDTree-o NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-o*
+NERDTree-p NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-p*
+NERDTree-q NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-q*
+NERDTree-r NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-r*
+NERDTree-t NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-t*
+NERDTree-u NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-u*
+NERDTree-x NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTree-x*
+NERDTreeAuthor NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeAuthor*
+NERDTreeBookmarkCommands NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeBookmarkCommands*
+NERDTreeBookmarkTable NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeBookmarkTable*
+NERDTreeBookmarks NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeBookmarks*
+NERDTreeChangelog NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeChangelog*
+NERDTreeCredits NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeCredits*
+NERDTreeFilesysMenu NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeFilesysMenu*
+NERDTreeFunctionality NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeFunctionality*
+NERDTreeGlobalCommands NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeGlobalCommands*
+NERDTreeHacking NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeHacking*
+NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks*
+NERDTreeLicense NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeLicense*
+NERDTreeMappings NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeMappings*
+NERDTreeOptionDetails NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeOptionDetails*
+NERDTreeOptionSummary NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeOptionSummary*
+NERDTreeOptions NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeOptions*
+NERDTreeTodo NERD_tree.txt /*NERDTreeTodo*
+NERD_tree.txt NERD_tree.txt /*NERD_tree.txt*
+Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line() taglist.txt /*Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line()*
+Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line() taglist.txt /*Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line()*
+Tlist_Set_App() taglist.txt /*Tlist_Set_App()*
+Tlist_Update_File_Tags() taglist.txt /*Tlist_Update_File_Tags()*
+[% matchit.txt /*[%*
+]% matchit.txt /*]%*
+b:match_col matchit.txt /*b:match_col*
+b:match_debug matchit.txt /*b:match_debug*
+b:match_ignorecase matchit.txt /*b:match_ignorecase*
+b:match_ini matchit.txt /*b:match_ini*
+b:match_iniBR matchit.txt /*b:match_iniBR*
+b:match_match matchit.txt /*b:match_match*
+b:match_pat matchit.txt /*b:match_pat*
+b:match_skip matchit.txt /*b:match_skip*
+b:match_table matchit.txt /*b:match_table*
+b:match_tail matchit.txt /*b:match_tail*
+b:match_wholeBR matchit.txt /*b:match_wholeBR*
+b:match_word matchit.txt /*b:match_word*
+b:match_words matchit.txt /*b:match_words*
+basic-snippet snippets_emu.txt /*basic-snippet*
+creating-snippets snippets_emu.txt /*creating-snippets*
+cs surround.txt /*cs*
+ds surround.txt /*ds*
+g% matchit.txt /*g%*
+i_CTRL-G_S surround.txt /*i_CTRL-G_S*
+i_CTRL-G_s surround.txt /*i_CTRL-G_s*
+matchit matchit.txt /*matchit*
+matchit-% matchit.txt /*matchit-%*
+matchit-\1 matchit.txt /*matchit-\\1*
+matchit-activate matchit.txt /*matchit-activate*
+matchit-backref matchit.txt /*matchit-backref*
+matchit-bugs matchit.txt /*matchit-bugs*
+matchit-choose matchit.txt /*matchit-choose*
+matchit-configure matchit.txt /*matchit-configure*
+matchit-debug matchit.txt /*matchit-debug*
+matchit-details matchit.txt /*matchit-details*
+matchit-highlight matchit.txt /*matchit-highlight*
+matchit-hl matchit.txt /*matchit-hl*
+matchit-intro matchit.txt /*matchit-intro*
+matchit-languages matchit.txt /*matchit-languages*
+matchit-modes matchit.txt /*matchit-modes*
+matchit-newlang matchit.txt /*matchit-newlang*
+matchit-o_% matchit.txt /*matchit-o_%*
+matchit-parse matchit.txt /*matchit-parse*
+matchit-s:notend matchit.txt /*matchit-s:notend*
+matchit-s:sol matchit.txt /*matchit-s:sol*
+matchit-spaces matchit.txt /*matchit-spaces*
+matchit-troubleshoot matchit.txt /*matchit-troubleshoot*
+matchit-v_% matchit.txt /*matchit-v_%*
+matchit.txt matchit.txt /*matchit.txt*
+matchit.vim matchit.txt /*matchit.vim*
+named-tags snippets_emu.txt /*named-tags*
+o_[% matchit.txt /*o_[%*
+o_]% matchit.txt /*o_]%*
+o_g% matchit.txt /*o_g%*
+snip-advanced-tag-commands snippets_emu.txt /*snip-advanced-tag-commands*
+snip-buffer-specific snippets_emu.txt /*snip-buffer-specific*
+snip-bundles snippets_emu.txt /*snip-bundles*
+snip-contact-details snippets_emu.txt /*snip-contact-details*
+snip-contributors snippets_emu.txt /*snip-contributors*
+snip-detailed-explanations snippets_emu.txt /*snip-detailed-explanations*
+snip-elem-delimiter snippets_emu.txt /*snip-elem-delimiter*
+snip-ftplugin snippets_emu.txt /*snip-ftplugin*
+snip-limitations snippets_emu.txt /*snip-limitations*
+snip-menu snippets_emu.txt /*snip-menu*
+snip-remap-key snippets_emu.txt /*snip-remap-key*
+snip-snippet-commands snippets_emu.txt /*snip-snippet-commands*
+snip-special-vars snippets_emu.txt /*snip-special-vars*
+snip-start-end-tags snippets_emu.txt /*snip-start-end-tags*
+snip-tag-name-syntax snippets_emu.txt /*snip-tag-name-syntax*
+snippet-commands snippets_emu.txt /*snippet-commands*
+snippets_emu-bugs snippets_emu.txt /*snippets_emu-bugs*
+snippets_emu-features snippets_emu.txt /*snippets_emu-features*
+snippets_emu-options snippets_emu.txt /*snippets_emu-options*
+snippets_emu-troubleshooting snippets_emu.txt /*snippets_emu-troubleshooting*
+snippets_emu.txt snippets_emu.txt /*snippets_emu.txt*
+surround surround.txt /*surround*
+surround-author surround.txt /*surround-author*
+surround-customizing surround.txt /*surround-customizing*
+surround-issues surround.txt /*surround-issues*
+surround-mappings surround.txt /*surround-mappings*
+surround-replacements surround.txt /*surround-replacements*
+surround-targets surround.txt /*surround-targets*
+surround.txt surround.txt /*surround.txt*
+taglist-commands taglist.txt /*taglist-commands*
+taglist-debug taglist.txt /*taglist-debug*
+taglist-extend taglist.txt /*taglist-extend*
+taglist-faq taglist.txt /*taglist-faq*
+taglist-functions taglist.txt /*taglist-functions*
+taglist-install taglist.txt /*taglist-install*
+taglist-internet taglist.txt /*taglist-internet*
+taglist-intro taglist.txt /*taglist-intro*
+taglist-keys taglist.txt /*taglist-keys*
+taglist-license taglist.txt /*taglist-license*
+taglist-menu taglist.txt /*taglist-menu*
+taglist-options taglist.txt /*taglist-options*
+taglist-requirements taglist.txt /*taglist-requirements*
+taglist-session taglist.txt /*taglist-session*
+taglist-todo taglist.txt /*taglist-todo*
+taglist-using taglist.txt /*taglist-using*
+taglist.txt taglist.txt /*taglist.txt*
+v_[% matchit.txt /*v_[%*
+v_]% matchit.txt /*v_]%*
+v_a% matchit.txt /*v_a%*
+v_g% matchit.txt /*v_g%*
+vs surround.txt /*vs*
+yS surround.txt /*yS*
+ySS surround.txt /*ySS*
+ys surround.txt /*ys*
+yss surround.txt /*yss*
diff --git a/vim/plugin/snippetsEmu.vim b/vim/plugin/snippetsEmu.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8d23dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/plugin/snippetsEmu.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
+" File: snippetsEmu.vim
+" Author: Felix Ingram
+" ( f.ingram.lists <AT> )
+" Description: An attempt to implement TextMate style Snippets. Features include
+" automatic cursor placement and command execution.
+" $LastChangedDate$
+" Version: 1.1
+" $Revision$
+" This file contains some simple functions that attempt to emulate some of the
+" behaviour of 'Snippets' from the OS X editor TextMate, in particular the
+" variable bouncing and replacement behaviour.
+" {{{ USAGE:
+" Place the file in your plugin directory.
+" Define snippets using the Snippet command.
+" Snippets are best defined in the 'after' subdirectory of your Vim home
+" directory ('~/.vim/after' on Unix). Filetype specific snippets can be defined
+" in '~/.vim/after/ftplugin/<filetype>_snippets.vim. Using the <buffer> argument will
+" By default snippets are buffer specific. To define general snippets available
+" globally use the 'Iabbr' command.
+" Example One:
+" Snippet fori for <{datum}> in <{data}>:<CR><{datum}>.<{}>
+" The above will expand to the following (indenting may differ):
+" for <{datum}> in <{data}>:
+" <{datum}>.<{}>
+" The cursor will be placed after the first '<{' in insert mode.
+" Pressing <Tab> will 'tab' to the next place marker (<{data}>) in
+" insert mode. Adding text between <{ and }> and then hitting <{Tab}> will
+" remove the angle brackets and replace all markers with a similar identifier.
+" Example Two:
+" With the cursor at the pipe, hitting <Tab> will replace:
+" for <{MyVariableName|datum}> in <{data}>:
+" <{datum}>.<{}>
+" with (the pipe shows the cursor placement):
+" for MyVariableName in <{data}>:
+" MyVariableName.<{}>
+" Enjoy.
+" For more information please see the documentation accompanying this plugin.
+" Additional Features:
+" Commands in tags. Anything after a ':' in a tag will be run with Vim's
+" 'execute' command. The value entered by the user (or the tag name if no change
+" has been made) is passed in the @z register (the original contents of the
+" register are restored once the command has been run).
+" Named Tags. Naming a tag (the <{datum}> tag in the example above) and changing
+" the value will cause all other tags with the same name to be changed to the
+" same value (as illustrated in the above example). Not changing the value and
+" hitting <Tab> will cause the tag's name to be used as the default value.
+" Test tags for pattern matching:
+" The following are examples of valid and invalid tags. Whitespace can only be
+" used in a tag name if the name is enclosed in quotes.
+" Valid tags
+" <{}>
+" <{tagName}>
+" <{tagName:command}>
+" <{"Tag Name"}>
+" <{"Tag Name":command}>
+" Invalid tags, random text
+" <{:}>
+" <{:command}>
+" <{Tag Name}>
+" <{Tag Name:command}>
+" <{"Tag Name":}>
+" <{Tag }>
+" <{OpenTag
+" Here's our magic search term (assumes '<{',':' and '}>' as our tag delimiters:
+" <{\([^[:punct:] \t]\{-}\|".\{-}"\)\(:[^}>]\{-1,}\)\?}>
+" }}}
+if v:version < 700
+ echomsg "snippetsEmu plugin requires Vim version 7 or later"
+ finish
+if globpath(&rtp, 'plugin/snippetEmu.vim') != ""
+ call confirm("It looks like you've got an old version of snippetsEmu installed. Please delete the file 'snippetEmu.vim' from the plugin directory. Note lack of 's'")
+let s:debug = 0
+let s:Disable = 0
+function! s:Debug(func, text)
+ if exists('s:debug') && s:debug == 1
+ echom "Snippy: ".a:func.": ".a:text
+ endif
+if (exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp) && !s:debug
+ finish
+"call s:Debug("","Started the plugin")
+let loaded_snippet=1
+" {{{ Set up variables
+if !exists("g:snip_start_tag")
+ let g:snip_start_tag = "<{"
+if !exists("g:snip_end_tag")
+ let g:snip_end_tag = "}>"
+if !exists("g:snip_elem_delim")
+ let g:snip_elem_delim = ":"
+if !exists("g:snippetsEmu_key")
+ let g:snippetsEmu_key = "<Tab>"
+"call s:Debug("", "Set variables")
+" }}}
+" {{{ Set up menu
+for def_file in split(globpath(&rtp, "after/ftplugin/*_snippets.vim"), '\n')
+ "call s:Debug("","Adding ".def_file." definitions to menu")
+ let snip = substitute(def_file, '.*[\\/]\(.*\)_snippets.vim', '\1', '')
+ exec "nmenu <silent> S&nippets.".snip." :source ".def_file."<CR>"
+" }}}
+" {{{ Sort out supertab
+function! s:GetSuperTabSNR()
+ let a_sav = @a
+ redir @a
+ exec "silent function"
+ redir END
+ let funclist = @a
+ let @a = a_sav
+ try
+ let func = split(split(matchstr(funclist,'.SNR.\{-}SuperTab(command)'),'\n')[-1])[1]
+ return matchlist(func, '\(.*\)S')[1]
+ catch /E684/
+ endtry
+ return ""
+function! s:SetupSupertab()
+ if !exists('s:supInstalled')
+ let s:supInstalled = 0
+ endif
+ if s:supInstalled == 1 || globpath(&rtp, 'plugin/supertab.vim') != ""
+ "call s:Debug("SetupSupertab", "Supertab installed")
+ let s:SupSNR = s:GetSuperTabSNR()
+ let s:supInstalled = 1
+ if s:SupSNR != ""
+ let s:done_remap = 1
+ else
+ let s:done_remap = 0
+ endif
+ endif
+call s:SetupSupertab()
+" }}}
+" {{{ Map Jumper to the default key if not set already
+function! s:SnipMapKeys()
+ if (!hasmapto('<Plug>Jumper','i'))
+ if s:supInstalled == 1
+ exec 'imap '.g:snippetsEmu_key.' <Plug>Jumper'
+ else
+ exec 'imap <unique> '.g:snippetsEmu_key.' <Plug>Jumper'
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (!hasmapto( 'i<BS>'.g:snippetsEmu_key, 's'))
+ exec 'smap <unique> '.g:snippetsEmu_key.' i<BS>'.g:snippetsEmu_key
+ endif
+ imap <silent> <script> <Plug>Jumper <C-R>=<SID>Jumper()<CR>
+call s:SnipMapKeys()
+"call s:Debug("", "Mapped keys")
+" }}}
+" {{{ SetLocalTagVars()
+function! s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ if exists("b:snip_end_tag") && exists("b:snip_start_tag") && exists("b:snip_elem_delim")
+ return [b:snip_start_tag, b:snip_elem_delim, b:snip_end_tag]
+ else
+ return [g:snip_start_tag, g:snip_elem_delim, g:snip_end_tag]
+ endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ SetSearchStrings() - Set the search string. Checks for buffer dependence
+function! s:SetSearchStrings()
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ let b:search_str = snip_start_tag.'\([^'.
+ \snip_start_tag.snip_end_tag.
+ \'[:punct:] \t]\{-}\|".\{-}"\)\('.
+ \snip_elem_delim.
+ \'[^'.snip_end_tag.snip_start_tag.']\{-1,}\)\?'.snip_end_tag
+ let b:search_commandVal = "[^".snip_elem_delim."]*"
+ let b:search_endVal = "[^".snip_end_tag."]*"
+" }}}
+" {{{ SetCom(text, scope) - Set command function
+function! <SID>SetCom(text, scope)
+ let text = substitute(a:text, '\c<CR>\|<Esc>\|<Tab>\|<BS>\|<Space>\|<C-r>\|<Bar>\|\"\|\\','\\&',"g")
+ if s:supInstalled == 1
+ call s:SetupSupertab()
+ call s:SnipMapKeys()
+ endif
+ let text = substitute(text, "\r$", "","")
+ let tokens = split(text, ' ')
+ call filter(tokens, 'v:val != ""')
+ if len(tokens) == 0
+ let output = join(s:ListSnippets("","","",eval(a:scope)) ,"\n")
+ if output == ""
+ echohl Title | echo "No snippets defined" | echohl None
+ else
+ echohl Title | echo "Defined snippets:" | echohl None
+ echo output
+ endif
+ " NOTE - cases such as ":Snippet if " will intentionally(?) be parsed as a
+ " snippet named "if" with contents of " "
+ elseif len(tokens) == 1
+ let snip = s:Hash(tokens[0])
+ if exists(a:scope."trigger_".snip)
+ " FIXME - is there a better approach?
+ " echo doesn't handle ^M correctly
+ let pretty = substitute(eval(a:scope."trigger_".snip), "\r", "\n","g")
+ echo pretty
+ else
+ echohl Error | echo "Undefined snippet: ".snip | echohl None
+ endif
+ else
+ let [lhs, rhs] = [s:Hash(tokens[0]), join(tokens[1:])]
+ call s:SetSearchStrings()
+ let g:search_str = b:search_str
+ exe "let ".a:scope."trigger_".lhs.' = "'.rhs.'"'
+ endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ RestoreSearch()
+" Checks whether more tags exist and restores hlsearch and @/ if not
+function! s:RestoreSearch()
+ if !search(b:search_str, "n")
+ if exists("b:hl_on") && b:hl_on == 1
+ setlocal hlsearch
+ endif
+ if exists("b:search_sav")
+ let @/ = b:search_sav
+ endif
+ endif
+" {{{ DeleteEmptyTag
+function! s:DeleteEmptyTag()
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ exec "normal zv".(s:StrLen(snip_start_tag) + s:StrLen(snip_end_tag))."x"
+" }}}
+" {{{ SetUpTags()
+function! s:SetUpTags()
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ if (strpart(getline("."), col(".")+strlen(snip_start_tag)-1, strlen(snip_end_tag)) == snip_end_tag)
+ "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","Found an empty tag")
+ let b:tag_name = ""
+ if col(".") + s:StrLen(snip_start_tag.snip_end_tag) == s:StrLen(getline("."))
+ " We delete the empty tag here as otherwise we can't determine whether we
+ " need to send 'a' or 'A' as deleting the empty tag will sit us on the
+ " final character either way
+ call s:DeleteEmptyTag()
+ call s:RestoreSearch()
+ if col(".") == s:StrLen(getline("."))
+ return "\<Esc>a"
+ endif
+ else
+ call s:DeleteEmptyTag()
+ call s:RestoreSearch()
+ if col(".") == s:StrLen(getline("."))
+ return "\<Esc>A"
+ endif
+ endif
+ return ''
+ else
+ " Not on an empty tag so it must be a normal tag
+ let b:tag_name = s:ChopTags(matchstr(getline("."),b:search_str,col(".")-1))
+ "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","On a tag called: ".b:tag_name)
+" Check for exclusive selection mode. If exclusive is not set then we need to
+" move back a character.
+ if &selection == "exclusive"
+ let end_skip = ""
+ else
+ let end_skip = "\<Left>"
+ endif
+ let start_skip = repeat("\<Right>",s:StrLen(snip_start_tag)+1)
+ "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","Start skip is: ".start_skip)
+ "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","Col() is: ".col("."))
+ if col(".") == 1
+ "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","We're at the start of the line so don't need to skip the first char of start tag")
+ let start_skip = strpart(start_skip, 0, strlen(start_skip)-strlen("\<Right>"))
+ "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","Start skip is now: ".start_skip)
+ endif
+ "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","Returning: \<Esc>".start_skip."v/".snip_end_tag."\<CR>".end_skip."\<C-g>")
+ return "\<Esc>".start_skip."v/".snip_end_tag."\<CR>".end_skip."\<C-g>"
+ endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ NextHop() - Jump to the next tag if one is available
+function! <SID>NextHop()
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Col() is: ".col("."))
+ "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Position of next match = ".match(getline("."), b:search_str))
+ " First check to see if we have any tags on lines above the current one
+ " If the first match is after the current cursor position or not on this
+ " line...
+ if match(getline("."), b:search_str) >= col(".") || match(getline("."), b:search_str) == -1
+ " Perform a search to jump to the next tag
+ "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Seaching for a tag")
+ if search(b:search_str) != 0
+ return s:SetUpTags()
+ else
+ " there are no more matches
+ "call s:Debug("NextHop", "No more tags in the buffer")
+ " Restore hlsarch and @/
+ call s:RestoreSearch()
+ return ''
+ endif
+ else
+ " The match on the current line is on or before the cursor, so we need to
+ " move the cursor back
+ "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Moving the cursor back")
+ "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Col is: ".col("."))
+ "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Moving back to column: ".match(getline("."), b:search_str))
+ while col(".") > match(getline("."), b:search_str) + 1
+ call cursor(0,col('.')-1)
+ endwhile
+ "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Col is now: ".col("."))
+ " Now we just set up the tag as usual
+ return s:SetUpTags()
+ endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ RunCommand() - Execute commands stored in tags
+function! s:RunCommand(command, z)
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ "call s:Debug("RunCommand", "RunCommand was passed this command: ".a:command." and this value: ".a:z)
+ if a:command == ''
+ return a:z
+ endif
+ " Save current value of 'z'
+ let snip_save = @z
+ let @z=a:z
+ " Call the command
+ execute 'let ret = '. a:command
+ " Replace the value
+ let @z = snip_save
+ return ret
+" }}}
+" {{{ MakeChanges() - Search the document making all the changes required
+" This function has been factored out to allow the addition of commands in tags
+function! s:MakeChanges()
+ " Make all the changes
+ " Change all the tags with the same name and no commands defined
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ if b:tag_name == ""
+ "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Nothing to do: tag_name is empty")
+ return
+ endif
+ let tagmatch = '\V'.snip_start_tag.b:tag_name.snip_end_tag
+ "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Matching on this value: ".tagmatch)
+ "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Replacing with this value: ".s:replaceVal)
+ try
+ "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Running these commands: ".join(b:command_dict[b:tag_name], "', '"))
+ catch /E175/
+ "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Could not find this key in the dict: ".b:tag_name)
+ endtry
+ let ind = 0
+ while search(tagmatch,"w") > 0
+ try
+ let commandResult = s:RunCommand(b:command_dict[b:tag_name][0], s:replaceVal)
+ catch /E175/
+ "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Could not find this key in the dict: ".b:tag_name)
+ endtry
+ "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Got this result: ".commandResult)
+ let lines = split(substitute(getline("."), tagmatch, commandResult, ''),'\n')
+ if len(lines) > 1
+ call setline(".", lines[0])
+ call append(".", lines[1:])
+ else
+ call setline(".", lines)
+ endif
+ try
+ unlet b:command_dict[b:tag_name][0]
+ catch /E175/
+ "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Could not find this key in the dict: ".b:tag_name)
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+" }}}
+" {{{ ChangeVals() - Set up values for MakeChanges()
+function! s:ChangeVals(changed)
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ if a:changed == 1
+ let s:CHANGED_VAL = 1
+ else
+ let s:CHANGED_VAL = 0
+ endif
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "CHANGED_VAL: ".s:CHANGED_VAL)
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "b:tag_name: ".b:tag_name)
+ let elem_match = match(s:line, snip_elem_delim, s:curCurs)
+ let tagstart = strridx(getline("."), snip_start_tag,s:curCurs)+strlen(snip_start_tag)
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "About to access b:command_dict")
+ try
+ let commandToRun = b:command_dict[b:tag_name][0]
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Accessed command_dict")
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Running this command: ".commandToRun)
+ unlet b:command_dict[b:tag_name][0]
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Command list is now: ".join(b:command_dict[b:tag_name], "', '"))
+ catch /E175/
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Could not find this key in the dict: ".b:tag_name)
+ endtry
+ let commandMatch = substitute(commandToRun, '\', '\\\\', 'g')
+ " The value has changed so we need to grab our current position back
+ " to the start of the tag
+ let replaceVal = strpart(getline("."), tagstart,s:curCurs-tagstart)
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "User entered this value: ".replaceVal)
+ let tagmatch = replaceVal
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Col is: ".col("."))
+ call cursor(0,col('.')-s:StrLen(tagmatch))
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Col is: ".col("."))
+ else
+ " The value hasn't changed so it's just the tag name
+ " without any quotes that are around it
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Tag name is: ".b:tag_name)
+ let replaceVal = substitute(b:tag_name, '^"\(.*\)"$', '\1', '')
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "User did not enter a value. Replacing with this value: ".replaceVal)
+ let tagmatch = ''
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Col is: ".col("."))
+ endif
+ let tagmatch = '\V'.snip_start_tag.tagmatch.snip_end_tag
+ "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Matching on this string: ".tagmatch)
+ let tagsubstitution = s:RunCommand(commandToRun, replaceVal)
+ let lines = split(substitute(getline("."), tagmatch, tagsubstitution, ""),'\n')
+ if len(lines) > 1
+ call setline(".", lines[0])
+ call append(".", lines[1:])
+ else
+ call setline(".", lines)
+ endif
+ " We use replaceVal instead of tagsubsitution as otherwise the command
+ " result will be passed to subsequent tags
+ let s:replaceVal = replaceVal
+ let line = line('.')
+ let col = col('.')
+ call s:MakeChanges()
+ call cursor(line, col)
+ unlet s:CHANGED_VAL
+" }}}
+"{{{ SID() - Get the SID for the current script
+function! s:SID()
+ return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze_SID$')
+"{{{ CheckForInTag() - Check whether we're in a tag
+function! s:CheckForInTag()
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ if snip_start_tag != snip_end_tag
+ " The tags are different so we can check to see whether the
+ " end tag comes before a start tag
+ let s:startMatch = match(s:line, '\V'.snip_start_tag, s:curCurs)
+ let s:endMatch = match(s:line, '\V'.snip_end_tag, s:curCurs)
+ if s:endMatch != -1 && ((s:endMatch < s:startMatch) || s:startMatch == -1)
+ " End has come before start so we're in a tag.
+ return 1
+ else
+ return 0
+ endif
+ else
+ " Start and end tags are the same so we need do tag counting to see
+ " whether we're in a tag.
+ let s:count = 0
+ let s:curSkip = s:curCurs
+ while match(strpart(s:line,s:curSkip),snip_start_tag) != -1
+ if match(strpart(s:line,s:curSkip),snip_start_tag) == 0
+ let s:curSkip = s:curSkip + 1
+ else
+ let s:curSkip = s:curSkip + 1 + match(strpart(s:line,s:curSkip),snip_start_tag)
+ endif
+ let s:count = s:count + 1
+ endwhile
+ if (s:count % 2) == 1
+ " Odd number of tags implies we're inside a tag.
+ return 1
+ else
+ " We're not inside a tag.
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endif
+" {{{ SubSpecialVars(text)
+function! s:SubSpecialVars(text)
+ let text = a:text
+ let text = substitute(text, 'SNIP_FILE_NAME', expand('%'), 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, 'SNIP_ISO_DATE', strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'g')
+ return text
+" }}}
+" {{{ SubCommandOutput(text)
+function! s:SubCommandOutput(text)
+ let search = '``.\{-}``'
+ let text = a:text
+ while match(text, search) != -1
+ let command_match = matchstr(text, search)
+ "call s:Debug("SubCommandOutput", "Command found: ".command_match)
+ let command = substitute(command_match, '^..\(.*\)..$', '\1', '')
+ "call s:Debug("SubCommandOutput", "Command being run: ".command)
+ exec 'let output = '.command
+ let output = escape(output, '\')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\V'.escape(command_match, '\'), output, '')
+ endwhile
+ let text = substitute(text, '\\`\\`\(.\{-}\)\\`\\`','``\1``','g')
+ return text
+" }}}
+" {{{ RemoveAndStoreCommands(text)
+function! s:RemoveAndStoreCommands(text)
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ let text = a:text
+ if !exists("b:command_dict")
+ let b:command_dict = {}
+ endif
+ let tmp_command_dict = {}
+ try
+ let ind = match(text, b:search_str)
+ catch /E55: Unmatched \\)/
+ call confirm("SnippetsEmu has caught an error while performing a search. This is most likely caused by setting the start and end tags to special characters. Try setting the 'fileencoding' of the file in which you defined them to 'utf-8'.\n\nThe plugin will be disabled for the remainder of this Vim session.")
+ let s:Disable = 1
+ return ''
+ endtry
+ while ind > -1
+ "call s:Debug("RemoveAndStoreCommands", "Text is: ".text)
+ "call s:Debug("RemoveAndStoreCommands", "index is: ".ind)
+ let tag = matchstr(text, b:search_str, ind)
+ "call s:Debug("RemoveAndStoreCommands", "Tag is: ".tag)
+ let commandToRun = matchstr(tag, snip_elem_delim.".*".snip_end_tag)
+ if commandToRun != ''
+ let tag_name = strpart(tag,strlen(snip_start_tag),match(tag,snip_elem_delim)-strlen(snip_start_tag))
+ "call s:Debug("RemoveAndStoreCommands", "Got this tag: ".tag_name)
+ "call s:Debug("RemoveAndStoreCommands", "Adding this command: ".commandToRun)
+ if tag_name != ''
+ if has_key(tmp_command_dict, tag_name)
+ call add(tmp_command_dict[tag_name], strpart(commandToRun, 1, strlen(commandToRun)-strlen(snip_end_tag)-1))
+ else
+ let tmp_command_dict[tag_name] = [strpart(commandToRun, 1, strlen(commandToRun)-strlen(snip_end_tag)-1)]
+ endif
+ endif
+ let text = substitute(text, '\V'.escape(commandToRun,'\'), snip_end_tag,'')
+ else
+ let tag_name = s:ChopTags(tag)
+ if tag_name != ''
+ if has_key(tmp_command_dict, tag_name)
+ call add(tmp_command_dict[tag_name], '')
+ else
+ let tmp_command_dict[tag_name] = ['']
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ "call s:Debug("RemoveAndStoreCommands", "".tag." found at ".ind)
+ let ind = match(text, b:search_str, ind+strlen(snip_end_tag))
+ endwhile
+ for key in keys(tmp_command_dict)
+ if has_key(b:command_dict, key)
+ for item in reverse(tmp_command_dict[key])
+ call insert(b:command_dict[key], item)
+ endfor
+ else
+ let b:command_dict[key] = tmp_command_dict[key]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return text
+" }}}
+" {{{ ReturnKey() - Return our mapped key or Supertab key
+function! s:ReturnKey()
+ if s:supInstalled
+ "call s:Debug('ReturnKey', 'Snippy: SuperTab installed. Returning <C-n> instead of <Tab>')
+ return "\<C-R>=".s:SupSNR."SuperTab('n')\<CR>"
+ else
+ " We need this hacky line as the one below doesn't seem to work.
+ " Patches welcome
+ exe "return \"".substitute(g:snippetsEmu_key, '^<', "\\\\<","")."\""
+ "return substitute(g:snippetsEmu_key, '^<', "\\<","")
+ endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ Jumper()
+" We need to rewrite this function to reflect the new behaviour. Every jump
+" will now delete the markers so we need to allow for the following conditions
+" 1. Empty tags e.g. "<{}>". When we land inside then we delete the tags.
+" "<{:}>" is now an invalid tag (use "<{}>" instead) so we don't need to check for
+" this
+" 2. Tag with variable name. Save the variable name for the next jump.
+" 3. Tag with command. Tags no longer have default values. Everything after the
+" centre delimiter until the end tag is assumed to be a command.
+" Jumper is performed when we want to perform a jump. If we've landed in a
+" 1. style tag then we'll be in free form text and just want to jump to the
+" next tag. If we're in a 2. or 3. style tag then we need to look for whether
+" the value has changed and make all the replacements. If we're in a 3.
+" style tag then we need to replace all the occurrences with their command
+" modified values.
+function! <SID>Jumper()
+ if s:Disable == 1
+ return substitute(g:snippetsEmu_key, '^<', "\\<",'')
+ endif
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ " Set up some mapping in case we got called before Supertab
+ if s:supInstalled == 1 && s:done_remap != 1
+ call s:SetupSupertab()
+ call s:SnipMapKeys()
+ endif
+ if !exists('b:search_str') && exists('g:search_str')
+ let b:search_str = g:search_str
+ endif
+ if !exists('b:search_str')
+ return s:ReturnKey()
+ endif
+ let s:curCurs = col(".") - 1
+ let s:curLine = line(".")
+ let s:line = getline(".")
+ let s:replaceVal = ""
+ " First we'll check that the user hasn't just typed a snippet to expand
+ let origword = matchstr(strpart(getline("."), 0, s:curCurs), '\(^\|\s\)\S\{-}$')
+ let origword = substitute(origword, '\s', "", "")
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Original word was: ".origword)
+ let word = s:Hash(origword)
+ " The following code is lifted from the imaps.vim script - Many
+ " thanks for the inspiration to add the TextMate compatibility
+ let rhs = ''
+ let found = 0
+ " Check for buffer specific expansions
+ if exists('b:trigger_'.word)
+ exe 'let rhs = b:trigger_'.word
+ let found = 1
+ elseif exists('g:trigger_'.word)
+ " also check for global definitions
+ exe 'let rhs = g:trigger_'.word
+ let found = 1
+ endif
+ if found == 0
+ " Check using keyword boundary
+ let origword = matchstr(strpart(getline("."), 0, s:curCurs), '\k\{-}$')
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Original word was: ".origword)
+ let word = s:Hash(origword)
+ if exists('b:trigger_'.word)
+ exe 'let rhs = b:trigger_'.word
+ elseif exists('g:trigger_'.word)
+ " also check for global definitions
+ exe 'let rhs = g:trigger_'.word
+ endif
+ endif
+ if rhs != ''
+ " Save the value of hlsearch
+ if &hls
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Hlsearch set")
+ setlocal nohlsearch
+ let b:hl_on = 1
+ else
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Hlsearch not set")
+ let b:hl_on = 0
+ endif
+ " Save the last search value
+ let b:search_sav = @/
+ " Count the number of lines in the rhs
+ let move_up = ""
+ if len(split(rhs, "\<CR>")) - 1 != 0
+ let move_up = len(split(rhs, "\<CR>")) - 1
+ let move_up = move_up."\<Up>"
+ endif
+ " If this is a mapping, then erase the previous part of the map
+ " by returning a number of backspaces.
+ let bkspc = substitute(origword, '.', "\<BS>", "g")
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Backspacing ".s:StrLen(origword)." characters")
+ let delEndTag = ""
+ if s:CheckForInTag()
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "We're doing a nested tag")
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "B:tag_name: ".b:tag_name)
+ if b:tag_name != ''
+ try
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Commands for this tag are currently: ".join(b:command_dict[b:tag_name],"', '"))
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Removing command for '".b:tag_name."'")
+ unlet b:command_dict[b:tag_name][0]
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Commands for this tag are now: ".join(b:command_dict[b:tag_name],"', '"))
+ catch /E175/
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Could not find this key in the dict: ".b:tag_name)
+ endtry
+ endif
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Deleting start tag")
+ let bkspc = bkspc.substitute(snip_start_tag, '.', "\<BS>", "g")
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Deleting end tag")
+ let delEndTag = substitute(snip_end_tag, '.', "\<Del>", "g")
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Deleting ".s:StrLen(delEndTag)." characters")
+ endif
+ " We've found a mapping so we'll substitute special variables
+ let rhs = s:SubSpecialVars(rhs)
+ let rhs = s:SubCommandOutput(rhs)
+ " Now we'll chop out the commands from tags
+ let rhs = s:RemoveAndStoreCommands(rhs)
+ if s:Disable == 1
+ return substitute(g:snippetsEmu_key, '^<', "\\<",'')
+ endif
+ " Save the value of 'backspace'
+ let bs_save = &backspace
+ set backspace=indent,eol,start
+ return bkspc.delEndTag.rhs."\<Esc>".move_up."^:set backspace=".bs_save."\<CR>a\<C-r>=<SNR>".s:SID()."_NextHop()\<CR>"
+ else
+ " No definition so let's check to see whether we're in a tag
+ if s:CheckForInTag()
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "No mapping and we're in a tag")
+ " We're in a tag so we need to do processing
+ if strpart(s:line, s:curCurs - strlen(snip_start_tag), strlen(snip_start_tag)) == snip_start_tag
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Value not changed")
+ call s:ChangeVals(0)
+ else
+ "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Value changed")
+ call s:ChangeVals(1)
+ endif
+ return "\<C-r>=<SNR>".s:SID()."_NextHop()\<CR>"
+ else
+ " We're not in a tag so we'll see whether there are more tags
+ if search(b:search_str, "n")
+ " More tags so let's perform nexthop
+ let s:replaceVal = ""
+ return "\<C-r>=<SNR>".s:SID()."_NextHop()\<CR>"
+ else
+ " No more tags so let's return a Tab after restoring hlsearch and @/
+ call s:RestoreSearch()
+ if exists("b:command_dict")
+ unlet b:command_dict
+ endif
+ return s:ReturnKey()
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+" }}}
+"{{{ ListSnippets() - Return a list of snippets - used for command completion
+function! s:ListSnippets(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos, scope)
+ " Only allow completion for the second argument
+ " TODO
+ return sort(map(map(filter(keys(a:scope), 'v:val =~ "^trigger_'.a:ArgLead.'"'), 'v:val[8:]'), 's:UnHash(v:val)'))
+function! s:ListBufferSnippets(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
+ return s:ListSnippets(a:ArgLead, a:CmdLine, a:CursorPos, b:)
+function! s:ListGlobalSnippets(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
+ return s:ListSnippets(a:ArgLead, a:CmdLine, a:CursorPos, g:)
+" }}}
+" {{{ DelSnippet() - Delete a snippet
+function! s:DelSnippet(snippet, scope)
+ if a:snippet != ""
+ try
+ exec "unlet ".a:scope."trigger_".s:Hash(a:snippet)
+ catch /E108: No such variable:/
+ echom "Snippet '".a:snippet."' does not exist."
+ endtry
+ endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ Set up the 'Iabbr' and 'Snippet' commands
+"command! -nargs=+ Iabbr execute s:SetCom(<q-args>)
+"command! -nargs=+ Snippet execute s:SetCom("<buffer> ".<q-args>)
+command! -complete=customlist,s:ListGlobalSnippets -nargs=*
+ \ Iabbr call <SID>SetCom(<q-args>, "g:")
+command! -complete=customlist,s:ListBufferSnippets -nargs=*
+ \ Snippet call <SID>SetCom(<q-args>, "b:")
+command! -range CreateSnippet <line1>,<line2>call s:CreateSnippet()
+command! -range CreateBundleSnippet <line1>,<line2>call s:CreateBundleSnippet()
+command! -complete=customlist,s:ListBufferSnippets -nargs=*
+ \ DelSnippet call <SID>DelSnippet(<q-args>, "b:")
+command! -complete=customlist,s:ListGlobalSnippets -nargs=*
+ \ DelIabbr call <SID>DelSnippet(<q-args>, "g:")
+" {{{ Utility functions
+" This function will convert the selected range into a snippet
+function! s:CreateSnippet() range
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ let snip = ""
+ if &expandtab
+ let tabs = indent(a:firstline)/&shiftwidth
+ let tabstr = repeat(' ',&shiftwidth)
+ else
+ let tabs = indent(a:firstline)/&tabstop
+ let tabstr = '\t'
+ endif
+ let tab_text = repeat(tabstr,tabs)
+ for i in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
+ "First chop off the indent
+ let text = substitute(getline(i),tab_text,'','')
+ "Now replace 'tabs' with <Tab>s
+ let text = substitute(text, tabstr, '<Tab>','g')
+ "And trim the newlines
+ let text = substitute(text, "\r", '','g')
+ let snip = snip.text.'<CR>'
+ endfor
+ let tag = snip_start_tag.snip_end_tag
+ let split_sav = &swb
+ set swb=useopen
+ if bufexists("Snippets")
+ belowright sb Snippets
+ else
+ belowright sp Snippets
+ endif
+ resize 8
+ setlocal buftype=nofile
+ setlocal bufhidden=hide
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ let @"=tag
+ exe 'set swb='.split_sav
+ let trig = inputdialog("Please enter the trigger word for your snippet: ", "My_snippet")
+ if trig == ""
+ endif
+ call append("$", "Snippet ".trig." ".snip)
+ if getline(1) == ""
+ 1 delete _
+ endif
+ call cursor(line('$'),1)
+" This function will convert the selected range into a snippet suitable for
+" including in a bundle.
+function! s:CreateBundleSnippet() range
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ let snip = ""
+ if &expandtab
+ let tabs = indent(a:firstline)/&shiftwidth
+ let tabstr = repeat(' ',&shiftwidth)
+ else
+ let tabs = indent(a:firstline)/&tabstop
+ let tabstr = '\t'
+ endif
+ let tab_text = repeat(tabstr,tabs)
+ for i in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
+ let text = substitute(getline(i),tab_text,'','')
+ let text = substitute(text, tabstr, '<Tab>','g')
+ let text = substitute(text, "\r$", '','g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '"', '\\"','g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '|', '<Bar>','g')
+ let snip = snip.text.'<CR>'
+ endfor
+ let tag = '""'
+ let split_sav = &swb
+ set swb=useopen
+ if bufexists("Snippets")
+ belowright sb Snippets
+ else
+ belowright sp Snippets
+ endif
+ resize 8
+ setlocal buftype=nofile
+ setlocal bufhidden=hide
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ let @"=tag
+ exe 'set swb='.split_sav
+ let trig = inputdialog("Please enter the trigger word for your snippet: ", "My_snippet")
+ if trig == ""
+ endif
+ call append("$", 'exe "Snippet '.trig." ".snip.'"')
+ if getline(1) == ""
+ 1 delete _
+ endif
+ call cursor(line('$'),1)
+" This function will just return what's passed to it unless a change has been
+" made
+fun! D(text)
+ if exists('s:CHANGED_VAL') && s:CHANGED_VAL == 1
+ return @z
+ else
+ return a:text
+ endif
+" s:Hash allows the use of special characters in snippets
+" This function is lifted straight from the imaps.vim plugin. Please let me know
+" if this is against licensing.
+function! s:Hash(text)
+ return substitute(a:text, '\([^[:alnum:]]\)',
+ \ '\="_".char2nr(submatch(1))."_"', 'g')
+" s:UnHash allows the use of special characters in snippets
+" This function is lifted straight from the imaps.vim plugin. Please let me know
+" if this is against licensing.
+function! s:UnHash(text)
+ return substitute(a:text, '_\(\d\+\)_',
+ \ '\=nr2char(submatch(1))', 'g')
+" This function chops tags from any text passed to it
+function! s:ChopTags(text)
+ let text = a:text
+ "call s:Debug("ChopTags", "ChopTags was passed this text: ".text)
+ let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+ let text = strpart(text, strlen(snip_start_tag))
+ let text = strpart(text, 0, strlen(text)-strlen(snip_end_tag))
+ "call s:Debug("ChopTags", "ChopTags is returning this text: ".text)
+ return text
+" This function ensures we measure string lengths correctly
+function! s:StrLen(str)
+ "call s:Debug("StrLen", "StrLen returned: ".strlen(substitute(a:str, '.', 'x', 'g'))." based on this text: ".a:str)
+ return strlen(substitute(a:str, '.', 'x', 'g'))
+" }}}
+" vim: set tw=80 sw=2 sts=2 et foldmethod=marker :