path: root/crawl-ref/source/externs.h
blob: 1c3a962d5d79ff37c34d5c03453c086cced1b3af (plain) (tree)
























































































 *  File:       externs.h
 *  Summary:    Fixed size 2D vector class that asserts if you do something bad.
 *  Written by: Linley Henzell

#ifndef EXTERNS_H
#define EXTERNS_H

#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <memory>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <deque>

#include <time.h>

#include "defines.h"
#include "enum.h"
#include "fixedarray.h"
#include "libutil.h"
#include "mpr.h"
#include "store.h"

#ifdef USE_TILE
struct tile_flavour
    // The floor tile to use.
    unsigned short floor;
    // The wall tile to use.
    unsigned short wall;
    // Used as a random value or for special cases e.g. (bazaars, gates).
    unsigned short special;
    // Used (primarily) by the vault 'TILE' overlay.
    unsigned short feat;

// A glorified unsigned int that assists with ref-counting the mcache.
class tile_fg_store
    tile_fg_store() : m_tile(0) {}
    tile_fg_store(unsigned int tile) : m_tile(tile) {}
    operator unsigned int() { return m_tile; }
    unsigned int operator=(unsigned int tile);
    unsigned int m_tile;


#define INFO_SIZE       200          // size of message buffers
#define ITEMNAME_SIZE   200          // size of item names/shop names/etc
#define HIGHSCORE_SIZE  800          // <= 10 Lines for long format scores

#define MAX_NUM_GODS    21

#define BURDEN_TO_AUM 0.1f           // scale factor for converting burden to aum

extern char info[INFO_SIZE];         // defined in {dlb}

const int kNameLen = 30;
    const int kFileNameLen = 6;
    const int kFileNameLen = 250;

// Used only to bound the init file name length
const int kPathLen = 256;

// This value is used to mark that the current berserk is free from
// penalty (Xom's granted or from a deck of cards).
#define NO_BERSERK_PENALTY    -1

typedef FixedArray<dungeon_feature_type, GXM, GYM> feature_grid;

struct item_def;
class melee_attack;
struct coord_def;
class level_id;
class player_quiver;
class map_marker;
class actor;
class player;
class monster;
class KillMaster;
class ghost_demon;
struct glyph;

template <typename Z> inline Z sgn(Z x)
    return (x < 0 ? -1 : (x > 0 ? 1 : 0));

struct coord_def
    int         x;
    int         y;

    explicit coord_def( int x_in = 0, int y_in = 0 ) : x(x_in), y(y_in) { }

    void set(int xi, int yi)
        x = xi;
        y = yi;

    void reset()
        set(0, 0);

    int distance_from(const coord_def &b) const;

    bool operator == (const coord_def &other) const
        return x == other.x && y == other.y;

    bool operator != (const coord_def &other) const
        return !operator == (other);

    bool operator <  (const coord_def &other) const
        return (x < other.x) || (x == other.x && y < other.y);

    bool operator >  (const coord_def &other) const
        return (x > other.x) || (x == other.x && y > other.y);

    const coord_def &operator += (const coord_def &other)
        x += other.x;
        y += other.y;
        return (*this);

    const coord_def &operator += (int offset)
        x += offset;
        y += offset;
        return (*this);

    const coord_def &operator -= (const coord_def &other)
        x -= other.x;
        y -= other.y;
        return (*this);

    const coord_def &operator -= (int offset)
        x -= offset;
        y -= offset;
        return (*this);

    const coord_def &operator /= (int div)
        x /= div;
        y /= div;
        return (*this);

    const coord_def &operator *= (int mul)
        x *= mul;
        y *= mul;
        return (*this);

    coord_def operator + (const coord_def &other) const
        coord_def copy = *this;
        return (copy += other);

    coord_def operator + (int other) const
        coord_def copy = *this;
        return (copy += other);

    coord_def operator - (const coord_def &other) const
        coord_def copy = *this;
        return (copy -= other);

    coord_def operator -() const
        return (coord_def(0, 0) - *this);

    coord_def operator - (int other) const
        coord_def copy = *this;
        return (copy -= other);

    coord_def operator / (int div) const
        coord_def copy = *this;
        return (copy /= div);

    coord_def operator * (int mul) const
        coord_def copy = *this;
        return (copy *= mul);

    coord_def sgn() const
        return coord_def(::sgn(x), ::sgn(y));

    int abs() const
        return (x * x + y * y);

    int rdist() const
        return (std::max(std::abs(x), std::abs(y)));

    bool origin() const
        return (!x && !y);

    bool zero() const
        return origin();

    bool equals(const int xi, const int yi) const
        return (xi == x && yi == y);

typedef bool (*coord_predicate)(const coord_def &c);

struct run_check_dir
    dungeon_feature_type grid;
    coord_def delta;

struct cloud_struct
    coord_def     pos;
    cloud_type    type;
    int           decay;
    unsigned char spread_rate;
    kill_category whose;
    killer_type   killer;
    int           colour;
    std::string   name;
    std::string   tile;

    cloud_struct() : pos(), type(CLOUD_NONE), decay(0), spread_rate(0),
                     whose(KC_OTHER), killer(KILL_NONE), colour(-1),
                     name(""), tile("")

    void set_whose(kill_category _whose);
    void set_killer(killer_type _killer);

    static kill_category killer_to_whose(killer_type killer);
    static killer_type   whose_to_killer(kill_category whose);


struct shop_struct
    coord_def           pos;
    unsigned char       greed;
    shop_type           type;
    unsigned char       level;

    FixedVector<unsigned char, 3> keeper_name;

struct delay_queue_item
    delay_type  type;
    int         duration;
    int         parm1;
    int         parm2;
    bool        started;

// Identifies a level. Should never include virtual methods or
// dynamically allocated memory (see code to push level_id onto Lua
// stack in
class level_id
    branch_type branch;     // The branch in which the level is.
    int depth;              // What depth (in this branch - starting from 1)
    level_area_type level_type;

    // Returns the level_id of the current level.
    static level_id current();

    // Returns the level_id of the level that the stair/portal/whatever at
    // 'pos' on the current level leads to.
    static level_id get_next_level_id(const coord_def &pos);

        : branch(BRANCH_MAIN_DUNGEON), depth(-1),
    level_id(branch_type br, int dep, level_area_type ltype = LEVEL_DUNGEON)
        : branch(br), depth(dep), level_type(ltype)
    level_id(const level_id &ot)
        : branch(ot.branch), depth(ot.depth), level_type(ot.level_type)
    level_id(level_area_type ltype)
        : branch(BRANCH_MAIN_DUNGEON), depth(-1), level_type(ltype)

    static level_id parse_level_id(const std::string &s) throw (std::string);
    static level_id from_packed_place(const unsigned short place);

    unsigned short packed_place() const;
    std::string describe(bool long_name = false, bool with_number = true) const;

    void clear()
        branch = BRANCH_MAIN_DUNGEON;
        depth  = -1;
        level_type = LEVEL_DUNGEON;

    // Returns the absolute depth in the dungeon for the level_id;
    // non-dungeon branches (specifically Abyss and Pan) will return
    // depths suitable for use in monster and item generation. If
    // you're looking for a depth to set you.your_level to, use
    // dungeon_absdepth().
    int absdepth() const;

    // Returns the absolute depth in the dungeon for the level_id, corresponding
    // to you.your_level.
    int dungeon_absdepth() const;

    bool is_valid() const
        return (branch != NUM_BRANCHES && depth != -1)
            || level_type != LEVEL_DUNGEON;

    const level_id &operator = (const level_id &id)
        branch     = id.branch;
        depth      = id.depth;
        level_type = id.level_type;
        return (*this);

    bool operator == ( const level_id &id ) const
        return (level_type == id.level_type
                && (level_type != LEVEL_DUNGEON
                    || (branch == id.branch && depth == id.depth)));

    bool operator != ( const level_id &id ) const
        return !operator == (id);

    bool operator <( const level_id &id ) const
        if (level_type != id.level_type)
            return (level_type < id.level_type);

        if (level_type != LEVEL_DUNGEON)
            return (false);

        return (branch < id.branch) || (branch==id.branch && depth < id.depth);

    bool operator == ( const branch_type _branch ) const
        return (branch == _branch && level_type == LEVEL_DUNGEON);

    bool operator != ( const branch_type _branch  ) const
        return !operator == (_branch);

    void save(writer&) const;
    void load(reader&);

// A position on a particular level.
struct level_pos
    level_id      id;
    coord_def     pos;      // The grid coordinates on this level.

    level_pos() : id(), pos()
        pos.x = pos.y = -1;

    level_pos(const level_id &lid, const coord_def &coord)
        : id(lid), pos(coord)

    level_pos(const level_id &lid)
        : id(lid), pos()
        pos.x = pos.y = -1;

    // Returns the level_pos of where the player is standing.
    static level_pos current();

    bool operator == ( const level_pos &lp ) const
        return id == && pos == lp.pos;

    bool operator != ( const level_pos &lp ) const
        return id != || pos != lp.pos;

    bool operator <  ( const level_pos &lp ) const
        return (id < || (id == && pos < lp.pos);

    bool is_valid() const
        return id.depth > -1 && pos.x != -1 && pos.y != -1;

    bool is_on( const level_id _id)
        return id == _id;

    void clear()
        pos = coord_def(-1, -1);

    void save(writer&) const;
    void load(reader&);

class monsters;

struct item_def
    object_class_type  base_type;  // basic class (ie OBJ_WEAPON)
    unsigned char  sub_type;       // type within that class (ie WPN_DAGGER)
    short          plus;           // +to hit, charges, corpse mon id
    short          plus2;          // +to dam, sub-sub type for boots/helms
    long           special;        // special stuff
    unsigned char  colour;         // item colour
    unsigned long  flags;          // item status flags
    short          quantity;       // number of items

    coord_def pos;     // for inventory items == (-1, -1)
    short  link;       // link to next item;  for inventory items = slot
    short  slot;       // Inventory letter

    unsigned short orig_place;
    short          orig_monnum;

    std::string inscription;

    CrawlHashTable props;

    item_def() : base_type(OBJ_UNASSIGNED), sub_type(0), plus(0), plus2(0),
                 special(0L), colour(0), flags(0L), quantity(0),
                 pos(), link(NON_ITEM), slot(0), orig_place(0),
                 orig_monnum(0), inscription()

    std::string name(description_level_type descrip,
                     bool terse = false, bool ident = false,
                     bool with_inscription = true,
                     bool quantity_in_words = false,
                     unsigned long ignore_flags = 0x0) const;
    bool has_spells() const;
    bool cursed() const;
    int book_number() const;
    zap_type zap() const; // what kind of beam it shoots (if wand).

    // Returns index in mitm array. Results are undefined if this item is
    // not in the array!
    int  index() const;

    int  armour_rating() const;

    bool launched_by(const item_def &launcher) const;

    void clear()
        *this = item_def();

    // Sets this item as being held by a given monster.
    void set_holding_monster(int midx);

    // Returns monster holding this item.  NULL if none.
    monsters* holding_monster() const;

    // Returns true if a monster is holding this item.
    bool held_by_monster() const;

    bool is_valid() const;

    // Returns true if this item should be preserved as far as possible.
    bool is_critical() const;

    // Returns true if this item should not normally be enchanted.
    bool is_mundane() const;

    std::string name_aux(description_level_type desc,
                         bool terse, bool ident,
                         unsigned long ignore_flags) const;

class runrest
    int runmode;
    int mp;
    int hp;
    coord_def pos;

    FixedVector<run_check_dir,3> run_check; // array of grids to check

    void initialise(int rdir, int mode);

    // returns runmode
    operator int () const;

    // sets runmode
    const runrest &operator = (int newrunmode);

    // Returns true if we're currently resting.
    bool is_rest() const;
    bool is_explore() const;
    bool is_any_travel() const;

    // Clears run state.
    void clear();

    // Stops running.
    void stop();

    // Take one off the rest counter.
    void rest();

    // Checks if shift-run should be aborted and aborts the run if necessary.
    // Returns true if you were running and are now no longer running.
    bool check_stop_running();

    void set_run_check(int index, int compass_dir);
    bool run_grids_changed() const;

class PlaceInfo
    int level_type;     // enum level_area_type
    int branch;         // enum branch_type if LEVEL_DUNGEON; otherwise -1

    unsigned long num_visits;
    unsigned long levels_seen;

    unsigned long mon_kill_exp;
    unsigned long mon_kill_exp_avail;
    unsigned long mon_kill_num[KC_NCATEGORIES];

    long turns_total;
    long turns_explore;
    long turns_travel;
    long turns_interlevel;
    long turns_resting;
    long turns_other;

    double elapsed_total;
    double elapsed_explore;
    double elapsed_travel;
    double elapsed_interlevel;
    double elapsed_resting;
    double elapsed_other;


    bool is_global() const;
    void make_global();

    void assert_validity() const;

    const std::string short_name() const;

    const PlaceInfo &operator += (const PlaceInfo &other);
    const PlaceInfo &operator -= (const PlaceInfo &other);
    PlaceInfo operator + (const PlaceInfo &other) const;
    PlaceInfo operator - (const PlaceInfo &other) const;

typedef std::vector<delay_queue_item> delay_queue_type;

class monster_spells : public FixedVector<spell_type, NUM_MONSTER_SPELL_SLOTS>
        : FixedVector<spell_type, NUM_MONSTER_SPELL_SLOTS>(SPELL_NO_SPELL)
    { }
    void clear() { init(SPELL_NO_SPELL); }

class reader;
class writer;
class map_markers
    map_markers(const map_markers &);
    map_markers &operator = (const map_markers &);

    void activate_all(bool verbose = true);
    void add(map_marker *marker);
    void remove(map_marker *marker);
    void remove_markers_at(const coord_def &c, map_marker_type type = MAT_ANY);
    map_marker *find(const coord_def &c, map_marker_type type = MAT_ANY);
    map_marker *find(map_marker_type type);
    void move(const coord_def &from, const coord_def &to);
    void move_marker(map_marker *marker, const coord_def &to);
    std::vector<map_marker*> get_all(map_marker_type type = MAT_ANY);
    std::vector<map_marker*> get_all(const std::string &key,
                                     const std::string &val = "");
    std::vector<map_marker*> get_markers_at(const coord_def &c);
    std::string property_at(const coord_def &c, map_marker_type type,
                            const std::string &key);
    void clear();

    void write(writer &) const;
    void read(reader &, int minorVersion);

    typedef std::multimap<coord_def, map_marker *> dgn_marker_map;
    typedef std::pair<coord_def, map_marker *> dgn_pos_marker;

    void init_from(const map_markers &);
    void unlink_marker(const map_marker *);

    dgn_marker_map markers;

struct message_filter
    int             channel;        // Use -1 to match any channel.
    text_pattern    pattern;        // Empty pattern matches any message

    message_filter( int ch, const std::string &s )
        : channel(ch), pattern(s)

    message_filter( const std::string &s ) : channel(-1), pattern(s) { }

    bool is_filtered( int ch, const std::string &s ) const {
        bool channel_match = ch == channel || channel == -1;
        if (!channel_match || pattern.empty())
            return channel_match;
        return pattern.matches(s);


struct sound_mapping
    text_pattern pattern;
    std::string  soundfile;

struct colour_mapping
    std::string tag;
    text_pattern pattern;
    int colour;

struct message_colour_mapping
    message_filter message;
    int colour;

class InvEntry;
typedef int (*item_sort_fn)(const InvEntry *a, const InvEntry *b);
struct item_comparator
    item_sort_fn cmpfn;
    bool negated;

    item_comparator(item_sort_fn cfn, bool neg = false)
        : cmpfn(cfn), negated(neg)
    int compare(const InvEntry *a, const InvEntry *b) const
        return (negated? -cmpfn(a, b) : cmpfn(a, b));
typedef std::vector<item_comparator> item_sort_comparators;

struct menu_sort_condition
    menu_type mtype;
    int       sort;
    item_sort_comparators cmp;

    menu_sort_condition(menu_type mt = MT_INVLIST, int sort = 0);
    menu_sort_condition(const std::string &s);

    bool matches(menu_type mt) const;

    void set_menu_type(std::string &s);
    void set_sort(std::string &s);
    void set_comparators(std::string &s);

struct mon_display
    monster_type type;
    unsigned     glyph;
    unsigned     colour;
    monster_type detected; // What a monster of type "type" is detected as.

    mon_display(monster_type m = MONS_NO_MONSTER,
                unsigned gly = 0, unsigned col = 0,
                monster_type d = MONS_NO_MONSTER)
       : type(m), glyph(gly), colour(col), detected(d) { }

#include "msvc.h"

#endif // EXTERNS_H