path: root/vim/doc/snippets_emu.txt
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diff --git a/vim/doc/snippets_emu.txt b/vim/doc/snippets_emu.txt
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index 0000000..3644e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/doc/snippets_emu.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+*snippets_emu.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Dec 26
+ VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Panos Laganakos and Felix Ingram
+1. SnippetsEmu Features |snippets_emu-features|
+ Basic Snippets |basic-snippet|
+ Named Tags |named-tags|
+ Tag Commands |snippet-commands|
+ Buffer Specific Snippets |snip-buffer-specific|
+ Filetype Specific Snippets |snip-ftplugin|
+ Snippets menu |snip-menu|
+2. SnippetsEmu Options |snippets_emu-options|
+ Start and End Tags |snip-start-end-tags|
+ Element Delimiter |snip-start-end-tags|
+ Remapping the default jump key |snip-remap-key|
+3. Detailed Explanations |snip-detailed-explanations|
+ Valid Tag Names |snip-tag-name-syntax|
+ Advanced Tag Command Examples |snip-advanced-tag-commands|
+4. SnippetsEmu Contact Details |snip-contact-details|
+5. Contributors |snip-contributors|
+6. SnippetsEmu Known Bugs |snippets_emu-bugs|
+7. Troubleshooting |snippets_emu-troubleshooting|
+{Vi does not have any of these features}
+SNIPPETSEMU FEATURES *snippets_emu-features*
+SnippetsEmu attempts to emulate several of the snippets features of the OS X
+editor TextMate, in particular the variable bouncing and replacement behaviour.
+Simple usage is built up around the following functionality:
+ Basic Snippet |basic-snippet|
+ Named Tags |named-tags|
+ Executable Snippet |snippet-commands|
+ Buffer Specific Snippets |snip-buffer-specific|
+ *basic-snippet*
+ *:Snippet*
+Basic Snippet ~
+A basic snippet can save you a lot of typing. Define a word trigger and on
+insertion it will be expanded to the full snippet. SnippetsEmu allows the
+user to define markers within the larger piece of text which will be used
+to place the cursor upon expansion.
+The command used to define a snippet is 'Snippet'.
+Basic Syntax: >
+ :Snippet trigger_name The cursor will be placed here: <{}> Trailing text
+In insert mode typing 'trigger_name<Tab>' will remove 'trigger_name' and
+replace it with the text: 'The cursor will be placed here: Trailing text'.
+The cursor will be placed between the two spaces before the word 'Trailing'
+NOTE: All text should be entered on the same command line. The formatting of
+this document may mean that examples are wrapped but they should all be
+entered on a single line.
+ *named-tags*
+Named tags ~
+Instead of the simple '<{}>' tags used for cursor placement a user can define
+named tags. When the value of a named tag is changed then all other tags with
+that name will be changed to the same value.
+E.g. >
+ :Snippet trigger My name is <{forename}> <{surname}>. Call me <{forename}>.
+In insert mode typing 'trigger<Tab>' will place the cursor inside the
+'<{forename}>' tag. Whatever is entered inside the tag will replace the other
+similarly named tag at the end of the line after the user presses 'Tab'.
+If no value is entered for a named tag then the tag's name will be used
+instead. This is one way of defining default values.
+Using the above example, entering 'trigger<Tab>' and pressing 'Tab' twice
+will result in the following text: >
+ My name is forename surname. Please call me forename.
+The rules for what constitutes a valid tag name are explained below. See
+ *snippet-commands*
+Tag commands ~
+Tags can contain commands. Commands can be any Vim function, including user
+defined functions.
+A common example is performing substitutions.
+E.g. >
+ :Snippet trigger My name is <{name}>. I SAID: MY NAME IS
+ <{name:substitute(@z,'.','\u&','g')}>!
+The value entered in the <{name}> tag will be passed to the command in the
+second <{name}> tag in the @z register (any value already in @z will be
+preserved and restored). The substitute command will change the entered value
+to be in upper case. I.e. Entering 'trigger<Tab>' and typing 'Tycho<Tab>'
+will result in the following text: >
+ My name is Tycho. I SAID: MY NAME IS TYCHO!
+ *snip-special-vars*
+There is a set of special variables which can be included in snippets. These
+will be replaced before the snippet's text is inserted into the buffer. The
+list of available variables is detailed below:
+ * SNIP_FILE_NAME - The current file name (from 'expand("%")')
+ * SNIP_ISO_DATE - The current date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
+ *snip-snippet-commands*
+In addition to tag commands it is also possible to define commands which will
+be executed before the snippet is inserted into the buffer. These are defined
+within double backticks.
+ :Snippet date The current date is ``strftime("%c")``
+Commands are standard Vim commands and will be 'exec'uted and the command
+output substituted into the text.
+ *snip-buffer-specific*
+Buffer Specific Snippets ~
+The Snippet command defines buffer specific snippets. This is the recommended
+option when using filetype specific snippets. It is possible to define
+'global' snippets which will act across all buffers. These can be defined
+using the legacy 'Iabbr' command (note the capital 'I').
+E.g. >
+ Iabbr for for <{var}> in <{list}>:<CR><{}>
+ *snip-ftplugin*
+The preferred practice for defining filetype specific snippets is to include
+them in files named <filetype>_snippets.vim and for these files to be placed in the
+~/.vim/after/ftplugin directory (or vimfiles\after\ftplugin under Windows).
+When a file of a specific type is loaded so will all of the defined snippets.
+The 'after' directory is used to ensure that the plugin has been loaded. It is
+also recommended that the following is included at the top of the file: >
+ if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+ finish
+ endif
+This will stop errors being generated if the plugin has not loaded for any
+Users wishing to add their own filetype snippets should add them to a separate
+file to ensure they are not lost when upgrading the plugin. Naming the files
+<filetype>_mysnippets.vim or similar is the preferred practice.
+ *snip-menu*
+When loading the plugin will search for all files named '*_snippets.vim'.
+These will be added to the 'Snippets' menu which is available in Normal mode.
+Selecting options from the menu will source the file and hence load any
+snippets defined within it.
+ *creating-snippets* *CreateSnippet*
+ The CreateSnippet command allows the simple creation of
+ snippets for use within your own file. Without a range the
+ current line will be used. When passed a range then all the
+ lines in the range will be converted for use in a command.
+ Snippets created by the command will be added to a scratch
+ buffer called 'Snippets'. The current value of an empty tag
+ (snip_start_tag.snip_end_tag, '<{}>' by default) will be added
+ to the unnamed register and so can be inserted with appropriate
+ paste commands.
+ *CreateBundleSnippet*
+ CreateBundleSnippet works exactly like CreateSnippet but the
+ resulting text will be suitable for including in one of the
+ included bundles. The unnamed register will include the text
+ '""' so start and end tag agnostic empty tags can be
+ included.
+SNIPPETSEMU OPTIONS *snippets_emu-options*
+ *snip-start-end-tags*
+Start and End Tags ~
+By default the start and end tags are set to be '<{' and '}>'. These can be
+changed by setting the following variables in vimrc: >
+ g:snip_start_tag
+ g:snip_end_tag
+They can be also changed for a specific buffer by setting the following: >
+ b:snip_start_tag
+ b:snip_end_tag
+ *snip-elem-delimiter*
+Element Delimiter ~
+The value of snip_elem_delim is used to separate a tag's name and its command.
+By default it is set to ':' but can be set as above either globally or for a
+specific buffer using the following variables: >
+ g:snip_elem_delim
+ b:snip_elem_delim
+ *snip-remap-key*
+Remapping the default jump key ~
+The trigger key is mapped to Tab by default. Some people may wish to remap
+this if it causes conflicts with other plugins. The key can be set in your
+<.vimrc> by setting the 'g:snippetsEmu_key' variable.
+An example
+ let g:snippetsEmu_key = "<S-Tab>"
+Snippets will now be triggered by Shift-Tab rather than just Tab. NB, this
+example may not work in all terminals as some trap Shift-Tab before it gets
+to Vim.
+DETAILED EXPLANATIONS *snip-detailed-explanations*
+ *snip-tag-name-syntax*
+Valid Tag Names ~
+Tag names cannot contain whitespace unless they are enclosed in quotes.
+Valid Examples: >
+ <{validName}>
+ <{"valid name"}>
+ <{tagName:command}>
+ <{"Tag Name":command}>
+Invalid Examples: >
+ <{invalid name}>
+ <{Tag Name:command}>
+ <{:command}>
+ *snip-advanced-tag-commands*
+Advanced Tag Command Examples ~
+Commands in tags can be as complex as desired. Readability is the main
+limitation as the command will be placed in the document before execution.
+The preferred method for defining complex commands is to hide the
+functionality in a user function.
+ function! Count(haystack, needle)
+ let counter = 0
+ let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle)
+ while index > -1
+ let counter = counter + 1
+ let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle, index+1)
+ endwhile
+ return counter
+ endfunction
+ function! PyArgList(count)
+ if a:count == 0
+ return "(,)"
+ else
+ return '('.repeat('<{}>, ', a:count).')'
+ endif
+ endfunction
+ Snippet pf print "<{s}>" % <{s:PyArgList(Count(@z, '%[^%]'))}><CR><{}>
+The above snippet will expand 'pf' to 'print "<{s}>" ...'. The user then
+enters a format string. Once the string is entered the Count and PyArgList
+functions are used to generate a number of empty tags.
+ *snip-limitations*
+The above represents once of the limitations of the plugin. Due to the way
+tags are identified it is not possible to include empty tags in another tag's
+command. The only way to generate empty tags is to return them from a function
+as in the above example. For other examples see the included bundles.
+ *snip-bundles*
+The included bundles are not defined in the 'preferred style'. In order to
+accommodate users who wish to redefine the default tags all snippet
+definitions are 'executed' with the 'exec' command.
+ exec "Snippet test This isn't the right way to "" define snippets"
+Executing the command allows 'st' and 'et' to be used in place of start and
+end tags. 'st' and 'et' are defined elsewhere in the bundle file.
+SNIPPETSEMU CONTACT DETAILS *snip-contact-details*
+To contact the author please email:
+F <dot> Ingram <dot> lists <at> gmail <dot> com
+The author welcomes corrections to this documentation, example snippets and
+bug reports.
+The plugin is also currently hosted at Google Code:
+Bug reports can also be posted on the hosting site:
+ *snip-contributors*
+Contributors to SnippetsEmu ~
+Ori Avtalion - Improvements to Snippet command
+Freddy Vulto - Improved behaviour
+Andy Block - Bug with commands on same line. This is why I should do better
+test suites.
+bzklrm - Removal of some normal commands
+Priit Tamboom - Sorting out left and right mappings
+Panos Laganakos - Greek translation (coming soon)
+Panos Laganakos - Python snippets
+Alex Pounds - Django snippets
+Chris Lasher - Python snippets
+knipknap - Python snippets
+James Widman - C snippets
+SNIPPETSEMU KNOWN BUGS *snippets_emu-bugs*
+Bugs are currently tracked on Google Code. Please post any you find on the
+issue tracker:
+SNIPPETSEMU TROUBLESHOOTING *snippets_emu-troubleshooting*
+Problem: Bundles are not loading.
+Answer: Ensure that you have filetype plugins turned on. Include the
+ following in your vimrc: >
+ filetype plugin on